Makes you think
Makes you think
Japan >>>>>>>>>>> Haiti=England
Isolate heterosexuality from a person
You get OP
>Dominican republic not real
>ignoring isolationist histories of three separate nations
>ignoring influences and consequences of Haitian revolution
>ignoring Dominican republic
Dominicans are mostly black and mulattoes too.
spanish mulattoes > french mulattoes
>Trying to pull this on a history board
top brainlet
More like
And it has ten times Haiti's GDP per capita (being roughly average by world standards) because the French were much shittier colonizers than even the Spanish. Also because Haiti was never meant to be anything other than a giant plantation.
Tell a Dominican he's black and you're liable to get in trouble. They hate Haitians and don't consider themselves black.
Haiti is just a shithole for many reasons but one of them is because they are black. You can have successful black states but it's going to be a more uphill battle than a successful Asian or European or South/Latin American mixed race state.
the real answer:
whites and yellows weren't shipped to their respective islands by force
each kind does best when left to their own devices
i believe even darkies will prosper in their own timeframe, if left to it, eventually.
even if you believe they are dumber and more violent; surely they are best adapted to deal with their own dumbness and violence
That doesn't make them not black.
>isolated on an island
>create a global trading empire in complete isolation
>defend your isolation by sending armies to continental europe and naval fleets to india and asia
>isolated explorers explore the farthest reaches of africa and asia in isolation
>isolated war against an isolated colony over an isolated incident
>ironically have really poor isolation
really makes you think
>You can have successful black states but it's going to be a more uphill battle than a successful Asian or European or South/Latin American mixed race state.
Not really. Many nations have a fuckton of help from other entities to develop so isolated development never really was a thing.
Euros (not uniformly they did it under different time spans and starting dates) were the first to industrialise. Asian societies did it under a shorter period due to "assistance" (either aid or jsut investment) from western entities (as well as Asian ones). African societies are industrializing currently similarly unlike Asia but under a time where global technology is much more important and much more developed (such that in development they are "skipping steps" in various things).
Each of the 3 have different issues mainly in being the first adopters, the midling of the pack with more incoming competition and finally being on the tail-end of things where all the viable ways of development are weakens due to the actions of various foreign entities and polices.
DR was a ranch more or less. Also notably bigger and not right in the middle of hurricane alley.
Pardon my Trump, but are you implying that the Dominican Republic is not a shithole?
Compared to Haiti DR looks like a first world country. That's why Haitians migrate even though they get treated like garbage.
>i believe even darkies will prosper in their own timeframe, if left to it, eventually.
Is this accurate?
>whites not shipped to islands by force
What about Australia?
Pretty much.
I think the main difference is Australia was a penal colony, however backwards the punishment was just that, a punishment. Where as slavery the only reason they're in servitude is because of their skin colour, hence not a punishment (except by evolution lmao). Prisoners in Australia could earn their freedom after a certain amount of time depending on the crime, slaves were slaves for life.
Almost all of Australia was colonised by regular settlers. Them being all descended from convicts is a meme for brainlets.
>"osama said CIA didn't help him so must be true!!!!!"
>unironically believes this