Why do people act like the golden rule, i.e., do unto others as you would have them do unto you makes sense?

Why do people act like the golden rule, i.e., do unto others as you would have them do unto you makes sense?

Because it does.

It makes perfect sense, if you want to be a good person you can use it as a good framework for what is right and wrong.

If you don't care about morality that is another matter.

Are you a good person, OP?

Do you want me to punch you in the face?

Why do you keep making this thread?

Why not just be a good person?

because if you don't act like that I'll kill you

>Why not just be a good person?
Then we need a definition of 'good person'.

Reminder, don't repl- fuck people already fell for this bait again.

But you're not omniscient?

Are their exceptions to the golden rule?
What if youre a sadomasochist?

*teleports behind you*
you're sure you wanna take that chance.... kid?

Why do people go on Veeky Forums and make stupid threads?

Why do people go on Veeky Forums and make stupid posts?

>makes sense
Because it does. If everyone acted that way the world would be a much better place.
But is it possible? No, people are much too different and selfish.

>If everyone acted that way the world would be a much better place.

Ok user Ill just stab you in the throat no questions ask ok?

Oh wait I wont because you will probably try to fuck me up if you dont die, that the golden rule dont fuck with people if you know they will fuck you up afterwards.

So it's okay to fuck with people if you get away with it?

because people would treat each other more respectfully and considerately?

Not to me or most people because I have empathy you fucking sociopath.

So then how does the golden rule make sense?

Maintains social order.

Fuck off, saged.

What's the point when your individual decision ha little impact on social order?

idk ask yourself

You ask too many questions follow the social order or rot in prison psycho shit.

Faggot. No one cares about being nice and sentimental. That's faggot shit that no one cares about anymore. Moralfags are disgusting degenerates.

Why so violent?

We arent telling you to help people just dont be a piece of shit that causes harm to others.

A side effect of empathy causes high bloodlust at anyone who may cause me to feel pain, or suffering from others. So if you hurt someone you also hurt me and need to die before you hurt anyone else.

If enough people make the individual decision, the social order becomes that.

because everyone likes to think that we're made equal

My individual choice still doesn't impact their choice.

it's not supposed to "make sense", it's just a moral maxim people are taught

>it's not supposed to "make sense"
That's dumb.

about as dumb as any other moral

>do unto others as you would have them do unto you makes sense?

How does it account for sadists and masochistic behaviour?

not as dumb as you

It's a general rule not an absolute ya simp

It doesn't really make much sense. Last time I thought about it I grabbed a guy's dick and started stroking it but he punched me in the face. Sometimes shit just doesn't work out.

Officer I swear I wasn't trying to rape her, I just want sex so I was applying the golden rule! Why are you taking me away?!

Funny how the golden rule fails at the one most basic thing.

What about when you want sex but she doesn't?

>if you rape her that will hurt her, you don't want to be hurt yourself, do you?

Of course not, but she is already hurting me by not giving me the sex I want. I can't do unto her what I would have her do unto me because she doesn't want it, and she doesn't care for what I want. This puts me in a lose-lose situation I don't want.

Game theory and the prisoner's dilemma proves it to be the superior strategy.

It's not inherent to hairless apes so someone had to make it a 'rule'.


But in the prisoner's dilemma you should never cooperate.

Without the golden rule, what is stopping me from stabbing you and burning your house down because you looked at me funny and I had a bad day?

IThe optimal outcome is for both parties to keep their traps shut. In this case, if you know you're both religious and follow the golden rule because of it, you don't have to sweat over whether the other guy's going to rat you out. If the two are aetheists, then yes, there's no reason not to squeal.


Or if you live in a society of golden-rulers you squeal because you'll get the best deal and you'll be on the front end before society changes.

Ah, but you are all simple minded and retarded.

Your mother circumcised you, would it be golden to circumcise her in return? What if she screamed and threatened to call the cops in response to being treated the way she treated you?

By definition of rape is the recipient doesn't want it, so you cannot rape without breaking the rule.

Which is why Tit-for-Tat is the best strategy

If my mother had a penis then yeah I guess she would have to accept that I may ask why she isn't circumcised if she did it to me.

Your """example""" is absolutely retarded false equivalence.

I'd have to imagine that this is where you say LOGICAL EXTREME and be done with it

Golden rule is retarded. It makes far more sense to treat people as they treat you, or as they treat others.