Religion is the assertion that an unproven mythological story holds true. That is why it is bad.
Atheism (for the most part) is the denial that an unproven mythological story holds true. That is why it is good.
Religion is the assertion that an unproven mythological story holds true. That is why it is bad
Other urls found in this thread:
religion is the opiate of the masses
Religion is true based on actively practicing it and seeing it’s resutls as well as the experiences of yourself + the testements of others.
>Atheism (for the most part) is the denial that an unproven mythological story holds true. That is why it is good.
God real, "God" isn't real.
without God there is no civilization
It seems like half this board is full of edgy teenage atheists and the other half Christians/people who don't give a fuck. Why is this on Veeky Forums anyway? Isn't there an atheist containment board on cuckchan?
there is also /pol/ here, but hurr I gotta show how edgy I am xDDD
>brainlet Christfags detected
The historic nature of the ideologies of /pol/ intermingles with Veeky Forums. I feel it is balanced out enough to have rational discussions so that both parties may reach common consensus.
Shouldn't you be busy indoctrinating yourself with Marxism or something?
>Shouldn't you be busy indoctrinating yourself with Marxism or something?
>can't argue against atheism
>have to go muh marxism
/pol/ brainlet detected.
You made no argument at all outside of calling people 'Christfags', if you're going to act like a child I'm going to treat you like one.
What is it with atheistfags anyway? Every day I see new ideas and thoughts about the nature of God and who he truly is on Veeky Forums. But when it comes to Atheism it's the same old shit over and over.
>Why don't atheists keep theorizing about something they don't believe in?
there was another surge of retarded european atheism so they took to the internet and started acting like vampires. Telling us all to throw away crosses and abandone our Gods.
It's almost cult-like desu.
Atheists are pure cancer.
>most people in the world practice a religion
>fedorafags always jump to attack Christians
More proof atheism is no more of a religion than anything else.
But but nun symbolism! One guy out of anthousand throughout church history thought that those asinine absurdities in the Bible could be interpreted in an arbitrary metaphorical sense therefore...
Atheists BTFO
I know there's an overlap, but I'd rather have people like overlap their penises on /pol/ than here.
but if they hate only Christianity, not other religions, that means they don't hate religion in general, just Christianity
Zionist Evangelicals, Mexican pseudo-pagans, and Protestants don't count as Christians, lad.
Is this bait? The edgy ones are Christian /pol/cuck LARPers. How new are you?
Yahweh doesnt fucking exist.
Honestly, the people who complain about /pol/ are worse. To them anything they don't like is the /pol/ boogeyman.
t. Lobotomized Marxist
>muh marxist boogeyman
But user, this IS cuckchan
>He doesn't realise he's just a political tool to attack vestiges of European culture
You're beating a dead horse, lad.
Very objective Opinion.
Good way to decide things.
I know, I'm from cripplechan.
Same here
Cuckchan is simply a batteground where /leftypol/ and /christian/ do battle. Fulchn posters are the aristocrats while Veeky Forumstorians are their battle serfs, or jews and goyim.
You don't know us, but we certainly know you.