Enter a community college at 24

>enter a community college at 24
>Try to become an engineer
>pass all the math courses and transfer to cal poly pomona
>fail Engineering and couldn't do Physics
>transfer to Business Finance
>take my first business finance course
>first test
>40 out of 100 AFTER curve
>29 years old

At this point, I don't know what the fuck to do. I try my best and I still fail. I'm gonna keep going this semester and hope I can salvage, but honestly, if I can't I'm thinking of just getting a women studies degree and becoming a k-12 teacher. Anyone else continue to try and try and continuously failing? I want to cry, but all my tears left after failing Engineering.

You just dumb or what, any one can pass eng courses provided they study long enough

Community college is way easier than big Uni. Also many profs at big uni love to give out low grades, so that students have to keep busting their ass all semester. Don't give up, you can do it

Just go computer science and only pick the mandatory math courses, everything else CS. Should be doable

Couple things, OP. I was in a similar spot about 15 years ago (I'm old).

Were you really trying to study for the test and classes? College is hard, but you may not know how to learn. Try flashcards for basic memorization. Reach out to student services for study skills options. They may be able to help you. It's not that you're stupid, it's just learning how to 'play the game'.

Second, and I can't emphasis this enough. Get. A. Degree. It doesn't matter what in. You can pivot later to a carer path you want. But just get a degree. Just get it. And minimize your student load debt.

Good luck, OP!

how many hours of study per week

Probably just work at taco bell.

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you are trying to do shit that you aren't cut out for?

Try something else. Not what "the market" tells you to do.

Just stimulate your mind dude
Pick up some books to read on the side, try to learn and practice playing on a musical instrument of your choice or try to learn a whole new language or heck just pursue introductory computer programming online courses
Keep that mind engaged and stimulated on the side also eat healthy, workout and meditate
The only way you'll stop being a brainless is if you put the work in yourself

yeah welcome to the reality of "Business classes are fucking hard".

Its not mathematically hard like sciences can be, the maths are easy. Its that fact that you have to try and understand the bullshit financial instruments that jews make to fuck honest people out of their money.

Heres a redpill. The real business degrees are Finance and Accounting. The easy ones are marketing, management, general business, and ISDS.

Just dumb, I suppose. I was putting 4+ hours a day on each course and I just didn't understand it.

>Were you really trying to study for the test and classes?

They have this online homework where we can do problems. I spend about 2-4 hours a day on doing the work. About 12-16 hours a week. I guess I have to put in more hours.

we will always need someone to clean the toilets or pick up the trash you know, thanks for your work

You're putting in good hours of effort. Look into improving study skills.

Reach out to student services and explain to them what happened (that you tanked test after you studied really hard), ask for advice and see what they can do to help you. Also reach out to your professor and explain the same thing and ask for advice. They are there to help you.

I was going to college with this old as fuck 28 year dude. He ended up graduating around 30 with me at 22.

He had it made. Fucking all the hot college girls, and ended up getting in at a top firm without any interships or experience while I couldn't find a job out of college. Wasn't even a chad either.

Try to get a job at SpaceX...Elon Musk doesn't care about degree's but the person so if you're flattering enough you'll get the job.

shits fucked up. All the 22-25 year old guys i know are hooking up with all the freshmen. Is the older guy meme a real thing or something?

It's not being an older guy it's just having what an older guy typically offers.

>your own place
>money to buy her shit
>experience to know how to deal with her bullshit/give a fuck about her

It's because you're not doing something your passionate about and instead trying to major in over memed fields to make money which you don't have the motivation to do. At this point in your life you need to focus on making money. Go into the trades if college doesn't excite you or start an entry level position at a company. Do things because you want to, not because someone like your parents tell you that you should.

At 24 college is easy generally if you've done a few years in the salt mines. I went to a known uni in the U.S. at 25 and graduated in 2.5 years. The incompetence of other students was hilarious. If OP is willing to be Daddy he'll be fine

i and 18 how do i view it as a 28 year old boy

I’ve got an even worse story OP

>be me, lazy useless fucker
>go to community college on and off in early 20s
>don’t take it seriously, drop a lot of classes, or stop showing up
>decided to get my shit together by 25
>finish CC requirements
>get into university at 27
>apply for and use up student loans
>used some of the loans to travel to other countries and fuck women while taking online classes and not showing up for others
>neglect to keep up with my work, failed classes, GPA drops
>kicked out of university
>only had 2 years to go to get degree
>30 years old now
>no idea what to do now or how I can even get back in

At least you’re not me, OP

Bro, straight up. You need to be honest with yourself. You obviously didn't study; like at all. Literally just try harder. I promise you'll succeed.

Are you speaking english?

We need people like you to clean the toilets for more competent people. It's just natural hierarchy. The weaker specimen suffer snd struggle more.