What are the greatest historical what-if-scenarios?
What are the greatest historical what-if-scenarios?
What if nazis were the good guys?
Napoleon disguising himself as his brother Joseph and escaping to the United States. Very nearly happened, too.
What if Mussolini invaded Germany in 1936?
If marcus aurelius had nominated a sucessor that is not his son
What if MONKEYS were PEOPLE and PEOPLE were MONKEYS?????
What if Anne Frank got pregnant?
you mean
what if anne frank never got pregnant?
Dont play with my feels user
>tfw Marcus officializes adoptions of competent men as the sucession method
What if Julius Caesar had been killed by Cicero's body guards in 63 BC, during the fight in the Senate.
What if Neanderthals won the great Homo sapiens-neanderthal war?
What if the Nationalists won the Chinese civil war?
what if people were content with what they got
It's human nature to wonder what would happen if something was different.
Pretty spoopy
What if you weren't a faggot shitting up this site with alt-history garbage
What if Hitler died in WWI?
what if Franz Ferdinand survived his assassination attempt (which was botched in the first place and one of the plotters ran into the Archduke's car by sheer luck)?
Top 10 Anime Plot Twist
counter-ironically better than half the threads in the catalog
>Something wonderful has happened. Peter... I'm pregnant.
What do?
What if Trotsky or Bukharin succeeded Lenin.
What if Mao died in 1955
What if British won war of Independence
What if Hitler was killed before WW2 or the rise of the Nazis.
what if marxism was called Bobbyism, because instead of Marx, a guy named Bobby invented it
>Italy and France invade Germany over the Munich Agreement
>initially hard fighting but it becomes easier when the Italian front opens up with Kurt Schussnig offering Italy material aid and military access over Austria's roads to Germany
>France reoccupies the Rhineland while Italian troops advance up through the Bavarian Alps to Nuremberg and Munich
>seeing that the Franco-Italian coalition is succeeding, Austria and Poland in turn commit troops to the conflict, resulting in Germany being occupied from every direction except the North
>Bavaria is conquered and occupied by an Italian-Austrian joint force while France continues to push into the west and Poland threatens East Prussia and Berlin itself
>when news arrives of German occupation forces in the Sudetenland being attacked from all sides by the Czechs, Poles and Austro-Italians, the Wehrmacht reserves still uncommitted to the fight occupy Berlin and Hamburg, forcing Hitler to step down and hand control of the country to a Zentrum government that then sues for peace with the allied forces
>Hitler and most of the nazi leadership flee the country and move to South America
>France permanently annexes the Rhineland
>Czechoslovakia reclaims the Sudetenland and expels the Volksdeutch living there
>Italy and Austria claim small war indemnities, unwilling to further antagonize the German people and having no ability to reasonably demand or govern the south of Germany
>Poland briefly considers seizing East Prussia, but cooler heads prevail and they instead merely force them to drop all claims to the eastern land taken from Germany after WW1, including Danzig; and take their own indemnities
>seeing that Italian fascism succeeded where British liberal democracy failed, and without Hitlerism staining the international image of fascism, the Conservative party collapses in Britain's next elections, resulting in a majority Labour government with the BUF in the opposition and rapidly gaining popularity
What if penicillin was never invented?
Let's not kid ourselves, Italy would probably still lose.
>What if Trotsky or Bukharin succeeded Lenin.
Trotsky succeeding Lenin would arguably be worse than Stalin. As horrible as Stalin was, he didn't really care about the whole worldwide revolution thing, but Trotsky was an idealogue.
>the remnants of the nazi party and the few remaining communists in Germany spiral into irrelevance as the Zentrum government enacts light social and labour reforms in order to placate the rural and working classes
>the Volksdeutch refugees from Czechoslovakia are resettled far to the west, but most of them leave the country for the New World, disdainful of both Hitler and the new government's failure to help them
>nearly all non-Soviet Volksdeutch follow suite, having given up on the possibility that they could live in a German state
>the mass exodus of millions of Germans to Latin America causes a radical shift in demographics, resulting in anti-German riots across Brazil and Mexico, and German nationals and their descendants becoming a plurality of the population in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay
>the unstable German economy calms as its population drops and its relations with nearby countries normalize, killing both extreme political wings for decades
>lacking the cooperation Stalin received from Hitler, the Soviet Union takes years past 1939 to achieve the military and political strength to assert control over its desired sphere of influence, and when it finally attempts to attack the Baltics in 1942, Poland leads an intervention, later backed up by Finland, Czechoslovakia and the now BUF-lead Great Britain, with volunteer support from Italy, Austria, Germany and France
>although the anti-Soviet coalition refuses to push into the Soviet Union itself, they succeed in encircling and annihilating several Soviet field armies, crushing their invasion force and forcing Stalin to come to the bargaining table
>after signing a humiliating peace treaty with Poland and her allies, Stalin is removed from power by the politburo and executed
What if there were two people on the moon and one guy smashed the other guys head in with a rock, wouldn't that be fucked up or what?
