I don't hate Jews, I'm not anti-semetic

I don't hate Jews, I'm not anti-semetic.

But I must ask, why are Jews so universally hated?

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Associated with forming cliques or believed to be manipulative or simply just because they were not Christian in Europe or Muslim in Islamic lands like the MENA.

I guess this brings the second question of why Christianity and Islam were able to spread quickly while Judaism always stayed a minority no matter what?

Jews weren't very active in trying to convert people, I think because of the idea of being a chosen people and the difficulty in converting to Judaism. Christianity and Islam spread and actively tried to convert and in comparison its easy to convert to those faiths.

It depends on when you're considering.
In modern times? Idiots spreading memes unironically.
In the past, post-diaspora? Exclusivity, community, and mutualism fostered Jewish success far beyond that of other burghers.
In the past, pre-diaspora? Every tribe hated the next; the Jews and their history were nothing special before Hadrian exiled them from Israel.

kys soyboy

>In modern times? Idiots spreading memes unironically.

hold up, is this graph saying that the USSR was a jewish invention, along with...marriage, corporations and fucking chastity?

your statement demands corroboration

>chastity leading to single parenthood
>marriage leading to high divorce rates
WTF, I'm an unironic Nazi now

G-D hates Jews, so that's why.


>marriage and chastity are Jewish inventions
How can one peoples be so based?
>tfw no kibbutzi Jewish gf

Ursury is one reason. Them being not part of the masses didnt help much either. Most jews were also poors and everyone hates poor minorites.

Well historically its been all the babykilling they do

This graph comes across a bit too strongly, but it is a pretty good gist.




>I always remember my mom telling us as kids that we were not white. We just looked white.
Based redpilled mom

there is a tendency in some of their communities to siphon off public trust for their own community


naturally this bad habit creates resentment

I wonder if stormfags know of the fact that soviet schools also had a minority focus quotas/affirmative action and that it targeted mostly jews as the "privileged class"

Not going to bother reading all of this but Jews don't have to be 20 times more capable to be hired 20 times more often. Let's say we have 20 different times when a company makes a choice to hire a CEO. There are two candidates in each case, one of which is say, 10% more effective than the other, with 19 of these being Jews and 1 of them being White. The company evaluates it honestly and efficiently, and hires the person who is 10% more effective every time. Jews have a 20v1 ratio, despite only being 10% more effective.

Or let's say there are two jobs, and one job gets 20 times as many applicants as the other one. Does it pay 20 times more? No, instead it pays 10% more than the other one. But people still go for it because it pays more, and people choose the best option, even if it is only marginally better.

While not really buying into the whole IQ=race thing myself, /pol/acks do, and Jews have the highest IQ from my recollection. So naturally, if you believe in IQ and race, then the Jews don't have to be 20 times smarter than whites to get 20 times as many positions, they just have to be better marginally across the board, which is what IQ studies of them show.

I seriously doubt this entire infograph if it makes such a basic mistake at the very beginning. Even assuming everything is true about Jews being overrepresented, its such an obvious logical fallacy that it makes whatever conclusions it proposes doubtful.

>low birthrates are because of (((((le epic meme))) and not because the nuclear family has been the standard in europe since early modern times and it is the norm rater than the exception

There is no reason for a couple to have more than 3 childrengo back to your containment board please, you do know you're just embarrassing yourself here right?

Isn't the main complaint the white genocide fags have with Jews that they eroded the nuclear family and promoted women either having no children or becoming single moms?

Traditional Judaism sects are very much about layers of secrecy and control in the same way as many other cults like scientology for example.
As a pure religious/cultural experience without the sect it's missing out on many expansive qualities of christianity/islam ... which is not to say that's a good or bad thing as the expansive qualities of each have both altruist and brutality on their edges. Jews as a culture mostly just do their own thing.

