>power comes from other people
>rulers must maintain good realations and reward those that let them rule
>therefore all power is corrupt because to hold it you must keep your court happy at the exploit of the masses (keep in mind that just because masses are more numerous it doesn't make them objectively good, nor supporting them. you're supporting them at the expense of the state)
>therefore in order for just society to emerge we must indoctrinate all people at birth to be devoted to the state, destroy family, and kill their desires. Asceticism for all.
Power comes from other people
Something something profit and asceticism. Court? Those that let them rule? Which are something apart from the masses. This seems to apply mostly to feudal monarchy with kings supported by barons and a church. But I still don't see how the last line is concluded from the former.
>implying modern democracies don't have their own courts
There's a difference between a feudal court, a judicial court and lobbying or a cabinet of ministers and advisors. You don't have to keep the latter happy as a democratic ruler or fear of being usurped. If you want to hold power indefinitely or as long as possible perhaps, but once you're sworn in you aren't contractually obligated to provide what your campaign funders wanted.
>indoctrinate all people at birth to be devoted to the state, destroy family, and kill their desires
why do you have such destructive thoughts user? something happened? sit on next to me and tell me!
Perhaps all hierarchical power structures are "corrupt" due to vested interests of those with the finances behind the power structure. But your argument seems to imply all power structures of authority are inherently corrupt because of the organization of the structure. What about decentralized power structures?
power in decentralized power structures comes from big groups of people that votes you in to the office. in order for political party to acquire power they need to bribe them with promises. for example they'll give subsidies for farmers if they are a big segment of society. if they fail to satisfy their needs they will be voted out. it leads to a situation where better stantards of living are a natural consequence of democracy
Lol. South Africa. That's all I'm gonna say.
We got faster internet and better BBQs than America boetie.
Obviously bruh a braai is a braai. Just look at the fuckup of our gov. Hell of a lot of fun corruption scandals
ANC is a meme generator but standards of living have definitely gotten better, even for the squatter townships
In order for a just society to emerge you do need a more centralized government but in order to justify that you need a religion to unite us
Only one part of this pyramid is illegitimate.
Guess which. That's a politics test.
the bottom one
>fucking workers, mooching off the people who work
top one. it doesn't exist
Political authority doesn't exist?
god, look closer
Not sure if that's some secret societies shit instead, though.
I say it's god but this pyramid is a damn mess.
It mixes the traditional monarchist structure of power (with god at the top) with modern elements which have no coherence at all.
Apparrently the original is a Russian political cartoon from 1900 and has the Imperial Eagle on the top. The American copy is from 1911 and comes with a money bag on top. That would indicate that the top is reserved for the thing that rules all, rather than for the concept that serves as the justification for the pyramid (which is by far the most common criticism of the concept of God). I think the biggest chance is that they're trying to spin it as secret societies controlling everything.
But yeah, the pyramid is a complete mess in this redention. It's less of a mess in its original form, but it's still pretty bad.