>wants to restore Roman Empire
>invades Ethiopia
I don't get it. When was Ethiopia part of the Roman Empire?
>wants to restore Roman Empire
>invades Ethiopia
I don't get it. When was Ethiopia part of the Roman Empire?
Other urls found in this thread:
They didnt want the exact same territories as much as they just wanted to emulate the imperial power of rome. They had their own living space ideal called Spazio Vitale, but unlike the Germans, they werent based on racial genocidal aryan stuff. The African territories were to just going to be part of their empire and would retain their own culture. Asmara was billed as "New Rome" and was going to be the heart of their Imperial territory and the place still spouts its Italian futurist aesthetics
Pretty sure they had Ethiopia before Mussolini took over.
It was not, because the r*Mans feared the BLÄCK warrior
no. Italy invaded it in 1935 under Mussolinis orders
they wanted qtblackgfs
Who doesn't?
Are you unaware of the Origins of Rome?
No more brother wars!
I guarantee this was a /pol/tard falseflagging to get (You)s. There were several /v/ threads where they bragged about shitting up Origins Steam forums.
All the big players had African colonies and Italy wanted to feel like a big boy. So they went to conquer whatever was left.
>unlike the Germans, they werent based on racial genocidal aryan stuff. The African territories were to just going to be part of their empire and would retain their own culture.
They would kill natives though in larger numbers once settlers started to ramp up in numbers (and it did for a time) and they did massacre Libyan and ethiopians in large numbers.
Culturally they loved their African subjects
Ethiopia was the only place in Africa that hadn't already been claimed by another European power.
>tfw Germany took world war II very seriously meanwhile it was just banter and hunting exotic pussy for the Italians
Because Italians would have been btfo'ed by any non-shithole military.
Do we have any other reason to do things?
>Culturally they loved their African subjects
Not loved I mean despised or shat on their Africa subjects. I remember one old Eritrean man had a story where one time as a boy he was crossing a street with large distance between him and an car driving by. Then suddenly the Italian man in the car drove up to him and had a huge tantrum over the boy having "no respect" for not waiting patently until the man drove by.
desu that's a pretty cool hat.
>had a huge tantrum over the boy having "no respect" for not waiting patently until the man drove by.
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
i wonder who made this post...
That's not racism, that's just how italians act in general.
t. Croat
You cannot imagine how much they're loathed purely due to the way they act.
On another note:
>be shithole
>about to be blessed by the white man and turned into something normal
>nevermind, it's the italians
>business as usual
Reminder that Italy unironically improved the situation in Ethiopia by outlawing slavery and even Haile Selassie was impressed by it
>not waiting patently until the man drove by.
Fucking savage nigger, he got off easy.
He should have just said he was walkin' ere'
Africa was largely empty back then, so there was no need to exterminate the few locals. Jewish NGOs were yet to pump the continent with white man medicine leading to Africans population explosion.