No matter how hard you try to argue, there was literally no good reason for killing Nicky
He was an incompetent military leading throwing thousands of Russian lives away, while being cucked by a hillbilly magician and refusing to listen to the Duma about incoming revolution or his failings.
>Directly responsible for millions of Russian deaths through sheer incompetence and stubborness
>No good reason to kill him
The only reason you /pol/niggers defend is because he got killed by commies
If he got killed by fascists you'd all be saying he deserved it
As much as I dislike bolsheviks they had a couple of valid reasons to off both him and Alexandra since sadly they fucked Russia over a bit too hard with their leadership.
The murder of the rest of the family and the other people with them is completely unjustified no matter what kind of mental gymnastic you do though.
iam a Fascist and he deserved every buller, inbred cuck that sold Russia to the Germs
I'm not /pol/ and I'd like to have Nicky around
He was a fucking idiot who got millions of his men killed; taking over control of the military from his competent cousin dug his grave
Moreso, the White Guard were closing in on where the Reds were holding him and his family hostage; execution was fucked (especially the children) but practical. Any remaining Romanov would've been a big boost for the Whites in morale and support/recruitment
> I post on a Peruvian hamster racing forum that makes me a fazi
No you're just a retard
Go back to your containment board
Too good for this world
Aw, did you get your widdle fee-wings hurt by the big meanie bolsheviks?
Are you gonna cwy?
Are tears streaming down your widdle cheekies?
Poor widdle boo boo got his widdle fee-wings hurt.
Waaah Waaah Waaah Waaah Waaah Waaah
Nicholas II of Russia was not a bad guy at all, he was just a victim of anti monarchy propaganda.
He had numerous opportunities where he could've escaped with his life or accept that Tsarism was on his way out and settle for the role of constitutional monarch or simply abdicate before the plebs got too angry.
He was simply too dumb to live.
>He's not upset at the overthrowing and wiping out of a 300 year long monarchy whose family has major cultural and historical significance, and who upheld Russian traditions
this is true, he was dumb as fuck.
He was sabotaged by Bolsheviks and sympathisers in his inner circle.
Who gives a fuck? The world will progress whether you want it to or not. It's a shame that there are so many people that have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the modern age.
Tradition is fucking stupid.
>muh tradition
Lets see you care about fucking tradition when your entire country goes to shit and half of your friends die because of his incompetence
>thinking tradition actually has tangible value
>Tradition is fucking stupid.
Literally not an argument
Waste. Of. Time.
You have been brainwashed to reject all evidence that contradicts your Fox News programming.
Trying to educate a moron like you would be like pissing on a duck's back.
You can down an entire 6-pack and then drain your snake on that duck's back -
but that little sucker ain't gonna get wet.
That explains Trump supporters, evolution-deniers, climate-deniers. You tools of the rich live in a fantasy world where truth is whatever you want it to be.
he shilled for the eternal Kraut, he was against the interest of Russian nation
>abloo bloo bloo muh inbred murderous tyrant
Bootlickers like you need a helicopter ride.
>muh progress
Whine like a little bitch when you get your ass handed to you in a jar.
Beating up on Conservative pimps for the rich is about as easy as
teasing a kitten with a laser pen.
not him, but
Who's whining? I just chimed into the thread right now. If anything you seem to be whining and assblasted by the speed at which you post on a fucking Veeky Forums thread.
Calm down. I'm not a Trump supporter climate (change) denier or an evolution-denier. You Americans are so fucking arrogant holy fuck.
>actually thinking tradition is better than progress
I've reduced you to nothing more than a second grader with boogers dripping out of his nose. Check out the great answer you gave.
You had NUTHIN.
I scraped off your ass, put it in a jar, and then handed it to you,
and all you could do was reply with grammar school taunts.
These Conservative Tools for the rich are utterly pathetic.
I've already thrashed you around like a gazelle caught in the jaws of a lion. He humiliated you, your family, your pets, and your friend. Why do you keep coming back for more?
Several Romanovs (Dmitri, Vladimir, also Yusopov's wife) survived and no one really cared
Not direct line though
Better candidates than 14-21 year old girls and a hemophilic tbqh
The amount of idiots in this thread.
Any studier of political science realises that stability is superior to instability and what should've been done with Nicky was a forced retreat from politics and leaving it to his more responsible relatives and aristocratic friends.
Traditional also has a tangible benefit in the form of social cohesion.
they literally tried to do this but nicky was too dumb to realize what everyone in the duma was trying to tell him u weeb
>there are people in this thread who prefer commie rule over the tsar's
>hindsight is 20/20
watching you claim you win over and over makes it seem like you lost even if that's not the case desu
>Hur dur whey do people die in revolution!!!
they don't need a good reason. It just happened.
