>"Uh, having food is a counter-revolutionary activity"
What did he mean by this?
"Uh, having food is a counter-revolutionary activity"
stop looking for logic in retarded communists
uh, you don't get to bring food
>being White is counter-revolutionary
What did it mean by this?
If I pull that mustache off, will you starve?
wtf, he said this?!!??
communism looks good on the front cover uncle joe beating the shit out of nazis and looking out for the little guy, but as you go deeper down the rabbit hold things start to get batshit
>communist use childrens comic books for their history
As the owner of the Soviet Union, he had the right to do whatever he wanted with his property.
Can't flap the An-Cap, bitches.
>even US anti-commie propaganda thought that kulaks caused famine
>>communist use childrens comic books for their history
Americans aren't known for their wits
Must be pretty embarrassing when your own propaganda works against you
More like hoarding food is counterrevolutionary
(Grain speculation was really hurting them in the early 30s
must be pretty embarrassing when you prove youre a complete idiot twice
It would be extremely grainful.
Sure buddy
>presents facts and a counter argument
>you replied with "lol u mad??"
He did argue pretty well (). I'm going to look into this.
also "osama said CIA didn't help so must be true" is some brainlet tier logic
You're a big bread