I will take what you said into consideration. I still think their overrepresentation in so many influential fields is suspect.

could be, i honestly don't know where that comes from, almost every woman i know has children or has the idea of having them at some point in their life. the only ones that don't are either mentally unstable or useless junkies (and lets be honest, maybe that's for the best). and only 1 person out of my friend group of 15 people has divorced parents and they're doing just fine

i know that's anecdotal evidence but i'm pretty sure the nuclear family is still the norm

It's important to remember that Jewish culture (including those who are not highly religious) puts a very high value on education and success. There is a stereotype (created by Jews themselves so it is widely true) of the Jewish mother-child bond involving an almost toxic cocktail of love and pressure/guilt to push their children towards success.
There is also strong cultural ties and a general feeling that the world is filled with anti-semites out to tear them down which together pushes Jews towards showing favortism towards each other, so any field in which a Jew reaches a position of power more Jews are likely to follow

It still is the norm but it's in its death throes. I mean especially in the United States, if you're a man, you are literally insane if you get married, as 50% of marriages end in divorce, and women usually vulture half of your property or more.

they aren't universally hated, but they were in europe, historically, for:

a. being a middleman minority
b. being walking proof that christianity is false

I don't live in America and it doesn't seem tot be dying here, i alsof don't think that divorce is a bad thing

It's better that People are honest with themselves and separate than stay together in a more than Often unhealthy and abusive relationship which used to happen before divorce became socially acceptable. Such a scenario is bad for parents and children alike

Well, I personally think that if people don't believe in the vows that they make at a wedding, they shouldn't get married at all. There's literally no point. You can co-habitate instead.

weddings are mostly a cultural thing. it's a celebration of two people reaching the point of taking life in their own hands together and of two families coming together why shouldn't people celebrate that even though 20 years later they wouldn't feel the same way about it (something they don't know at that point

>believed to be manipulative

>why shouldn't people celebrate that even though 20 years later they wouldn't feel the same way about it

The whole point of a marriage is that it's a lifetime vow. If you don't believe that, then what the fuck is the point of even doing it?

You can still be in a romantic relationship anyway.

In this day and age they aren't. There are 2 types of "people" who hate Jews today:

1.) Neckbeards/edgy kids

2.) Muslims

because itis a cultural tradition and people have pretty much accepted that sometimes it isn't a lifetime vow

Oh really?

More importantly, why are Jews so much smarter than whites? What makes them able to so easily outsmart and manipulate everyone at every turn and enduring as a cultural force of thousands of years long after their enemies have crumbled to dust or comedic-level jokes?

>0.2% of the world population owns the media

pure coincidence, goy!

A fake "Study" doesn't help your cause, ahmed or neckie

>south korea


it sounds like you're buttmad they do better than you. Do you want affirmative action or something?

Kill yourself, inbred Yiddish parasite.




>cant even refute the point

Guess that means you know I'm right.

>The whole point of a marriage is that it's a lifetime vow.
Marriage was a lifetime vow when "lifetime" could have easily been five years from that point. Society has changed and it's institutions should adjust to the new reality.

wow look I can fill in a wiki map with colors too

>South Korea

none of this indicates that pic you posted was real

You'd need a point to refute, first.

what's there to refute? they do better than whites because they're smarter. whites do better than blacks because they're smarter. Jews are over-represented in anything that involves non-menial labor.

whites can take some pride in being a mid-tier race, I guess.

It seems like you, a lower IQ "people" benefiting from Jewish rule, are the real parasites

Since when did people start just believing everything they've seen in Veeky Forums screencaps?

>waaaaah, the jews are too successful! we wuz kangz!

>Society has changed and it's institutions should adjust to the new reality.

I agree which is precisely why I'm saying there's no point getting married.

Only known ethnic group who has conspired to enslave humanity.

It doesnt make sense how jews control everything in white countries since there are more white geniuses than there are jews on earth. Its nepotism that got them to where they are.

They arent smarter they just have no conscience while we have empathy.

Jewish success breeds jealousy. Whitebois and mudshits can't cope with the fact that jews are the master race

Jews have enormous verbal intelligence, that's why they were always great merchants. .

Aside from Aaron and Ben, no one is denying they're white. Some identify as white, nothing wrong with that. Also, Ben didn't even said he was white, he just said there's no such thing as rascism against whites (true)

you /pol/tards are just illiterate idiots.

Only two guys on your pic deny that Jews are white.

Racist stupidity like this is why jews are hated.

This is fucking hilarious.
You people have no self-awareness whatsoever.

They're not. Maybe they were in the past, but even then I doubt it... a lot of people hated them in Europe, but it doesn't seem to me that this was universal.