One life in a war that took tens of millions
Don't get emotional over it because your daddy didn't love you
I never get this, wasn't he a fascist?
They could’ve escaped and restarted the dynasty
there are still romanovs alive user
It is a known fact
Yes, a fascist. Not a national socialist. Fascists and national socialists were enemies until the Spanish civil war.
I still find it amusing that this pussy was in charge of the fucking Russian Empire for any length of time at all. Life is strange
Originally, the Bolsheviks wanted to keep the Tsar and his family alive to be tried after the Revolution. But when the Czechoslovak Legion began heading for the city they were being held in (Yekaterinburg), the Bolsheviks ran into a problem. If any of the Romanov dynasty has been rescued by the White Army, it would be disastrous for the Revolution: the West would have a formal head of state to negotiate with (which might have resulted in an expansion of Western military operations in revolutionary Russia), and the soldiers of the counterrevolution would have become much more moralized and less willing to surrender. In order to prevent these things from happening, the government of Yekaterinburg decided to hold an summary execution for the family. The city was captured by the White Army just a week later.
Killing them all like that was certainly not a good or glorious thing to do - I personally think it would have been much better had it been possible to bring the Tsar and his family to trial - but, in context, it was a matter of pure military necessity nonetheless.
Wtf does it have to do wirh /pol/? Yes, his failed military plans led to the deaths of millions of troops, but the casualties would have still been massive in such a war anyway. Bloodthirsty bolsheviks didn't have to kill the royals, a deposition was enough.
Oh shit guys, watch out, we got a REAL tough guy over here. Look how proud he is of the mere thought that he has won an argument on the internet! Oh shit guys...
He was an Austrofascist, which is essentially a combination of extreme Austrian nationalism and Italian fascism. Being an Austrian nationalist, he naturally opposed annexation by Germany, a country traditionally derided as inferior for religious reasons (Germany is predominantly Protestant, Austria is Catholic). Something that got in the way of the Nazis' goal of putting all German-speaking peoples under their rule. Ultimately, Dollfuss was killed for this.
Dollfuss also split radically from the Nazis on the issue of the Jews. While belief in a worldwide Jewish conspiracy is deeply ingrained in Nazism, Austrofascism was largely free of that prejudice. Jews living in Austria lived more or less unmolested until the Anschluss. A lot of Fascist movements during the 1930s such as the Dutch NSB weren't particularly anti-Semitic until World War II.
Check here:
It's currently disputed between Maria Vladimirovna and Prince Andrew
think it was kind of an 'in for a penny, in for a pound' sort of deal
>Germany is predominantly Protestant
It isn't.
This. The German Empire was mostly dominated by Protestantism due to Prussia being the boss, but that faded already in the Weimar Republic. The Zentrum party for example was majorly catholic
Tsar had been deposed in early 1917 dummy. Tsar got killed in early 1918.
>It isn't.
Austrians still viewed Germany that way though, which was my point. Hence why Austrian nationalists opposed the Anschluss and the Nazis had to bring in one of their own, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, to secure annexation.
He was an incompetent leader who lead a state that enacted great cruelties on its people and did whatever he could to stop it from progressing politically. His children didn't need to die but Nicky had it coming.
>Any remaining Romanov would've been a big boost for the Whites in morale and support/recruitment
No, no one gave a fuck. The white armies weren't even remotely unified on monarchism.
>Not direct line though
With the Russian law of succession the daughters were ludicrously far away from becoming heads of state and his haemophilic son was already passed over when Nicky abdicated and tried to give the throne to another relative.
...that's exactly my point, dummy. They had already deposed him, killing him and his family wasn't necessary.
Why didn't George or Wilhelm give Nicky asylum?
Mental Illness: The Post
Authorised and funded by CTR™.
Tried and failed.
He was dumb as a rock and had the mind of a teenage girl. But he didn’t deserve to get murked like an animal.
>retard post
Okay so what about Stolypin reform, securing French investments, leaving the industry in a state that would've been fairly good if not for the USSR setting it back ten years, or the building of infrastructure consistently.
The Soviets had a fantastic geopolitical position and managed to screw it up.
>despite Stolypin's/Witte's Reforms, the USSR had the 1921-22 famine and the holodomor
>despite the industrial gains, the USSR wouldn't gain Russian imperial levels until 1928 in light & heavy industry collectively
>despite the Russian imperial infrastructure plans to close the 30 year gap with the west, it took 50 years
Russia will never know what it lost.
