To all the REQ bagholders

Hey at least you're not this guy who tried to buy AION. He paid $55,000 buying less than 1 AION.....then he tried to do it AGAIN!

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Abusing EtherDelta like this must be the most profitable thing in crypto currently.

this CANNOT be real

Check the recent transactions on ED yourself right now...



this is real.

why dont more people do this?

What is selling to yourself

dude...thats fucking soul crushing.

the fuck am i looking at?

Pajeet brand street diarrhea.
And it only took the seller 600 gwei, what a bargain. Seriously, how the fuck do people with this much money exist?

Tried to fill one like this before. Would have traded a penny for $2,000. Unfortunately several other people or bots clicked as well and my transaction failed. Still had the pay the tx fee.

would it be possible to set a sell order that's x% larger than the current market price and have another user in ED buy it specifically, rather than buying cheaper ones?

How exactly do people Even fall for this I don't get it.

probably dint set up his trading bot properly

Stupid faggot deserves pain

I wanna try this lol but I can't even imagine how it works because it makes no sense how any would fall for it..

you won't get in on these trades unless you run a bot. and even then it's risky because if the trade fails you still pay for the transaction, so you better hope you're fast.

please help me understand how these mistakes happen? how will actually get filled at this price? the best bid/ask at the time?

You retards. The trade is red so it was a buy order that was filled. The buy order would have sat right at the bottom. The person who set the buy order filled it themselves. I really hate biz sometimes.

If it's a buy order with a high price it sits at the top you fucking mongoloid.

This is it. This is how we know the market is over-saturated. We've reached levels of retardation that shouldn't even be possible. How does an autist like this even accumulate $100K?