Why didn't the Egyptians record anything about him, the plagues, and 2,000,000 Hebrews escaping slavery?
Why didn't the Egyptians record anything about him, the plagues, and 2,000,000 Hebrews escaping slavery?
because it was a metaphor that no one took literally until the 19th century
The egyptians werent exactly known to write about people they didnt like.
Because it makes Egyptians look bad and weak.
Nothing to do with Semites they were Greeks and people from Cyprus mainly
The fuck are you talking about?
Because the whole thing is an Aenid / Romulus and Remus tier creation myth of the Hebrew.
Like the Romans, archeological consensus is that they were really just a native people who wanted to feel special and distinct from the other natives so they invented the whole thing about being invaders.
They are unironically cannaneans and closely related to most of their enemies in the region.
Fiction authors like Moses (five books) and Jesus (five books) rarely leave the house.
They sit around in their underwear writing all kinds of stuff like most 'history' authors.
Uniformitarianism, also known as the Doctrine of Uniformity
"the present is the key to the past"
Josephus also claims in The Antiquities of the Jews that Moses took command of the Egyptian armies and saved Egypt from the Ethiopians
Cause they mot run from Egypt.
They did, except they used his original Egyptian name "Ahmose I".
Astonishingly little of ancient egypts records remains. About 90% of what we know about them is from greek historians millennia later or just speculation
so true
And BTW this is were real Israel was.
>Nothing to do with Semites they were Greeks and people from Cyprus mainly
Nope. Sardinians, Sicilians and Etrucans.
>2,000,000 Hebrews
6 (0)00 000*
He is right
Egyptian past is so blury that no one know who was the founder of the Egyptian kingdom, some claim it was Menes, other Narmer, and it get even darker because an egyptian stone mentioning pre-Dynastic Pharaohs(Dynasty 0) was found.
Egyptians also practiced the damnatio memoriae, which mean that any event disfavorable to them was not recorded.
We know a Lot more about them from Egyptian documenta than from Greek ones
Absolute bullshit, Israel was right where it is now and we even have letters sente from the king of Urusalim to Akhenston himself and some of thesr letters were found at Jerusalem itself while others were found at El Amarna
No he is not. What historical Greek records are there before the classical period exactly
Because Moses was Akhenaten, and the Egyptians did everything they could to erase him from history for his faggy monotheism.
Literally tonnes.
Look up the archaic period.
But the practicing jews take it literally
So now that THATS been answered.
We can take this event to mean that God doesn’t approve of slavery right?
We can also take this to mean he didn’t approve of Polytheism but that’s obvious
About Egypt?
There are letters written between the kings of Egypt and the Greeks that survive
There are letters written between the kings of Egypt and the Greeks that survive
Egyptians didn't have a culture of slavery, no evidence suggests the story is true (and this is coming from a Christian). It's essentially the ancient version of the holocaust for them, and after that it was the Romans rolling millions of Jews up in a giant scroll and burning them alive. The Jews have a storytelling culture, they are a very dramatic and fanciful people, you should proceed with caution when looking into their claims of persecution.
Because nor Moses nor the slavery of all the Hebrews in Egypt existed.
You can’t be Christian and deny Moses
The Egyptians didn't record the Exodus because it was extremely embarrassing for them. Supernatural disasters happening to them, their firstborn sons dying, all their slaves escaping, their Pharaoh and military being killed in the Red Sea. Yeah, you better believe they would pretend it never happened.
If the OT is nothing but myths and outdated laws, why the hell do Christians still keep it in their Bible?
Because that's what Jesus was trying to reform. It sets the context.
Because it didn't happen. If I remember correctly what actually happened is that the jews and the canaanites were the same exact people and believed in the same Gods. Then the jews decided they believed in one God and wanted to distance themselves from the polytheist canaanites so they fabricated a story about being enslaved in Egypt and so on.
Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Yes they did, most ancient empires did. God punished the Egyptians for their cruelty towards the Jews which was probably 10000 x worse than slavery in the last millennium.
And as an extra reward God made them the chosen people until around the time of Jesus and since then they’ve fallen out of grace and are no longer the chosen people. This is the accepted truth.
Put that within the historical context of Matthew, when it was written and for whom. There's a reason why Matthew goes to lengths to explain Jewish tradition to Gentiles, it's supporting a Christianity that is a branch of Judaism. Luke and Acts sells a Pauline 'you don't have to be Jewish' Christianity. John's Jesus is one that is raised up highest in terms of godliness. Trying to tie all of these differing viewpoints together leads to things like the trinity.
How could the council of Nicea or whoever edited the Bible as we know it overlook those contradictions? Did they think no one would ever notice?
>accepted truth
Yeah like you retards won't belive anything written in the Bible. You probably think Gen is accepted truth too.
That is an ancient story, real happenings are not known. Maybe Hebrews were slaved by some people, but not necessary by Egyptians. Maybe there was a leader called Moses, maybe he freed Hebrews from slavery. Or some other guy did, but his story was mixed with Moses...
You can't be Jewish if you deny Moses*
This was explained in another thread, essentially Christ did fulfill the laws and prophecies after he was crucified, the prophecies were fulfilled rendering the OT invalid.
The jew must've been exposed to Egypt, but it might not have happened the way they think it did. Also, Isaiah reflects the script from the Pyramids, the parts about ascending to the sides of the north.
There is no proof any of that happened, it's well known Egyptians never had a culture of slavery. You can look it up yourself.
Sanhedrin 59a
To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.
Maybe the jews were insignificant and the egyptians didn't think of them as noteworthy at all
So not jews.
>You can’t be Christian and deny Moses
You can't be a Christian and follow Moses.
>This was explained in another thread, essentially Christ did fulfill the laws and prophecies after he was crucified, the prophecies were fulfilled rendering the OT invalid.
It was never valid - it was a fraud from the start like Jesus said.
> You are indeed doing what your father does.” They said to him, “We are not illegitimate children; we have one father, God himself.” Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now I am here. I did not come on my own, but he sent me. Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot accept my word. You are from your father the devil, and you choose to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. - John 8:41-45
> The Jews have a storytelling culture
They have a "fabricating history to justify their rape, genocide, theft, and vandalism" culture.
Haven't see you all day.
There's only really circumstantial evidence (and none for a large-scale migration), but there was probably some kind of migration of a group into Egypt from the Levant during a famine, and then eventually back out once conditions improved back home. Afterwards, they attributed their escape to divine intervention (presumably in a Life of Brian-esque manner). These people were eventually assimilated into the general Canaanite population, and their story passed into oral tradition.
A good amount of the details in Exodus were probably added onto the original traditional story. In fact, there were originally two stories. According to the documentary hypothesis, much of the Torah was composed of four main sources. Two of them, the Jahwist and Elohist, were believed to be the oral traditions of Judah and Israel, respectively. They were combined at a later date by the Priestly source around the fifth century BC, who are probably also responsible for the parts about Moses destroying the golden calf and making Aaron high priest. That's why it seems there are sets of redundant verses in Genesis and Exodus.
There's also the fact that if the Exodus is anything like other ancient biographies and epics, then its message was less to be taken as a literal account of events and more as a medium to illustrate the emotions, sentiments, and morals of an event.
After the Jews left they didn't have slavery, that's for sure. God made sure of that.
>You can't be a Christian and follow Moses.
Ever wonder if the plagues maybe weren't that bad? I mean, we all experience terrible natural disasters such as floods, disease, etc. and I'm sure it was even worse and more common and more mysterious back then.
The details shouldn't be taken to a t. Obviously the bible has been altered over time and the original events might have been slightly different if you want to be specific about it.
Why would you record a famine, or locusts, or red water, when that probably occurs at regular intervals at different times. Maybe they all were slightly bad things that happened around the same time that the writers exaggerated that happened to support the narrative of God's perceived wrath. For who knows God's will, truly?