Bukharin would have never become the leader, he was a soyboy, it was mainly between Stalin and Zinoviev at that time in 1924. Trotsky was already sidelined.
>Admiral Yi Survives the way and helps expose the corruption in the Korean bureaucracy; shutting the government down in a Coup d'teat and cleaning it up before resigning to someone loyal to him.
>Bhagat Singh escapes from British prison and starts a guerrilla campaign, leading to an independent india
>The Hapsburgs don't inbreed and instead branch out, taking over dynasties left and right and controlling most of the world
*The War
>a brief power struggle ensues between Vyscheslav Molotov and Lavrentiy Beria, ending with Beria seizing total control of the CPSU and expelling Molotov, Kaganovich and Voroshilov from the party, and then from Russia itself, forcing them to spend the rest of their days in Turkmenistan, overseeing natural gas extraction plants
>Beria begins to significantly liberalize the Soviet economy and political system, saying that Stalin's great failures indicated that they were not ready for full communism and need time to let society stabilize
>significant power is devolved from the politburo down the each republic's Soviet, and most of the previous collectivization policies are dismantled, with an aim to restore the agricultural sector to the time of the NEP
>the Soviet Union rapidly grows in power as the majority of their industry is no longer being directed by people with no clue what they're doing
Keep going user
What if Caesar died during the gallic wars or one of his expeditions to britain?
>Italy goes to war over the Anschluss
>Battle of the Isonzo 2: Electric Boogaloo
>Italy and France invade Germany over the Munich Agreement
The really interesting question here is what Britain would do in this situation.
I sort of lost the plot and had no idea where to go without it seeming like I was just wanking off
the Chamberlain government collapses over the realization that he completely fucked up over something that didn't need to happen, parliament has a vote of no confidence and ousts him. An election is called in which the Tory base completely implodes and the BUF scoops up a great number of their supporters when the British public sees Mussolini turning out to be a pretty good guy, giving them the opposition seats against the new Labour government
What if Hitler died in 1938? What if the Wehrmacht attacked Pearl Harbour together with the Japanese instead of invading russia?
What if Hitler's grandfather didn't legitimise his son, meaning Hitler would have been born Adolf Schicklgruber. Without going too much into the wording, Shicklegruber doesn't have the same authoritarian ring to it as Hitler does, would he still have been able to gain such support?
What if Hitler
What if Sulla hadn't listened to the shits begging for mercy for Julius Caesar?
>What if the Wehrmacht attacked Pearl Harbour
Literally how?
What if Richard III had killed Henry Tudor at Bosworth?
that's too far-fetched user
What if Durruti/José Antonio became the leader of Spain after the Civil War?
What if the Visigothic Kingdom never collapsed and fought the moors back?
What if the holocaust really happened?
What if Operation Valkyria was a success?
What if Cartago won against Rome?
It has been so fucking close
the Allies reject the Ersatzarmee's overconfident peace treaty and continue the invasion. Germany surrenders in November 1944 rather than May 1945 because the plotters don't fear death at the hands of the Allied forces and they'd rather give up before winter set in
What if Assyria never collapsed?
coda to this: for the rest of time, stormfags invalidate Germany's loss by blaming it all on Operation Valkyrie despite Germany's untenable position being the reason it happened at all
What if ghenghis khan saw himself as a prophet and the mongol hordes would be like islamic conquests 2.0. except spreading a form of tengriism?
What if Christopher Colombus disappeared with his entire expedition and no one else dared to cross the Atlantic for a long time?
people in Iraq would have funnier names
What if Remu killed Romulus?
Best girl would rightfully have had the heart of western civilization share her name
What if the Ming continued naval exploration of the rest of the world and began colonizing?
Not greatest but rarely explored:
>LBJ runs in 64
>Nixon wins in 60
>RFK isn't shot
>Bay of Pigs is Successful
What if Hitler never attacked Poland? What if Hitler never attacked the Soviet Union? What if Hitler never attacked ?
Really makes you think
What if Anne Frank was a little whore who liked to get fucked by multiple SS guards at a time?
>What if Anne Frank was a little whore
>What if
>Anne Frank was a whore
what if germany lost ww1 ?
what if poland beat germany in 1939?
what if the BEF smashed the siegfried line in 1940?
what if the prohibition never happened?
what if zhukov got BTFO at Khalkhin Gol?
what if chamberlain stayed on as PM?
>what if germany lost ww1 ?
It would probably be very similar to the real world. Remarkably similar, in fact.
had two (2) balls?
