Is Modern China Fascist?
>Corporatist Based Economy with cooperation of the state and business, but the state still maintains strict dominance
>Authoritarian leadership
>Cult of personality growing around Xi
>irredentist claims
>extreme nationalism
Is Modern China Fascist?
>Corporatist Based Economy with cooperation of the state and business, but the state still maintains strict dominance
>Authoritarian leadership
>Cult of personality growing around Xi
>irredentist claims
>extreme nationalism
>extreme nationalism
>cult of personality
Popularity != cult of personality
Fuckin communist fascists amirite?
>people can't like their leader without being brainwashed
CIA pls
Based Changs
Exactly, by this logic the U.S. has had many cults of personality in its presidential history. FDR’s administration promoted pro-FDR shill media for decades and censored anyone that disagreed/cut off their funding.
Nothing Xi Jinping or FDR did even comes close to Stalin/Hitler/Mao’s “cult of personality”, you know, the people the definition was made for?
I am a Japanese-American Nisei.
Calling people brainwashed if they disagree with your opinions is literally brainlet-tier.
China is a nationalist nation, but in no way is it fascist.
Fascism clearly cannot coincide with Communism, and in China the state is not worshipped. The Party is.
>if you don't arbitrarily hate a country because of made up faults, you must be from there
any Americans here should be upset they're paying for you
No not really, but there are similarities. Fascism is all about the propertied ruling class circling the wagons to protect their investments in the long term.
In China, we're instead seeing the remnants of a communist movement do the opposite, by constricting the political power of the propertied classes without seriously threatening their investments.
They're practicing a heavily interventionist model of capitalism for the proletarians, something Marx derided as "bourgeois socialism" in 1848. In addition to ensuring that all segments of Chinese society are happy in this arrangement, the current Chinese system seems much more stable than anything that existed in the country in the 20th century.
This breaks the 25 year rule, but those in geopolitical circles and political scientists among Chinese citizens (non-CCP reps) are becoming more nationalistic. Compared to even ten or fifteen years ago Chinese today have a much more grand vision for the future of China. The days of China's peaceful rise are fading among the educated Chinese public and something closer to a Manifest Destiny is culminating in these circles.
Chinese are coming to realize that their nation's standing in the world will rise and with that realization comes both expectations for where China's place should be in the world and comparisons with former history of China. In other words, it's not uncommon to find educated Chinese who believe that China's place really is as the numba one nation in the world. Militarily, economically, and diplomatically Chinese have become more accepting of the idea that their truly great country will become truly great again. "China's rightful place in the world." It's pretty nationalistic in tone and it's quite different from China's peaceful rise rhetoric we saw coming out at the beginning of the century.
>Authoritarian leadership
Centered around which authoritarian figure?
>Cult of personality growing around Xi
Literally nothing new. Every Chinese leader gets the Mao treatment.
Mao is more iconic as a communist poster-boy, but they did it to Deng, they did it to Hu, and now its Xi's turn.
>extreme nationalism
China still officially operates on "5 Nations 1 Country." Its the civilian sector that's driving nationalism.
I forgot to mention that OP is a retard and China is not a fascist state. There are some concerns in the West that Xi Jinping has been cultivating a cult of personality. His anti-corruption campaign has been so wildly popular it's going to be institutionalized, but it's no coincidence that corruption campaigns are an easy way to wash your hands of opposition within the party as well.
>Corporatist Based Economy with cooperation of the state and business,
That's not what "corporate power" meant in that Mussolini quote you moron.
>Fascism is all about the propertied ruling class circling the wagons to protect their investments in the long term
Commie detected
This actually seems like a good question. China does match most definitions of fascism. They certainly aren't communists.
Not really, xi jinping though is the official party line. Now the last two leaders didn’tget that treatment
China never had a "peaceful rise."
The last two leader were basically empty suits.
It's arguable sure, but that was the official position of China under Hu Jintao. The discussion is on fascism and "extreme nationalism" was noted as one of the proofs it's worth acknowledging that the nationalism has increased among the educated public in more recent years under Xi Jinping. The Party itself seemingly still maintains a policy of pragmatism in terms expansion.
Xi has a lot more centralized power than any other leader after Mao.
>Is it communism?
>Is it fascism?
No, its Mandate of Heaven.
Daily reminder that after reindoctrinating the Chinese to Confucianism, an attempt on Xi's life will leave him scarred and deformed, but his resolve is going to be ever stronger. Xi will declare the Second Chinese Empire. For a safe and secure society.
No. They lack the autarky of fascism, and the "cult of personality" isn't nearly as strong as it's meant to be under fascism.
Autarky more like autism lol
[Citations needed]
Chinese promoting China != Fascist ethnotate hellbent on violent world domination
Xi Dynasty when?
“Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era” != Xi Jinping Thought
The latter means that what he thinks is law, the former directly references Deng Xiaoping’s Theories.
Trying to compare some obscure shit added to the Party Constitution as reflective of power is simply idiotic.
China today is nothing like China in 1956. Xi Jinping could be called God Emperor of China and he’d be less powerful than half-dead Mao in 1976.
Except the bullshit Western narrative about abandoning the “peaceful rise” policy started in 2009 during Hu Jintao’s peak. Had nothing to do with Xi Jinping.
Meanwhile official Chinese policy still is the “peaceful rise”.
Either way, it is retarded to think this actually reflects their policy. Jiang Zemin ordered a military attack on Vietnamese islands and launched thousands of missiles at Taiwan.
[Citations needed]
I see this meme spouted everywhere but there’s no actual evidence to it outside opinion blogs.
Deng removed half the CCP, completely changed the economic system, set up a new constitution, ruled for 16 years, ordered the massacre of thousands of protestors, and personally signed off on the executions of millions of political prisoners.
Deng was the fucking dictator of China or two decades. Xi has at least 15 years to even match Deng.
Xi has one daughter who works in a small law company in Beijing. He doesn’t have any eligible male family members.
AKA - not happening
Awee. He needs to get to work impregnating that cute chink milf of his then. A return to the Mandate seems like the best solution for China rn imo.
>not adopting your successor
Fucking barbarians
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era works for China. They should stick with what they know works.
>Communism is when the party is worshipped, not the state
>Every Chinese leader gets the Mao treatment.
Except for every Chinese leader apart from (arguably) Deng. Jiang Zemin had a personality cult comparable to Mao's, amirite? xD
How do you fucking people even dress yourselves in the mornings? It amazes me how easily you delude yourself into thinking you have even a basic understanding of the topics in front of you.
Fuck off and go read more books
But is in China isn't the Party essentially the same as the state?
I'm serious about this but does Xi have the assburgers? You know that disease that my millennial son has and a lot of them fellers have today? Is China assburgers?
That is literally what every fascist society has been. From start to finish, it's just authoritarian class-collaborationism with a nationalist flavor
Fascism is not Communism.
Deng still gets the Mao treatment.
He is glorified everywhere in China and Xi goes and visits his tomb annually.
There is a State and a Party. The Party generally has positions that mirror the State offices. The State follows what the Party dictates.
All GOATs have it.