Gold conspiracy
>tfw scientists forethought this and the large hadron collider was actually just a big scam to create a retard amount of gold
cern is a satanic cult thing doesnt surprise me they hoard rothschild gold in there
>its not something far worse and more valuable
speculating again but this is the kind of thing that can make gold and silver worthless like it says in revelation. More reason to be bullish on btc
>Article published April 1st
Woo boy.
if revelation is coming true you have bigger problems that your finances kek
Conspiracy or not I think it's already known gold can be created, it's just much cheaper to pull it out of the ground. The takeaway is though that more can be created
gold can be created but publicly available science say millions of dollars per atom
Gold and silver are perceived to be worthless because they are dead spiritual-hierarchically, not because they are made redundant material-hierarchically.
if by worthless you mean 100-400/ troy ounce sure
I interpret the bible the way jordan peterson has presented it as a distillation of all archetypal events possible in human life. Revelation describes the collapse of the state
Clif talks about how this does not apply to silver as the new plasma-alchemical is not as useful as old silver.
The analogy is a stradivarius may not be replicated with modern materials.
the material is the manifestation of the spiritual anyway
can I have info on gold creation ? asking for a friend
naturally gold is made by colliding neutron stars
666 shit shouldve said one type of spiritual manifestation
Hennoch/ezekiel never died, how does one distill an archetype when the thing in itself endures? Discerning archetypes is certainly a powerful/magical mode of understanding.
The unveiling of mystery babylon is so distressing that the multitude are so sickened they throw out their gold and silver. This will literally happen.
100-400 what, Mammons? 100-400 privately printed promises to pay?
>April 1st
And bitcoin can be hacked with billions in equipment
ah I get it. why are you on /biz do you think bitcoin will still be valued after the unveiling?
The feeling described in ezekiel 7 is how this person ironically feels today after reading about Satoshi in '09, and dismissing it as likely to succeed as Ron Paul taking the nomination openly stole from him... buying penny stocks instead.
But realizing spiritual gold is infinitely more essential than riding the discovery of an-archonic crypto.
any good passages on what spiritual gold is and how to realize it?
Gold was doomed regardless, since asteroid mining is approaching fast.
A single average gold asteroid have more gold than all the gold that have been mined in all of History, and there's a fuckton of said asteroids.
Meanwhile, there can only be 21 millions BTC in existence.
Kinda a no-brainer why BTC is in the process of being the biggest wealth transfer ever.
Even the adoption of gold by early civilisation is not as big since it happened relatively slowly, compared to the inside a generation exploision of bitcoin.
Total bullshit fake news website. But if this were true (which its not):
The amount of energy and equipment required to make and consolidate that much gold greatly exceeds the value of the gold created.
Also, it's not your normal gold. It a highly unstable isotope version of gold that's fucking worthless.
I've looked into this before, we are decades if not centuries away from sustainably smashing atoms to create natural and stable elements.
Buddism I guess
a fuckton of golden asteroids.lol oh the fuckin laughs. elons gonna bullshit and show rocket videos, then sell asteroid gold he got from pawnshops and melted
I wonder if one day, atom assembling is going to be possible in the same way molecular assembling is basically just an engineering problem now.
My mind return a 404 just trying to think how you could move individual quarks.
I'm not going to try and convince you you retarded boomer, you deserve to lose everything and live on the streets raped by wild niggers.
good copy pasta from pol
bitcoin is valuable for the same reasons gold is valuable. Why did gold develop as money across all cultures independently? because of its properties (which are dependent on the laws of physics)
Gold is valuable because it is the most anti entropic material in the universe meaning all other materials degrade with time relative to gold. This means gold is the supreme store of excess labour. Additionally its scarcity is dependent on the collision of neutron stars and so gold has a constant scarcity on a universal scale. Cryptocurrency will not only have all the above listed properties of gold but more. That will only be true when the internet is decentralised, indestructable and ubiquitous. As soon as that happens crypto currency will be the philosophrs stone or the singularity.
It may not be bitcoin or any other of the cryptocurrencies that currently exist but the history of mankind will be divided before and after cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency makes financial repression impossible en.wikipedia.org
The us dollar will collapse no later than october 2021 though it can happen at any moment between now and then. More and more countries have been selling oil in yuan and china made the yaun redeemable in gold 29th april 2016.
precious metals have always been the way to get rich off new international monetary agreement but fot the first time in the history of existence precious metals have a competitot that as soon as the internet is ubiquitous, decentralised and indestructable will be superior.
god help you if you do not own precious metals and crypto by 2020
some doom type shit?
The patent claims this conversion will occur via "cold fusion"
It seems the Patent office will take your application money for just about anything
>cold fusion
I'm pretty sure colliding neutron stars don't create gold at room temperatures and neither will anyone else
How the gold has lost its luster,
the fine gold become dull!
The sacred gems are scattered
at every street corner.
How the precious children of Zion,
once worth their weight in gold,
are now considered as pots of clay,
the work of a potter’s hands!
so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
The law of Jehovah is perfect, refreshing the soul, The testimonies of Jehovah are stedfast, Making wise the simple, The precepts of Jehovah are upright, Rejoicing the heart, The command of Jehovah is pure, enlightening the eyes, The fear of Jehovah is clean, standing to the age, The judgments of Jehovah are true, They have been righteous -- together. They are more desirable than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; and sweeter than honey, Even liquid honey of the comb. Also -- Thy servant is warned by them, 'In keeping them is a great reward.'
As I said, I was teaching them how to make gold. I said, to make gold, we need mercury and one neutron. And they looked at me, “But gold is one neutron less atomically than mercury.” I said, “Yes if you want to take a proton, a neutron, and an electron out of mercury to make it gold, it is a lot of work.
But if you put one neutron in the mercury, which immediately changes to a proton and an electron, then you have unstable mercury, which becomes gold and helium, and we can push it to become energy.