Veeky Forums Book Thread

Previous Thread: Veeky Forums Book Thread; come discuss what you're reading, ask for recommendations or recommend some books to your fellow anons, ask for opinions on some books you've been thinking of reading.

Hundreds of book lists for research into numerous topics, with explanations of each recommendation

Mega libraries of free e-books suggested by kind anons:

2,000 World History Books

Mysticism/Occult Books

Introduction to Buddhism

Some 150 pdfs of history, religion, philosophy, and other stuff

45gigs worth of mostly Military History

Philosophy Collection

Some drawing and art guides


8GB of Books

E-book/Audio book sites:

Gonna post recommended reading charts that I've saved from previous threads

Other urls found in this thread:

Looking for Spanish history, general overviews if possible

Is Anthony Beevor pop-his? Reading D-Day atm. Lmaoing at the absolute state of the Germans.

Anyone read it? What's it like?

Also anyone able to recommend any other books on the British Empire?

a history of medieval spain by joseph o'callaghan is one


I now firmly believe that monty was borderline autistic.



kek all focused on commie history and the only fascist parts is when they lost and how they dealt with them later

The fascism section of this is weak desu, also
>no Gulag Archipelago in the Russian revolution section
I wonder which leftist politically incorrect board could be behind this?

Any good books on the Reconquista?

I don't think it was borderline

This was alright, but it was nice to get the story from beginning to end without any conspiracy thrown in.

Kotkin is a bourgious historian and very anti-Stalin. I'd trust Trotsky over this burger. Bloodlands is the bootleg Gulag Archipelago and just as much of a laughing stock in leftist circles.

Leftist take would be more
>Stalin: New Biography of a Dictator by Oleg V. Khlevniuk
>The Russian Revolution 1917-1932 by Sheila Fitzpatrick
>Young Stalin by Simon Sebag Montefiore

>no Doctrine of Fascism
>no Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics
>no Rome and Jerusalem
>fucking Mein Kampf


For those interested in studying the Hebrew Bible from an Orthodox Jewish perspective, there is a very popular series by ArtScroll that starts with "The Chumash: The Stone Edition (The Torah: Haftaros and Five Megillos with a Commentary Anthologized from the Rabbinic Writings)" by Rabbi Nosson Scherman that is very well made

Finally got these two in the mail




Dont forget to add libgen next time

could you provide a link to that pls

thanks, will do

What's the better book for the revolution? Glorious cause or 1776?

This chart is by an architect non-historian with a history hobby desu. He's explained his chart is based on books recommended here by other anons, so there really isn't a political agenda as far as we know.

I'm looking to get started on Medieval Western Europe, is this chart a good starting point or should I start with the fall of the WRE?


Just finished Goldsworthy’s Caesar. Boy was that a read. Am I an expert on Caesar now?

Any good leftist guide? Know someone who calls herself a commie but doesn't know where to start reading. (Better if it's a guide or something)

I need a book for early muslim conquest

I've seen "The Prophet and the Age of the Caliphates: The Islamic Near East from the Sixth to the Eleventh Century" by Hugh Kennedy suggested in a previous thread

Not until you read Caesar's war commentaries. Check out the Landmark edition, tight as hell.

I read those before I read Goldsworthy’s book. I didn’t do Landmark tho, went with the Penguin books.


R8 my haul?

Got all this at a half price books for around 60 dollars.


The guide is just to pretend you've read books after having watched a summary video on youtube.
In all seriousness though, you're probably better of gouging your eyes out than reading most of this shit.

Beautiful picture

>richard pipes
I hope you're new to the subject and just want to know what his view was user.


Anybody got anything good on the history of the labor movement in America.


Is his bias really that hard to ignore while reading?

I'm the creator of this chart I made this chart without trying to get too into politics if I could avoid it. Maybe some of the authors here do indeed have agendas but the purpose of my chart is to have historical overviews of certain events. As one user said, I'm a non-historian but an Architect. Plus, there are plenty of political ideology Veeky Forums charts available. With that said, my "FASCISM MISC." row description was just a way to describe the contents of Battle for Spain which was about the Civil War, and Bloodlands, which is about the victims of the Soviet commie and Nazi regimes. Though I did like The Gulag Archipelago, but I wasn't sure whether to post it on my chart.


any good book on arab history? you know after Islam took over, preferably if it's around the "dark ages" timeframe

What are some good books on the Pacific War that examines both sides and isn’t heavily America-focused?

