Is empathy the biggest human flaw?
explain those god damn bleeding heart democrats then
How is empathy even a flaw at all? What kind of a dumb fuck are you?
yeas, but not according to toxic people like christians or tibetans
Republicans are just as bad when it comes to empathy though.
Nah, non-retractable genitalia is worse. Or teeth that don't grow back.
Double dubs of truth. The ayyyys laugh at our males' vulnerable genitals.
No you fucking Autist, let me explain why. Empathy is the feeling you get when you see someone get hurt or do some stupid cringe shit. It's an unpleasant feeling because it's supposed to teach you that you should avoid the same thing happening to you.
Empathy helps humanity play up our greatest strength: society.
To answer that question, we might ask another For whom should we have empathy? Empathy makes us kinder to beings with whom we empathize. Animals with big round eyes, like baby seals, arouse more empathy than chickens, on whom we inflict vastly more suffering. People can even be reluctant to “harm” robots that they know can feel nothing at all. On the other hand, fish – cold, slimy, and unable to scream arouse little sympathy, although, there is plenty of evidence that they feel pain just as birds and mammals do. Empathy can make us act unjustly. Subjects in an experiment listened to an interview with a terminally ill child. Some were told to try to be as objective as possible, while others were told to imagine what the child feels. All were then asked if they wanted to move the child up the waiting list for treatment, ahead of other children who had been assessed as having higher priority. Three-quarters of those told to imagine what the child feels made this request, compared to only one-third of those told to try to be objective. Likewise, empathy with a handful of children who are, or are believed to be, harmed by vaccines largely drives popular resistance to vaccinating children against dangerous diseases. As a result, millions of parents do not have their children vaccinated, and hundreds of children become ill, with many more affected, sometimes fatally, by the disease than would have suffered adverse effects from the vaccine. So, empathy is good when it is good, and bed when it is bed.
No, you're totally in control of whom feel empaty towards.
I'm confused, seals are animals. Blubbery nutritious animals at that. Why shouldn't we do what the fuck we please with them?
this what sluts believe
>I will negotiate many differences - and celebrate many - but not when it comes to patriarchy, the oppression of minorities, environmental vandalism and, the rights of those who have nothing, to have the basic requisites - and more.
caring about the external world is too much work for poor results
What? The point is that empathy makes us less objective.
So? Objectivity is impossible for us anyway, what we should value is what works in the sense of helping us to survive, and by this metric empathy is not only good, its essential.
Highest bidder should go first.
Why is it should be exactly surviving? And for whom "for us"?
>And for whom "for us"?
Us as in us, idk why this of all things is a puzzle to you.
>Why is it should be exactly surviving?
Why should we care about surviving? Is that really what you're asking?
Have you got the autism's son?
Absolutely, fuck you. And fuck everybody.
It is the only good feature of humans. It is what separates us from animals.
The lack of empathy and ignorance of it is why humanity is fucked
>It is what separates us from animals.
Firstly, we ARE animals. Secondly. empathy is found in many non-human species.
"us" could be any group, so it is a reasonable question to ask.
Yes. Why it should be surviving, why not happiness or pain, what if in order to survive "we" will should go to hell and to suffer for all of eternity? And surviving of what group? Surviving of my family, my race, of me and my cat?
>"us" could be any group, so it is a reasonable question to ask.
Actually, because of empathy we can get pleasure from pain of others.
>"us" could be any group, so it is a reasonable question to ask.
Okay. The answer is the same literally no matter what group you thought I meant, and since the thread is about empathy in humans, I thought it was beyond obvious who I meant by "us".
And if you honestly don't understand why we should care about our own SURVIVAL then you are not only an autist, you're retarded, too.
Yes, the need to constantly play pretend by putting ourselves in others' shoes and masochistically suffer their feelings as if they were our own is a massive impediment to the pursuit of higher goals and ideals. Empathy is a mental illness.
>Empathy is a mental illness.
Absolutely, fuck everybody.
Without empathy we would all act entirely out of self-interest, which impedes upon any sort of morality. Why not just execute all disabled people if they lessen our chances of surviving? Why feed a starving infant even if he uses up our resources? Without empathy, there would be no reason to not do those two things.
empathy ≠ compassion.
Empathy is a selfish mechanism.
I don't see how the two ideas aren't related. Doesn't compassion involve understanding and feeling the experiences of others (aka empathy)?
That jabroni doesn't look like he has a single shred of empathy straight down to his molecular level.
*rapes your dog*
Pssht, nuthin personnel...kid
Compassion involves our thought and understanding of others, rather then our feelings. We can understand that pigs can suffer just as dogs or cats, but we feel much less empathy to them.
A beast I am lest a beast I become
Say that to my fuckin face!!
That would still involve feelings or emotions on some level because not just acting in self-interest all the time would be illogical.
Not really, even full blown spergs understand that you have a better chance of survival in a group. It's common sense to not kill the egg producing chicken or to let the small fish go.
Why do human males have non-retractable genitalia anyway. Stupid apes.
Empathy stops us from acting like wild animals it keeps that simian impulse to maim anything that moves solely for sadistic pleasure in check so no.
You wanna know what happens to a human breed with no empathy? They are called niggers.
>pointing out the value of empathy while dismissing huge swathes of the human population as subhuman trash
/pol/yps have no insight whatsoever lmfao
Unless you're about to claim that you were just being "ironically" stupid
It is a fact that the black race as a majority have no empathy(ever seen the negro race ever apologize for anything as a collective?) for anything including their own humans indicating we humans had no empathy already and mutated it recently in evolutionary history. This also has unsettling implications for how deranged and evil our pre-human ancestors were to each other if they were so feral that they made blacks look civlized.
I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean nuthin Please don't harvest my organs and wear my skin as a suit.
Yes, I'm sure your schizophrenic ranting is "fact", you bigoted mongoloid.
You have to be delusional to think blacks have empathy as a majority, clearly shows you never lived around any. I said as a majority not all before you pull your based african migrants out of your ass. These same blacks your white cuck ass defends would slice open your body for fun with no shred of remorse.
That's because they're not desperate enough for a sense of identity to consider anyone with melanin to be part of a single race.
Hey dumbass african ethnicities treat eachother like garbage ETHNICITIES not even subraces. One negro ethnicity that has a record of treating its own like trash is the Negro American. That is my point they simply lack empathy as a majority and because of that they cant amount to shit, thats why I said we need empathy so we dont end up like them.
Flawed dumbass logic. Nature doesn't care about morality, nature doesn't care about anything in fact, it just so happens that we display empathy as a species and therefore it follows that empathy served our species well enough to get us where we are (7+ billion individuals and counting)
Our species needed empathy because obviously most if not all of us, display some degree of it.
If empathy wasn't important for humans we wouldn't have it right now
Empathy is human and therefore it can not be a flaw of ours, we don't display something like empathy, hands or non retractable genitalia because it's a flaw but because it wasn't a big enough impediment to be ruled out by natural selection and therefore might have also served us.
Now shut the fuck up you dumb faggot OP
Maybe on dumb meme boards your shitty opinions are appreciated but even if we don't like niggers, we still don't pretend that bullshit we pull out of /pol/riddled asshole is true. Get actual logical arguments or just go back to posting Holocaust denial statistics
Fucking what
>Black people are magic space demons that rape puppies
This guy knows his stuff, better start taking notes...