In light of Trump's "shithole" comments, (Let's not turn this into /pol/) how did Haiti end up the way it is today?
In light of Trump's "shithole" comments, (Let's not turn this into /pol/) how did Haiti end up the way it is today?
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By concentrating it's soul to Satan.
Duvaliers rule, absolutely, and 2010 quake
>be uneducated retarded slaves
>kill all the whites
>"now what?"
>get ruled over by the biggest strongest HNIC around
>extreme poverty and corruption
>mud cookies
>think voodoo is real
> paying ridiculous denbts to france
> constant state of civil war
> all other nations ignored them
> papa and baby doc rule being shit
> earthquake
> disease
war with french and debts
passive efforts by literally every other country in the area to undermine their sovereignty
Clinton foundation
Killed all the White French and it turned into Africa
completely this
So are the people wrong about the President say about Haiti? It is a shithole. It doesn't have to be one, but it is a shithole.
The same reason why Africa ended up the way it is today.
>let's not turn this into /pol/
That's adorable.
A history of colonialism and extractive political institutions
White Coloni- oh, they kicked out white people in the Haiti Revolution?
White people cursed voodoos into the populace and undermined haiti to prosper, it has nothing to do with the fact that black people have never made a successful and prosperous state in modern history.
t. Achmed
>it has nothing to do with the fact that black people have never made a successful and prosperous state in modern history.
Literal bullshit.
It is but the idea is that we should be helping refugees who would die or be persecuted in said shitholes, or on a more pragmatic note, take advantage of all the brain drain leaving said shitholes. The statement could also be seen as reminiscent of old racially-based immigration policies.
jamaica was under british rule until the 60s
Pssht, nuthin personnel
Botswana still has ways to come before they're prosperous.
Hong Kong was under British rule until the 90’s
Can you name one?
>brain drain
>from Haiti
Yeah, all those physicists and engineers have really enriched America.
how come other less resource rich countries such as the Indo-Chinese or the small banking states of Europe were able to get out from under these very same problems?
Liberia before the civil war in the 80s.
And it also depends on what you mean by black.
As somewhere like the Gulf countries could also be included.
There's also places that are developing at a rapid rate, such as Namibia, Rwanda, Angola, Nigeria, etc.
is this bait?
the brightest man Haiti ever produced is probably slightly above average for America.
>we should be helping refugees who would die or be persecuted in said shitholes
oh shit I forgot I just made those places up they don't exist :^)
Better HDI than Egypt, Morocco, Philippines, Vietnam, or India
>being better than India = prosperity
None of those were ever up the European standards
Literally niggers, the dominican republic which is mixed race proves its the prehistoric genetics of the PURE AFRICAN haitian that makes their land a shithole not economy wise but living wise.
>this one shithole is slghtly better than all the other shitholes so its prosperous
really user?
>had crippling debts to France
>no allies
>eternal shit rule
yeah sure
also every country listed was a shithole a few centuries ago
You see, african people have an innate power called "conquista". No matter what kind of society an african man is, he dominates others and its culture completely changes the inferior people's.
Haiti is an example of multiple african people using that ability so called " conquista", as most of them are "conquering" each other, there is a strong psychological competition.
Nowadays, african people seem "better" or superior than other kinds of people. This fenomena is explained by african people making "whited", yellow, red and brown "" man "", and women submitting their preferences and inferior dreams to the african man's rythm and engaging character.
>muh women
Why do Jamaica, Trinidad, and Bahamas, have a higher HDI than the Dominican Republic?
based papa doc duavlier hes my carribean leader
Remind me again of the great earthquake that destroyed a fuck ton of their infrastructure. Remind me again how they had absurd debts to France. Remind me again how they were ignored by basically every foreign nation.
Tax fraud and tourism
They get more gibs from whitey tourist. Haiti is what happens when you leave niggers in a land with no infrastructure already made by whitey it was originally just wilderness with the buildings left behind by French colonist that the blacks eventually ruined overtime. Haiti is proof of the negro race's absence of humanity.
Yeah, but they still have a ways to come to catch up to European standards. That was what I was referring too.
I'm well aware that Botswana is far from a shit hole.
Also found this to be semi-relevant lol
You'd be surprised, besides the only people who would be able to afford to move out of Haiti would be highly educated and/or wealthy.