Because neither of them where autocrats who could dictate foreign policy at that time.
>Okay so what about Stolypin reform
You mean the ones he abandoned after Stolypin was assassinated by a man who was an agent of the Tsarist secret police?
>You mean the ones he abandoned
Where did you read that the empire abandoned it? Because it sounds like you looked up Stolypin, read about his death, and are now trying to come up with a way to turn this huge positive for Russia into a negative. They had been building the low-cost plan since Witte well before Stolypin, so it makes 0% sense to scrap the entire thing.
>by a man who was an agent of the Tsarist secret police?
And this is a straight up lie. I suspect you're a commie to be this blatant.
>Stolypin was shot twice, once in the arm and once in the chest by Dmitry Bogrov, a leftist revolutionary.
> a way to turn this huge positive for Russia into a negative.
Where did I say his reforms were negative? The fact they stalled after the Stolypins death - at least when it came to things like landownership shows that the Tzar wasnt pushing them.
>his is a straight up lie.
>Born Mordechai Gershkovich Bogrov (Russian: Mopдeхaй Гepшкoвич Бoгpoв)[citation needed] into a family of Jewish merchants in Kiev (Russian Empire), Bogrov, while simultaneously acting as an anarchist revolutionary, had been an agent of the Okhrana secret police since 1906, informing on the activities of Socialist Revolutionaries, Social Democrats and anarchists.
How revolutionary....
>into a family of Jewish merchants
Still suspect me as being a blatant commie?
You might find this fun then
>Kaplan was born into a Jewish family, as one of seven children. She became a political revolutionary at an early age and joined a socialist group, the Socialist Revolutionaries
>As a member of the Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs), Kaplan viewed Lenin as a ‘traitor to the revolution’, when his Bolsheviks banned her party. On 30 August 1918, she approached Lenin as he was leaving a Moscow factory, and fired three shots, badly injuring him.
Doubt a bunch of 20 years old ladies and an adolescent almost terminally ill would be interested in politics after all the shit they had to go through in those last two years. The would have fucked off from Russia and continue their lives elsewhere. After all, that was apparently their idea before everything went extra wrong.
That explanation is mostly a scapegoat to use against the White Army.
Nice rebuttal faggot
In March 1917 Nicholas abdicated both for himself and his son. His daughters were irrelevant to the succession and the throne was instead supposed to go to his brother, who more or less rejected the throne unless he got it by popular mandate. With his and Nicky's deaths in 1918 it passed on to other more distant members of the family who ended up being utterly irrelevant to the civil war. Both the Russian people and foreign powers were tired of the Romanovs (which is also why they didn't get asylum).
There was pretty much 0 rational political reason to kill the children, especially the daughters. It's just another footnote in the many deaths as a result of Lenin's paranoid and cruel red terror.
he was a literal cuck
That's ironic, you faggots literallly got indoctrinated by the leftwing media, leftwing entertainment media, leftwing education system and leftwing higher education system yet you think you know what you're talking about
T. 15 year old retard who listens to late night comedy hosts
t. 16 year old retard who listens to /pol/ or whatever other boogeyman
xD yeah bro she's a JEW lol
what a weird conspiracy...
There's literally no good reason NOT to kill tyrants, deposed or otherwise.
Jew conspiracy? Technically it was a conspiracy type insurgency, and despite being about 2% of the population they managed to come into 80-85% the ruling positions of the early Soviet Union. If you want sauce on that, Putin himself said it in a speech, it was confirmed by Israeltimes, and you can look up the sheer number of commissars yourself via google very quickly(and that's just commissars).
This thread
Every fucking time
Okay put yourself in the bolsheviks shoes,
They had just seized russia from a monarch, whens the last time a group of rebels dethroned a king? French Revolution and all the Europeans gangbanged the peasent rebellion to reinstate the monarch
Now they where also communist which made them extra unlikeable, as morally wrong and disgusting as it was for their revolution to work they HAD to kill his family if he had one blood heir the monarchs ( as unrealistic as this is but like i said out yourself in their shoes who could have known at the moment) could all join together to reinstate the monarchy, did they need to go apeshit and murder anyone who served the czar? Hell no but killing his family as wrong as it was had a bit of logic to it in the spurr of the moment
It was not a stupid revenge plot but tactical choice
>They had just seized russia from a monarch
Please try to have at least basic knowledge of the historical events you're discussing.
Oh good, the Putinposter's here
This. All women should be killed.
Yeah communism put an end to that
>muh paul
grow up you fucking infant. anyone with an interest in history would have preferred the romanovs to live.
Fuck this is shitty bait