Recommendations on biographies? I already have the following:

> Caesar and Augustus by Adrian Goldsworthy
> Napoleon: A Life by Andrew Roberts
> American Lion by Jon Meacham

Hitler- Ian Kershaw
Also bumping your question with requests for a Stalin biography.

Anybody have recommended reading for Afghan history?

A lot of the books there deal with fall of the WRE


John Adams by McCullough

I have the 2 part biography by Kotkin.

But is that a good starting point, or should I look elsewhere?



My teacher read us 1776 in the 6th grade.

Do what you will with that info.

Any good books on 20th/21st century occult, symbolism, and stuff?
Also good books on the esoteric or controversial parts (like polygamy/concubines and etc) of Abrahamic religions?

Fair enough buddy, thank you for your service to the board.

/r/ing books on the Middle Ages.

Been plowing through stuff on the Romans now, interested in how Europe evolved in the middle ages. Interested in early middle ages until renaissance. Looking for good recommendations. Once read Distant Mirror, which I really liked. I tried to read Cantor -- the worst mistake.

tl;dr: /r/ing books on Medieval times.

Bonus: Also interested in really good books on ancient civiliations

the mormon chart has books on polygamy

Hah, I just happened to pick up 1776 used at my local library for $1. Well, at least it's a short read.


I just finished reading pic related, it was pretty interesting.


7/10, pretty good. Ferguson's quite the Kissinger fanboy, just keep that in mind before you dive in.




Wish more of these were in audiobook format

user, you are autist

In God's Path by Robert Hoyland is a pretty straightforward and short read. Mostly about the early expansion and establishment of the Umayyad caliphate.

does anyone know if this book is worth reading for early islamic history?

Is it necessary to read Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France before one reads Paine's Rights of Man?

Learn to read


Haven't read it, but pic related was good.

Is it good?

Yes, but it's also autistically dense.

Fuck this board lol

thanks man, ill check it out



You're not funny or good at insults


This is not my area of expertise, but my understanding is that he leans heavily on a minority revisionist view of the early Islamic movement but doesn't really make that clear. It's an interesting read but know that the traditional view of the early Islamic movement still dominates, even in academia.

What's the traditional view?

The traditional view is the one that you get from Wikipedia or any general Islamic source - that Muhammad started a new religious movement in the modern-day city of Mecca, faced opposition and was forced to flee to the modern-day city of Medina, where the Muslim movement became the dominant movement in Medina with Muhammad as its leader, then expanded to take control of the Arabian peninsula and defeat the Roman and Byzantine forces to forge the first caliphate. This comes from the traditional Islamic sources, such as the hadith.

The minority revisionist view is basically that we can't really trust those sources and that we have to look at things like textual evidence in the Quran and archaeological evidence to know what happened. I don't want to suggest that there is a unified minority view, but some of the ideas put forward by strictly textual and archaeological evidence are things like the Mecca of the Quran is not the modern-day city of Mecca, but located nearer to Syria (c.f. Patricia Crone) or that the Islamic movement was originally a believer's movement that was much more inclusive of Jews and Christians, and only later became exclusively Muslim (c.f. Fred Donner).

Time is the problem.

Anybody got anything on the Science Wars or American Labor movement.


Don’t suppose you have such a list for Quakerism?

i do not but one of those links in the OP probably has a list for it

You might think it looks silly today, but in 10 years or so this might be useful.

So I'm doing a detailed reading of The Histories with notes, when I get it done I may pack the notes into a filesharer somewhere for other anons to have a look at

I've probably put about 12+ hours into the first 50 pages of my Selincourt translation due to the need to record all of the backstories of the various empires at play in the era, I'm not noting much of the anthropological or mythological elements of the text so it should start picking up pace.

I just realized it's unclear; I'm doing a reading of The Histories and writing my own notes as I go

That'd be cool.

Pic related is the book I'm currently reading