My point is, look at the source of a lot of our knowledge of ancient egypt, crypts. When you want to write a testament about your life on the wall of your massive fucking pyramid, are you going to talk about one of probably a half-dozen famines and slave rebellions, or your greatest accomplishments?
The entire region of the Levant was heavily influenced by Egypt. After all they were one of the first civilizations in the area next to the Sumerians/Akkadians. People went back and forth all the time, human beings have always traveled. Sometimes it was by choice, sometimes your people lose favor and get enslaved.
A history of a people such as the ancient Hebrews cannot be written without talking about Egypt. Something would have happened relating to them at one time or another. They were just that influential.
Whether or not Egypt cared about the Levant or its people on the other hand, is debatable. It's like asking, why does Kanye doesn't want to talk about me, I talk about him all the time. Also the ancients tend to leave few records that give detail to life then. It's mostly guesswork.
Moses followers are savages if that weren't clear from their LARPing as God.
"herp derp I work for God, I'll prove it by rounding up a lynch mob to stone you if you say otherwise."
For what?
Same reason Churchill left the Holocaust out of his war memoir- both are mere fabrications, fan fiction if you will.
This, you can see striking similarities between Exodus and the Holocaust. Nobody mentioned the holocaust in their memoirs, nor any record of it exists. The Jews are known for these kind of things.
Stop man, with this doubt! It was all God.
You are retarded. The Jews' entire religion depends on the Exodus literally happening.
>We can take this event to mean that God doesn’t approve of slavery right?
No, the Torah contains regulations practicing slavery. He was just against his (((chosen people))) being slaves to filthy goyim.
>God punished the Egyptians for their cruelty towards the Jews which was probably 10000 x worse than slavery in the last millennium.
t. schlomo
>as an extra reward God made them the chosen people
The children of Israel were the chosen people since before they even went to Egypt.
Why didn't the Egyptians, the Hittites, and the Assyrians record anything about this rich Jewish empire whom monarchs from all over the world visited?
>Egyptians covered it up!!!
Yes I'm sure they would try, but how successful could they be at covering something like that up?
Hatshepsut's successors did their best to censor her legacy, and even her identity, but we can still gather a lot from her reign.
How in the fucking hell could a bronze age people cover up, as you describe it:
>Supernatural disasters happening to them, their firstborn sons dying, all their slaves escaping, their Pharaoh and military being killed in the Red Sea.
Even if they could somehow manage to remove all written evidence from this, ranging from letters among merchants to royal records, why is there no archaeological evidence for this?
Well the Quran also mentions slaves. But it says be kind to them.
Perhaps the Egyptians weren't particularly kind to their slaves?
Egyptians were niggers who can't read let alone writwe tbqh, what do you expect when the highest IQ race outsmarts them?
It also says beat your wife if she disobeys you, but to stop beating her when she promises to obey you again.
Just to add:
News of events of this scale and magnitude must have reached the rest of the bronze age world. The kingdoms and nations in this time were in constant contact through trade; why are there no solid, reliable contemporary records from the Hittites, Mesopotamians, etc?
Not in the Hadiths, but the Quran? I don't remember that Surah, could you link me it?
>We can also take this to mean he didn’t approve of Polytheism
In the sense of believing in other gods, no, actually. Nothing in Exodus implies Yahweh is the only god, in fact a few verses suggest the contrary. He merely demands that his chosen people worship him and no others.
yhwh was demanding top billing, you can have those other gods he is the bottom bitch, uppercase God.
All that shit happening to Egypt would be enough to convince them they were worshipping the wrong god(s), yet they didn't stop believing in them until centuries later, after Christianity and Islam were things.
what are you getting at with the verses from luke
God doesn't exist there is no chosen people especially not jews, who are illegally occupying foreign land and are still bombing Palestinians. That is the accepted truth