What would the Founding Fathers think of modern America?
What would the Founding Fathers think of modern America?
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Probably disapointed in how extremely christian it became.
Well that and being flooded with subhuman German immigrants
Who cares, they were all faggots.
Their model had survived for 250 years so its reasonable to assume they woulb be impressed, but beyond that they would be disgusted by all the liberal and social changes happened, like the abolishment of slavery and such
Probably disgusted tbph
I don't think you can make a reasonable case that they would be proud of it.
Anaconda Hamilton would love that though.
Washington and Jefferson we're ambivalent about slavery and wrote that it should be phased out. Washington even freed all his slaves.
A good number of the founding fathers were abolitionists and disagreed with Slavery on a moral level. John Jay was central in New York's abolishment or Slavery.
I mean, what are you going to say in 200 years, when everything you ever did is trivialized because you actively participated in third world child labor?
They were a bunch of leftist liberals so they would probably love it.
don't forget catholic Italians and Irish
There were Irish signatures on the Declaration of Independence
Jefferson would more than likely be pissed if slavery was never abolished out of the US. He literally saw it as an abomination to the sovereign rights of man and advocated for eventual abolishment of it throughout his life. In fact, a good portion of the founding fathers shared his same ideals on the matter.
Uhh yikes
Yeah but he also thought Blacks should be gotten rid of when America was done with them.
This is a reasonable point, child labor, animal farming (I'm not even a veggie) in 200 years these things will probably seem as barbaric as the nigger trade.
kek fuck off
There was ONE Irish Catholic. The rest were Anglo-Irish Protestants.
Washington would hate the bitter two-party system we have now.
And? That doesn't change the fact he would be morally outraged if it continued to persist.
You haven't Nuked the Redcoats yet?
Whore is King George III descendent!
Well there's a pretty huge difference between keeping them and deporting them.
>deists = proddies
This seems incredibly unlikely, they may have wanted independence but I'm not aware of any founding father that wanted the destruction of the nation that gave it birth.
Deism is hardly a Catholic position.
He wouldn't support the current ethnically integrated state we have now.
This is one thing that the far-left and far-right are actually right about. America was founded as a racist country.
Yes, they didn't like blacks, but they still believed it went against their core beliefs on the rights of man. They'd be far more outraged we allowed such a system to continue to exist in a society where we value the rights of man.
And the most ignorant post of the year goes to:
>You haven't Nuked the Redcoats yet?
>Whore is King George III descendent!
"going downward", perfect
Do you think the founding fathers would appreciate big phat anime tiddies?
Asking the real questions here. I'd love to see them go to an anime con or gaming con. Who do you think they'd take as waifus? Are their anime versions of the founding fathers and would they like them? Also what did they think of nips anyways?
they would hopefully see that it truly is the logical conclusion of their liberalism, and they would promptly become staunch monarchists
They were all pro-abolishment. The only reason why they kept the slavery was because this action would divide the country in a time where unity was essential against the british.
They'd be amazed at all our streetlights turning day into night and wonder where all the horses went. They'd be sad almost nobody keeps horses around anymore, everybody loved horses back in the day. They'd see us like a nearly incomprehensible Hyper-Atlantis with all this advanced technology.
As for state of the world, I think they'd be impressed USA is on both the Atlantic AND the pacific coast but they'd want their nation to be more isolationist, like USA pre-Monroe Doctrine. Monroe Doctrine was what started all this "America is the World Police" crap and it was really divisive back then.
Prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the United Kingdom.
All of the Founding Fathers back President Trump
Nuking those fucking Redcoat fucks.
You do know that they were Christians, right?
Many didn't like slavery, user, but that doesn't mean that they didn't hate niggers.
Literally brainlet the post
Nobody hated the monarchy. They just didn't want to give money to the King when they didn't really have to.
Fuck you, you filthy Kraut fucker who got here a hundred years ago.
disgusted very often
They would feel betrayed.
Bullshit! Read the DOI cunt Queen licker.
You're a retard. Stop posting.
They would be fucking scared.
You go lick the Queen's cunt too Douchebag fuck.
Well that's cuz back then all the blacks that existed were either in tribes or slaves. If he saw modern blacks who are literate, have jobs and own property, create art and practice science etc. I think their opinions might change.
>inb4 /pol/ needs to go back to their board and never come back
Back then they basically considered Blacks to be the missing link. Its contradictory to assume that Jefferson both wrote that and considered Blacks to be of the same species.
Don't we all.. Washington was the only good president.
Ayo they wuz alt-right n shiet till the jooz took they magik nowhatisayin
There were already attempts at that though.
That was the initial disposition of the colonials towards the natives and they figured that it couldn't be done and instead opted for domination of them.
The Spanish solution was to mix with them instead.
I mean, the founding fathers have more in common with the far-right than they do modern conservatives.
They'd be glad that it's lasted so long and impressed by hoe powerful it's become.
why did they have sex with their slaves then?
You never had sex with someone you hate?
But they sure as hell weren’t cartoon frog worshipping 14/88 56% mutts
>You do know that they were Christians, right?
they were deists and freemasons brainlets
They wouldn't be a massive fan of the social progress that has been made.
But it's absurd to believe that they would be impressed by the how strong the USA has become.
They were more respectable and aristocratic but their actual opinions on a lot of things are totally verboten in modern America.
Fair enough.
>Why should the Palatine Boors be suffered to swarm into our Settlements, and by herding together establish their Language and Manners to the Exclusion of ours? Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.
Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial
He viewed them as human but inferior to whites. He wished to emancipate them and deport them, which was during his times is the norm among those who were pro-abolishment.
Fuckin' A right. Git diggin' or fuck those fucks.
We told you so.
Honestly, I think Jefferson would be the exception among the Founding Fathers.
Jefferson was already worried in 1780 that debt would destroy the country, specifically debt to national banks in other countries.
So, this is obviously a hypothetical on my part, but I would imagine he would have a lot of negative things to say about the U.S' national debt to China.
>increasing the lovely White and Red
>and Red
Not trying to be /pol/ here, but he talks about making White the principal race of America to the exclusion of Blacks and brown people, but he's okay with Injuns?
Based Ben
Native American Casinos, many. Go figure?
No. He says,
>All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so.
This means he considers the Redman (Native Americans) swarthy, and thus not amongst the people he wishes to "see their Numbers increased."
However he is acknowledging that they Reds are already here on "this Side of our Globe" and he's not in favor of genociding them, so let them increase along with the Whites in proportion by excluding Blacks and Tawney peoples from America.
They would be proud that the United States was successful and that Americans love their history and get along with each other like siblings, but they would be disappointed in the fact that it became a hegemon in the world and involved itself in worlds affairs.
Then again the U.S could never really isolate itself from the rest of the world like it did back in their days and they could come around to accepting the U.S as a hegemon, but disliking some of the policies and organizations that it established.
gots to takes
cares of our
own, right?
That's why Lincoln made Liberia
stupid frog posting doesn't change the truth of my statement.
Who the fuck let women and non landowners vote?
Who let all these mexicans in?
Why the hell is hemp ilegal, this is an infringement of personal freedoms
What do you mean a private central bank, that is the only controller of our currency? And the dollar is not gold backed anymore?
>Income tax? the fuck?
They would look at us just as we view them. We are proud of them on the whole for what they pulled off but also critical of their individual decisions for example Jefferson was able to define concisely the ideals of a nation in his phrase Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness, but couldn't be bothered to free his own slaves. America will always be a confounding mix of idealism and pragmatism. He simply never could afford to do it even though he knew it to be the right thing. In the same way they would look at us and be extremely proud of what we had accomplished landing on the moon, winning world wars, creating national parks. At the same time they would be perplexed by individual decisions allowing women to vote would probably seem incomprehensible and foolish to them. Fighting a civil war and killing a million people over slavery rather than finding a political solution would cause them great sorrow. Allowing a national debt to pile up into the trillions and trillions would distress them. Our strong and seemingly co-dependant alliances with foreign powers would concern them. Our modern culture of reckless abandon of personal responsibility would make them angry.
I dont think they would be disappointed so much as surprised and delighted that we even still exist given the tumultuousness of the recent history they witnessed and the wildly devastating century we just emerged from. We exceeded thier expectations and let them down at the same time. They would have great advise that we would mostly ignore. Just as they often ignored thier better angels to do what they felt needed to be done. Such is the reality of our cobtinental existence. Idealism is great and should be protected but it doesn't butter the bread. We often have to do what we know is wrong just to get by to a better age when we hope we can do what we know we should, so that eventually our descendants can do what is best freely.
>And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion
What is even the purpose of valuing whiteness if you exclude all the people who ever made contributions to the world?
>why are jews controllimg every instituition?
Honestly, they'd be more disappointed with the fact that we have a two party system
Washington would be, but not the others. As soon as Washington was out of office they instantly fractured into parties.
it's one of the biggest problems of american politics honestly
and both dominant parties will never do somwthing against it
Who said it was?
>black sun behind them
>Some leeches would help against that orange skin
>the founding fathers have more in common with the far-right than they do modern conservatives.
bullshit. There is no way they would be in favor of fascist beliefs
Fascist in what sense?
They were slave-owning White Supremacists - explicitly and in their own words.
>black sun
>Himmler gets a symbol painted on the floor of a castle
>literally the only place this symbol is even used
>somehow becomes the symbol of white nationalism and esoteric nordfaggotry
Even slave owners, like TJ, hated the institution of slavery and many were against it. And even if they were racist, they sure as fuck would like fascist governments since the one they constructed was based entirly around balance of powers
i also find it curious how it's the biggest symbol of the alt right
I suppose it's not a swastika and it's related to nazis so it's that
maybe pic related should make a comeback
Difference is that the alt-right arent fascist as much as they are neo-nazis, as in, they dont really care about a fascist government as laid out by the Italians and they are obsessed with racial hierarchies
Right but does the American far-right embrace European-style fascism. I don't see that at all.
Its usually like Ron Paul except explicitly racist.
yes but the fasces represents rome, power, authority, rule of law AND on top of that it is not nearly as stigmatized as it is a much more widely spread, purely western symbol
But I suppose they just have to be edgy
America and Europes main difference is that america is ingrained in individualism while europeans are engrained in collectivism. there are neo-nazi groups in america, but they are irrelevant tier and "right wing" here means usually libertarian or christian conservative, which would be the closest to fascism, as some seek to dictate laws based on the bible
But the original statement was
>I mean, the founding fathers have more in common with the far-right than they do modern conservatives.
Where's the lie?
Black sun is inherently tied specifically to Himmler and wewuzing. I think alt right has more in common with Himmler's autism than they have with Hitler's pragmatism and down to earth's politics.
>actually putting this much thought into their reasoning
they use it because it "looks cool" thats it