It's just one reason people use for looser immigration or accepting refugees. Typically the logic given is that refugees come to the states, get educated here & go back to fix their nation, or that the United States has a duty to do this due to historic meddling in the region.
That's what happens when you slaughter civilized peoples. If Haiti didn't want to suffer the consequences, they should not have rebelled against their rightful masters.
Haiti was horrifying long before the earthquake. They didn't have an infrastructure worth destroying.
>Sugar Island colonists
>kill every white man, woman and child on the island except for some Polish traitors
>baaawww why do they hate us
Black people combined with no natural resources to sell to white people
>kill all the french people including women and children
>be surprised when the french don't like it
Was it autism?
Impoverished shithole. Known for resorts, dude weed, and high crime off the resorts.
None of the countries you mentioned were closed off to the world economically by force from other countries.
>enslave people for generations
>surprised when they start a violent revolution
>the examples of "prosperous" African countries are all shitholes that make most of Middle East and Eastern Europe look like paradise
>b-b-but they're richer than India!
Every single time
They made a deal with the devil and the island is overrun with demons.
Not even kidding.
Toussaint Louverture pretty much surpassed Napoleon in military skills
he defeated France
they aren't exactly prosperous but they're many times better than africa. they have an hdi higher than moldova, philippines and india. and those places are supposed to be very safe to visit.
>enslave people for generations
>be surprised they don't like it
Was it autism?
Haitians still literally believe in Voodoo
you know when Europeans stopped believing in the fucking 1700s
Haiti has never produced a genius of any literally none
If they wanted to chimp out and kill whites, fine. No idea why we are obliged to trade with them though. We don't need them, they need us.
I don't understand the contrarianism of the posters who insult african people.
Africans have showed the world how their influence has completely changed the world. Their culture overwhelms other's and their sole presence makes other people's soul tremble.
Honestly it's a combination of the fact that in order for democratic institutions to function, people have to believe in Enlightenment principles, and the state needs to educate people to this end, which is something Haiti does none of.
>we aren't obligued to trade with non-haitians too
This is the most retarded thing I've read in years.
Yeah like..... can't believe a place with no efficient administration never had successful education being carried out
I mean embargoing people who are hostile to us is as old as the history of diplomacy. Why is it immoral of white empires to embargo Haiti?
>you know when Europeans stopped believing in the fucking 1700s
Communism was a 20th century thing user.
I'm not saying it anything about morality, that's you.
It's just absolutely retarded to realise why a country never developed and then go like 'but why did they never succeed? What a shithole'. It wasn't like they just had alternatives lying around, son.
And estonians buy magic stones. A country that belongs to the most developed economic union in the world.
North Korea and Iran have been effectively isolated from the west for decades and they developed nuclear weapons. Haiti meanwhile developed mud cakes and praying to chicken bones.
Both had alternatives. Nk had China, Iran had other Arab countries. The same is not the case for Haiti.
Historically faced with shitty resources, a population of peasants and warlords, and crazy debt. Of course Haiti would be a trash nation for a long time.
In the modern day, they saw horrible dictatorships that stunted growth, and an outbreak of disease among pigs. Pigs were basically a bank account due to their value and utility, but due to reports of disease the IMF ordered all pigs be slaughtered and discarded which threw Haiti even farther back. Then you get brutal unrest against literal Voodoo-magic death squads and pseudo-commie presidents with allies like the wondrous nation of the CAR.
Yeah Haiti didn't have an advanced black friendly country to help them out because there never has been one, lmao.
I would rather live in Afghanistan than in Haiti. Haiti is the worst country on this planet and probably the galaxy too.
>Iran had other Arab countries
retard alert
>but muh earthquake
>but muh refusal to trade
>muh shit tier leader
this exemplifies everything wrong with niggers.
You just unwittingly proved my point.
Agriculture is the basis of any functioning society beyond Hunter Gatherer pseudo-tribes.
Agriculture takes a modicum of intelligence that Sub-Saharan Africans simply do not have.
Haiti is the prime reason why Africans must either remain enclosed in African villages or wiped off the face of the earth, even living under proper rule, practicing a form of botany, and living within a Western styled structure of administration they still could not learn, not after three or four generations could they learn these things.
tl;dr niggers are dumb
Misread that as Iraq. Iran wasn't nearly as isolated until more recently, and still continues to sell to the US.
