What caused his death
Too greedy, or too naive?
What caused his death
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He got aids from being a faggot
Too drunk.
too chad
So basically both?
If he just kept going instead of worrying about his troops would he have lived?
Is he wearing armour with a painting of his own face?
Poison ivy.
>what caused his death?
Cassander probably
We all die user and there is also this possibility
Probably had malaria for years. He was constantly getting shits like a madman during his latter conquests.
There's this really sweet anecdote from a novel I read about him where, upon realizing he was so sickly that he would soon die, he attempted to sneak out of his palace and crawl into the Euphrates to be swept away and drown. He wanted to seemingly disappear without a trace, as it'd be a further indication he was truly divine. However his wife talked him out of it at the last second.
The fucking CHAD add this to his answer when his generals asking for the succesor
The madman should have gone with it
Poisoned by his own troops
The Jews
That's pretty cool. Got any more Alex stories? I fucking love this guy
He was good to them . There is a pattern in that him , Caesar , Charlemagne , Napoleon was good to them
And Hitler
Hitler was retarded enough to think the Jews actually ran shit when they were no more than figureheads
Figureheads for?
Freemason anglos obviously
with jews you lose
also hitler dubs checked. Veeky Forums kikes BTFO
Stop shitting up a promising thread please
For Napoleon , he wanted to make them french but they betray him funny because nixon complain about the same thing the jew not being for america but more for there jewish interest
For Hitler, he wanted to make them German but they betray him funny because Napoleon complain about the same thing the jew not being for France but more for there jewish interest
The people who put Germany into the shithole it is.
Just like how they're figureheads now for the Italians and the media.
You got me
It's the face of Medusa
>women will never understand the value of a death shrouded in legend
She was probably worried that some shithead in the middle of nowhere would find the body
>On Kislev 21 of the year 3448 from creation (313 BCE), there occurred the historic meeting between Shimon HaTzaddik and Alexander ('the Great") of Macedonia.
>The Samarians, bitter enemies of the Jews, had convinced Alexander that the Jews' refusal to place his image in their Temple was a sign of rebellion against his sovereignty, and that the Holy Temple should be destroyed. The Kohen Gadol ("High Priest") at the time was Shimon HaTzaddik, the last of the "Men of the Great Assembly" who rebuilt the Holy Temple and revitalized Judaism under Ezra. On the 21st of Kislev Alexander marched on Jerusalem at the head of his army; Shimon, garbed in the vestments of the High Priest and accompanied with a delegation of Jewish dignitaries, went forth to greet him. The two groups walked towards each other all night; at the crack of dawn they met. As Alexander beheld the visage of the High Priest, he dismounted his horse and bowed respectfully; to his men he explained that he often had visions of a similar-looking man leading him into battle. Shimon HaTzaddik brought the emperor to the Holy Temple and explained that Judaism prohibits the display of any graven image; he offered to name all the male children born to priests that year "Alexander" as a demonstration of loyalty to the emperor (which is how "Alexander" became a common Jewish name). The Samarians plot was rebuffed, and Kislev 21 was declared a holiday. (Talmud Yoma 69a)