Why do brainlets think Greeks have more in common with Aryans who traveled to Central and South Asia than with Near Eastern Semites who they live next door to? Not only do Greeks have more genetic affinity with their Near Eastern non-aryan neighbors but they have greater cultural affinity as well.
Why do brainlets think Greeks have more in common with Aryans who traveled to Central and South Asia than with Near...
>Why do brainlets think
Here the answers.
>Why do brainlets think Greeks have more in common with Aryans who traveled to Central and South Asia
You mean Aryans who travelled to Europe, right? I've never heard anyone suggest that Greeks are closely related to Indo-Iranians.
Greeks are more closely related to Jews than to Germans or Slavs.
>You mean Aryans who travelled to Europe, right?
No. Indo-Europeans originate in the Black Sea region
Obviously I'm referring to "core" Europe when I say that they travelled there.
>Obviously I'm referring to "core" Europe
Well don't. No one gives a shit about faulty Anglocentric concepts of "core" Europe. By Europe, people mean Europe.
b-b-b-but Ancient Greeks wuz nordicks who wuz mongreliz-
Black Sea is core Europe. England is the periphery.
True. So why do Greeks claim Monkeydonians are Slavic when they look more like Greeks?
>Greeks are shitskins
>FYROMians are shitskins
>real Slavs are fair looking
Linguistically Indo-Iranians are the Greeks' closest relatives
The way this is clustered is basically european geography. Take a map of europe turn it upside down and you literally have the geographic map of modern europe.
Macedonians are a Slavized people even though they aren't Slavs.
How about stop being autistic for a minute and forget the semantics? My point is that literally no one claims Greeks are closely related to Indo-Iranian Indo-Europeans like OP suggested, but rather that they are closely related to European Indo-Europeans. Also I'm not English.
Irrelevant to my point. No one claims Greeks are closely related to Indo-Iranians.
It's very logical that genetics is intertwined with geography. Naturally someone from Finland will have more genetic similarity to someone from Russia as opposed to someone from Greece.
>My point is that literally no one claims Greeks are closely related to Indo-Iranian Indo-Europeans like OP suggested
White nationalist and Nordicist do. They act as though because Buddhism is "muh aryan" religion it somehow is closer to Greek ethos than Greek Orthodox Christianity.
>they are closely related to European Indo-Europeans
Are they?
>White nationalist and Nordicist do
True, but they would also claim that they as Europeans are far closer to Greeks than Indo-Iranians are.
My opinion doesn't matter, the discussion is about what wewuzzers think.
>Are they?
They speak an Indo-European language and have an Indo-European script. I'd say yes. They've been Indo-Europeans for thousands of years at the very least.
There is no such thing as Indo-European script. Greek alphabet came from Phoenicians. Their language apparently is close to Indo-Iranian and Armenian. I'm curious if they are more similar to the Indo-Europeans from Europe or to the Indo-Iranian branch. I think the latter is more likely.
>There is no such thing as Indo-European script.
Obviously Cyrillic, Latin and Greek are Indo-European scripts even if they derive from Phoenician scripts.
modern "greeks" are swarthoid subhuman who have little to do with ancient blond-haired warriors like Achilles
actually, from a certain point of view, 1453 CE was a great year from Europe, as the Scythian Nordics (R1a-Z93 Ottoman dynasty) raped the m*Doid empire out of existance :)
Anatolians weren't Semitic at that time.
Sure, but Greeks are still closer to Semites than Aryans.
Sanskrit is a language. The oldest Indian script is non-IE Brahmi script.
Modern Greeks have more steppe admixture than their ancient counterparts.
But Sanskrit does have a script. Devanagari. It's not about oldest.
>The Nagari script has roots in the ancient Brāhmī script family.[6] Some of the earliest epigraphical evidence attesting to the developing Sanskrit Nagari script in ancient India, in a form similar to Devanagari, is from the 1st to 4th century CE inscriptions discovered in Gujarat.[1]
Brahmi script is older.
Because none of the "ancient counterpart" was even Indo-European. They cherrypicked ones with m*Doid haplogroups to manipulate the evidence.
More or less, but how is it that Turkey shares a border with Greece yet doesn't cluster with them? I thought native Anatolians getting completely replaced by Turks was a meme.
This is how I know you are a brainlet
The ruling class of Greece were aryans from hyperborea. It is correct to say the average greek is non aryan because they descend from the subhuman Pelasgians the aryan Greeks from hyperborea (Baltic Sea) conquered and ruled over as a warrior elite.