What are you talking about, negros have been doing farming for millenia now
Gotta have friends in this world user.
embargoed by every European country + USA
an agrarian society is not crippled by earth quakes, an agrarian society does not require outside trade networks to subsist or even to flourish, an agrarian society can function with both a centralized or decentralized government.
The Haitians should have reverted to agrarianism like every other people throughout history have done, they did not, because Africans do not know how to farm and apparently 3 generations was not enough to learn how to farm, that puts them around most bovines in regards to their domesticated learning ability.
>negros have been doing farming for millenia now
in a purely negro society?
where at? I have not seen these extensive agricultural reforms sweeping the African continent.
How did nations develop before trade was a thing? Why didn't Haitians do that
Point, your head, etc.
Read Bantu migrations
Yeah I didn't get if that was sarcastic or not, I just added that without trading partners and lack of resources any country stagnates
Are you implying Europe pre 18th century was a shithole? Places like Rome or Constantinople? The only competition they had on the non-shithole front were the Chinese then, and they were definitely magic lovers too.
they didn't
surplus and trade are the basis of civilization
The Bantu gene pool is one of the primary reasons niggers are so stupid.
The pastoralists were more intelligent than Bantuniggers.
Ahhh, so then Greece conquered the world and raised her banners from Scotland to Persia?
oh wait....
They didn't.
Mercantilism btfo.
Rome didn't trade with anyone in her early years, she was shunned by all the other city states for being too backward or too aggressive.
Whom did the early Celts trade with when they built their civilization essentially from scratch?
>Han China
what do all of these places have in common during their developmental age?
pro tip, it's not an extensive trade network.
Greece did conquer the known world lmao
not saying that mercantilism is required for civilization either
Mesopotamia did trade as far as the IRV civilization, and like all early civilizations was only possible through the accumulation of surplus
>Greece did conquer the known world lmao
>The Greeks conquered everything the Greeks knew about, except for the West, North, and South, and not even as far as East as they knew
wew lad
traded after they developed.
Notice how I said 'developmental age'?
>accumulation of surplus
not necessarily, surplus is a relative term and also different civilizational stages have different objects of desire.
With the exception of East Africans and Sahel Africans (who got an early start), West and eventually Central Africans have been farming for around 3,000 years. Ever heard of the Yam festivals of West Africa? What about millet? African rice? Just a few examples.
Bantus learned this from West Africans, including their ability to harvest the power of iron independently from the world at a surprisingly early time.
Seriously? Agricultural populations in Africa have ALWAYS been superior to their pastoralist cousins, what the flying fuck are you talking about you double nigger? Are you some sort of backwoods goat fucker?
>Ever heard of the Yam festivals of West Africa? What about millet? African rice? Just a few examples.
>few examples
>also the only examples
Yet they have no mass agriculture nor do they have agrarian societies. They live on small family/tribal estates. It's a very primitive system and comes nowhere near the agriculture of other primitive peoples such as the Mesopotamians, Celts, Romans, or even some far Northern European groups.
>Agricultural populations in Africa have ALWAYS been superior to their pastoralist cousins
by what metric do you declare this?
I claim the opposite based upon commonly accepted developmental stages for peoples, Pastoralist Africans were probably the constructors of Great Zimbabwe and the other stone structures in the area.
The Bantu never came close to creating these things.
Also large scale gardening =/ agriculture.
>Be Haiti
>Colonialism full of systemic abuse
>Almost everyone hates the plantation system
>System associated with the French
>Fuck the French
>Revolution happens
>Murder French (who had it coming) and make Poles honorary citizens
>Small mulatto/free blacks take control
>Benefited under the previous system and wanted to continue the plantation system despite objection of now freed-slaves
>Hur hur, it's not slavery, at least you're being paid something
>No one likes it
>New Haitian elite fight amongst themselves
>Northern Larp Kingdom of Haiti (pic related) vs. Southern Haitian Republic
>Southern Haiti wins and most Haitians focus on subsistence farming in what amounts to really shitty farmland.
>Turns out sugar plantation profits paid for fertilizer and most food was imported during colonial rule.
>Most forests stripped to make charcoal as it was very profitable.
>Erosion occurs
>On and off dictatorships throughout most of Haitian history
>Most are inept and also have to pay French debts, which isn't popular with the rest of the population.
>Shit keeps happening
>Papa Doc and his fatass son
>Aristide seen some shit and gets rid of the abusive army
>Modern Day Haiti is still pretty shit