I mean, if they militarily lost, not being backstabed by the Jews when they were on the point of decisively winning the war.
and it would cause the fall of the Soviet Union much sooner
Stalin was pragmatic. he knew that trying to export revolution would backfire by overstretching Russian resources/manpower when they weren't in a position to fight an offensive war, and it would alienate foreign powers
international (and by that I mean state-level) attitudes to communism and the very existence of the USSR were not great in the 1920s, partially because many countries had domestic movements, and the whole ideology is predicated on destroying the present system
if Trotsky ordered the Red Army into any part of Europe, you best believe there would be a grand coalition against it, complete with a Royal Navy bombardment of Leningrad. even if it was just Soviet expansion in Asia, they'd become a pariah state (for all you naziboos, it would give Hitler a great pretext to invade Eastern Europe without totally alienating other powers)
oddly enough, Stalin was the best thing that happened to the Bolsheviks as far as long-term survival
afaik the republic was kinda feeble so maybe mark antony manages to seize power leading to the empire?
Nixon winning in 60 changes a heck of a lot. The civil rights movement would be delayed.
>What are the greatest historical what-if-scenarios?
Napoleon wins
Confederacy wins
Nazis win
any scenario in which Hitler dies, while already in power, would lead to a major power struggle. the nature of the regime (fuhrerprinzip) meant that the party/government required a strong leader, which in turn would make leadership that much more coveted
Hess was basically Hitler's heir, but idk enough about internal Nazi politics and Hess's personality/policies to know if he would succeed in asserting his position or how his rule would turn out
Himmler and the SS were not that powerful in 1938 so no wacky neo-Teutonic pagan kingdom
Göring would definitely stake his claim. in fact, the military would probably try to putsch if there was no smooth transition - elements were already skeptical of the Nazis, and the elitist Prussian militarist psyche ran deep.
>>LBJ runs in 64
what? he did and he won
>Nixon wins in 60
the 1950s continue, harder stance in the Cold War (it would be interesting to see how Nixon would handle the missile crisis and 'nam at this stage). what said about civil rights and other burgeoning social movements
>RFK isn't shot
he would win but get assassinated in office
>Bay of Pigs is Successful
pro-American regime is installed but a communist insurgency led by Che and Castro would remain indefinitely. Soviets might start backing them (it wasn't until after the BoP failed that they became close). depending how the new Cuban army does, US might have to ramp up military support, if not intervene cause muh sphere of influence. basically an earlier Vietnam right on America's doorstep, but with much better odds for the US. Cuba would look a lot like other Cold War-era pro-American military dictatorships.
>what? he did and he won
He probably meant 1968.
>he would win but get assassinated in office
Why do you say that?
What if the Holocaust really happened and Jews didn't rule the world today?
What if Veeky Forums had good threads and not shit like this
oh, in that case LBJ would lose in 68
>Why do you say that?
pure memery and the Kennedy curse
I guess you'd have no extension of the Vietnam War into Cambodia and a faster end to that whole thing
if he managed to get through his social policies, you could call the movements of the '60s a 'success', but it would also piss off a lot of people on the right, and who knows how that would go
economically i dont know enough to throw out a prediction but considering how the US experienced deindustrialization and urban decay that decade, its something that bears thinking about
Beat me to it.
what if Marx would have gotten an actual job?
What if Marx and Engels liked to fuck eachother in the ass?
Go through the earth, duh.
what if hitler had ipad
Thank you user, it's people like you that maintain this board alive.
He said 'what-if's, not 'fact's.
Never thought I'd see the Dolkstoßlegende being peddled today
>and we woulda won too, if it wasn't for you meddling Jews!
What if Anne Frank gave sexual favors to the commandant of Westerbork in exchange to her family avoiding deportation and became pregnant?
Come on lad, I'm pretty into /pol/ but even I know this is retarded.
What if I wasn't a disappointment to everyone?
Too unbelievable but it's my favorite what if
julian the apostate
What an overly long mediocre book
What if Cato didn't sperg out and allowed Caesar to keep 1 legion?
What if England became a Habsburg domain?
If Nixon was smart in this scenario he'd try and work in a Civil Rights Act towards the end of Ikes term or at the beginning of his own to solidify the black vote with the GOP.
What if the USSR recovered and Gorbatchev did not dissolve the state?
What if the Maccabees never took Judea? Does Judaism die out? Resulting in no Christianity and no Islam
>Battle of the Isonzo 2:
actually it would have been lucky number 13. I wonder if they would have dug up Luigi Cadorna and carried his bones into battle? You can't have a proper battle of the Isonzo without Cadorna there to completely fuck everything up.
>no Anglo-Spanish rivalry
>Spain doesn't go into crazy amounts of debt to build up their navy to counter English power; or has to deal with sea dogs disrupting their galleons
>no English support of the Dutch in their struggle for independence
>France is completely surrounded by enemies
basically the late 16th and (at least early) 17th centuries would be a long period of Habsburg dominance
and as for England, you would have a lot of immediate unrest (similar to OTL) due to all the Protesants in the country already. maybe an earlier civil war?
on a related note..
what if Francis II lived long and, through his marriage to Mary Stuart, Scotland became a French domain?