He is right.
He is right
>events have causes
What caused existence?
He's a liar by default.
> 2 + 9 = 11
>two nine elevens
>second nine eleven
What did sam mean by this?
Everyone in science and philosophy stands on the shoulders of all those who came before them, so very obviously not. But what did you expect from Sam Harris?
You are wrong.
> existence
> event
But Sam what experiment can we conduct to determine which misery is pointless???
>big bang
>not an event
>justifying something by saying you dont need to justify it
>On a B-Theory of time, the universe does not in fact come into being or become actual at the Big Bang; it just exists tenselessly as a four-dimensional space-time block that is finitely extended in the earlier than direction. If time is tenseless, then the universe never really comes into being, and, therefore, the quest for a cause of its coming into being is misconceived.
Christshits btfo for eternity
>big bang
>caused existence
What caused God?
>a Christian was angry enough to make this
The universe does not come into being at the Big B Cock not even according to Big B Cock theory by it self.
>we can learn everything
Hard materialists like this annoy me.
>le suck less
I hate overly cheeky shit like this. Would readily slaughter anyone who does it, if I weren't bound by Humanist Cuckboy law.
>Implying he isn't a NuAtheist Humanist cuckboy
Why does Sam Harris embarrass himself like this? What a hollow, unintelligent thing to say.
Dude has to be the greatest hack of our time. Hes pretty much preaching to the atheist choire while jerking himself off using big words. Literally only goes for easy premises. (Lol Islam is bad, lol god doesnt exist, lol its not imperialism when we do it)
Its weird.
And then he has the gall to preach Objective Morals.
>Free yourselves from the shackles of religion, oh, but manacling yourself to this secular morality is totally thinking for yourself
A bunch of sex
Remember Harris's weird as fuck "conversation" with Chomsky via email?
He's less wrong than he's been before but he's still missing a lot of slow pitches. Sam's just not a good philosopher.