Because brainlets are obsessed with genetics when what's actually important is culture
It doesn't fucking matter which peoples they were related to genetically, no credible historian thinks that this is what drives history
Hyperborea is a myth and the Greeks never considered themselves descendants of Hyperboreans.
Because Turkey is a huge country.
The main point is clustering people on a national level does not tell you much about the genetics of the people inside the countries. Haplogroups are somewhat better because they give you the composition of ancient and modern people, which is a whole tapestry. But if you take someone from northern greece and compare him with a Bulgarian, he will most likely have more in common with him than someone from Crete. Western anatolians are the same, they don't have a lot in common with eastern Turks, in fact this is so obvious because you can even see it in their features.
True, but Greek culture was influenced by many different cultures. Mycenaean culture barely feels like a Greek culture.
>genetics doesn't influence behavior
How do you explain the lack of a comparable civilisation in "Hyperborea" prior to, or even contemporary with either Classical or Bronze Age Greece?
What is the Terramare culture, idiot?
Hyperborea is incontrovertible fact, the Greeks were aware they were hyperboreans not indigenous to Greece
How do you mean? Hyperboreans were roaming warriors who dominated other civilizations that were already ready made for them via patriarchy and their superior martial tuned brains.
I suggest both of you read this thread it is very good:
Neither in the Baltic region nor comparable.
They came from Atlantis DUH
You can look at more detailed PCA graphs to get an idea of the percentages. Yes, some Turks are basically genetically identical to Greeks but it's probably like 2% of the population.
>implying the genetic differences between say Greeks and Germans are significant enough to have a measurable impact
>implying OP mentioned behavior at all
>the Greeks were aware they were hyperboreans not indigenous to Greece
Greeks are very different from Germans. I don't get what you're trying to say.
1. Strabo VII-7-1: Danaus brought colonists from Egypt
2. Pliny the Elder VII-LVI-195-197: Danaus, who came from Egypt
3. Herodotus IV-190: The dead are buried by the nomads in Greek fashion...Such are the Libyan customs.
4. Herodotus IV-189: the robe and aegis of the images of Athena were copied by the Greeks from the Libyan women
5. Aeschylus: “No likeness of our country do ye bear, But semblance as of Libyan womankind. Even such a stock by Nilus' banks might grow…”
And you think that's due to genetics? Ask your mum if she can take you to a park so you can cool off.
But this has nothing to do with Hyperborea.
This board becomes more like /pol/ with every passing day. I fucking hate you faggots so god damn much
It objectively is.
Find me a single credible historian or archeologist that supports your theory.
>but they have greater cultural affinity as well.
Im Greek and this is not true, we are nothing alike semites or other middle eastern people.
lol sure you aren't ;)
Brainlets don't think. Facts take backseat to ideology.
Post a picture of u with timestamp without face
Turkey is enormous. Wouldn't be surprise if those in eastern Anatolia and those in Turkish Thrace share less in common with each other, genetically, than they do with their neighbors (Greece and Armenia).
I'm not Greek and I'm also curious what exactly makes them culturally Middle Eastern. Is this some Spenglerian meme?
What the fuck do you want cunt? Last time one of you subhumans stood out the country got rationed & carpeted to the point where no surviving German has more than half a testicle.
kys retard
>what exactly makes them culturally Middle Eastern
no one is saying that. they are culturally Med, just like the Levant tho.
>olive oil and wine is everything there is to culture
That's not how it works brainlet
Also, why do brainlets think Armenians have more in common with Aryans who traveled to Europe than with Near Eastern Semites who they live next door to?
Armenians are Iranic though, and border Iran. Also historically they were more connected to the Persian sphere.
What's the similarities then?
Genetically they are close relatives of Turks, kurd and Jews biut don't tell them. Culturally idk but don't they border other indoeuropeans as well?
Lebanese Christian here, rate me from 1 to shitskin.
Why do people think modern Greeks and ancient Greeks are the same
Because they are directly descended from them.
kys shitskin
Yeah, you are directly desccended from shitksin pelasgian cucks who got cultured by the NORDIC man.
Really a reason to be proud LOL.
93% white 2% arab 1% black
>Finns and hungarians memed themselves to be mongolians yet are just basically generic euros.
What you are calling "generic Euro" is actually finno-ugrics. They are a group which spans Northern Eurasia (Europe and Asia). They are more asiatic looking the more eastward you go, which is where the "Finns are China-Swedes" comes from. Physically speaking you have a lot of chinky looking Finns.
Is finno-ugric just a meme term?