>But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
What did he mean by this?
But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek...
Other urls found in this thread:
IIRC it had something to do with shaming the person who slapped you with the back of the hand, so by turning your cheek they'd be forced to acknowledge you as their equal lest they slap you in a dishonourable way, someone else might know what I'm talking about.
You are correct. By refusing to retaliate, you draw attention to the transgressions of your opponent.
Same principle behind passive resistance.
It means if they bomb one Tower let them bomb its Twin.
What a dipstick Penis brain that shithead Jew fuck has.
Something like:
If someone fucks with you, give them a moment to think it over instead of immediately retaliating.
90% of the time they'll just look like a jackass and sulk away.
>and your other cheek
>He wont fuck my wife a second time
>turn the other butt-cheek
That we must tolerate evil
I'm surprised no one posted this yet
>my wife left me and it's all Jesus' fault
/tv/ poster
>J-jesus was an alpha male, r-right guys?
Literally read the verses after that. If someone sues you for your coat, give them your cloak too. If someone forces you to walk a mile, walk two miles. It says absolutely nothing about retaliation. It’s literally all about obliging your enemy when he tries to wrong you. Sorry, Jesus was a cuck.
>It means if they bomb one Tower let them bomb its Twin.
>What a dipstick Penis brain that shithead Jew fuck has.
>Jackass Jesus
I told you that Love wouldn't work
Love is for losers, Satan
>The scholar Walter Wink, in his book Engaging the Powers: Discernment and Resistance in a World of Domination, interprets the passage as ways to subvert the power structures of the time.[2]
>At the time of Jesus, says Wink, striking with the back of the hand a person, who was deemed to be of a lower socioeconomic class, was used as a means to assert authority and dominance. If the persecuted person "turned the other cheek," the discipliner was faced with a dilemma: The left hand was used for unclean purposes, so a back-hand strike on the opposite cheek would not be performed. An alternative would be a slap with the open hand as a challenge or to punch the person, but this was seen as a statement of equality. Thus, by turning the other cheek, the persecuted was demanding equality.
>Wink continues with an interpretation of handing over one's cloak in addition to one's tunic. The debtor has given the shirt off his back, a situation forbidden by Hebrew law as stated in Deuteronomy (24:10–13). By giving the lender the cloak as well, the debtor was reduced to nakedness. Wink notes, that public nudity was viewed as bringing shame on the viewer, and not just the naked, as seen in Noah's case (Genesis 9:20–23).
>Wink interprets the succeeding verse from the Sermon on the Mount as a method for making the oppressor break the law. The commonly invoked Roman law of Angaria allowed the Roman authorities to demand that inhabitants of occupied territories carry messages and equipment the distance of one mile post, but prohibited forcing an individual to go further than a single mile, at the risk of suffering disciplinary actions.[3] In this example, the nonviolent interpretation sees Jesus as placing criticism on an unjust and hated Roman law, as well as clarifying the teaching to extend beyond Jewish law.[4]
It meant strive to avoid conflict
for reference
>I told you that Love wouldn't work
>Love is for losers, Satan
Life for life, Eye for eye, Tooth for tooth, Hand for hand, Foot for foot, Breach for
breach, Burning for burning, Wound for wound, Stripe for stripe, Skin for skin!
Old Testament God was Fuckin' A right!
You're an idiot. The dumbest myth in western society is that Jesus was timid and weak.
Actually read the New Testament and get back to me.
It's the same God. Just because Jesus was a more contemplative prophet doesn't stop him from being someone who preaches God's word.
Same as Moses or Muhammad.
Why did Satan the Father create God the Son?
Why did Holy Ghost create Satan the Father?
& Why did God the Son create Holy Ghost?