what was the need for it?
Why did Europeans invent racism
Scientific racism was basically Europe's way of trying to legitimize colonialism and the oppression of millions of indigenous non-whites.
Bump for a potentially good thread?
Was it to subjugate the masses or was racial superiority an actual belief that was backed by evidence in academia?
The Chinese had a form of scientific racism though, even before the whites did
when you go to Africa and you see a people that havn't even developed a proper wheel and whose weapons are that of spears in the 1800s
its pretty much a natural reaction to think "hell, maybe these people are not as good as us"
Come on, you know very well scientific racism was largely a European endeavor. Entire institutions and laws were based on this crap.
That's all great, but SR is a prime example of how NOT to do science. Their methodology was all shit, their conclusions all rubbish, which is why SR is not taken seriously.
name one competent black civilization in world history
name one
>People are building empires and calling others inferior for thousands of years, yet somehow Europeans are different in regards to this.
t.historical illiterate
>scientific racism
meme term devised in the 20th century. Define the axioms of "racism," then we can see who was "racist" in history. Or whether "racist" should even be treated as a vice and pejorative.
We're not even discussing the same thing anymore.
No one's claiming Europe wasn't/isn't technologically more advanced than Africa. The question is why, and SR was a piss-poor way of answering that question, which is tragic because it was used to guide policy and justify the whole-sale subjugation and slaughter of entire peoples.
How did the Songhai Empire justify subjugating people?
meant for
Well europeans invented science, so of course they'd take a scientific approach to human biodiversity.
It didn't "invent" racism. Racism is the natural feeling of a man, who prefers his volk over foreign volks. Especially when this man is a White or a Nordic man and a race that disgusts him is negroe or med.
im pretty sure that the, dare i say, jews were the first to start this "we are the gods chosen people, the others exist to be our slaves" thingy followed by persians
Why does the era in which it was named make it a "meme" term. The term accurately describes the phenomenon we're discussing, namely, the ostensible use of the scientific method to demonstrate the existence and hierarchy of races.
I'm not sure what else you're babbling on about who's DA REAL RACISS n shiet.
That's why is relevant. They need to define "racism" and "scientific racism" if they want a sincere discussion
How did the Songhai Empire justify subjugating people?
The BLACK MAN doesn't need justification, craKKKa.
Why do you use a German term when you're speaking English? Why are you so eager to flaunt your autism?
volk doesn't have a proper translation in english
Human biology created racism. Not people.
Kingdom of Axum
"racism" is a meme word that's roughly 100 years old
there are higher and lower beings in nature
>The question is why
IQ and the creator behavior of Cro Magnon descended Whites.
this is true
To assist in our mission of spreading misery and suffering throughout the world.
>IQ and the creator behavior of Cro Magnon descended Whites.
But Chinese have higher IQ and have also creator behaviour and they didn't enslave and slaughter entire cultures and peoples
To stop their cuck behavior of mindlessly helping outsiders.
They just enslaved and slaughtered their own people, what's the difference
Racism itself is a meme word invented by Leon Trotsky. It was physical anthropology, not "scientific racism".
Because it's okay to do it to yourself.
The guy who created Latin names for every species on Earth did the same for humans and facilitated racist ideology.
Also there was a famous Saint who used Aristolean writings to show the basis of European superiority. So yes the roots of scientific racism did come from Europeans.
My people may have had notion of racism but they weren't hard and fast, it was flexible.
>Come on, you know very well scientific racism was largely a European endeavor. Entire institutions and laws were based on this crap.
All societies believe they are the superior one. Even animals believe they are superior to other animals. You ever watched two sibling baby birds fight? Man, you marxists are so uneducated, yet you want us to listen to you?
Volk is a meme. the natural feelings you're going on about didn't extend to the borders of the nation until the advent of large centralized governments who inculcated a sense of brotherhood through state power and the press where previously none existed
to justify slavery and colonial exploitation, them being mere infidels wasn't sufficient because they would just convert and then have to be treated as equals. Racism arose with the rise of the transatlantic slave trade because of the necessity of dehumanizing populations they got slaves from. It would later justify colonial activity against other groups like Asians or Arabs as they could be extended into the 'inferior' category. Racism wasn't just white vs black tho, an Englishman would consider the Irish to be nigger-tier
slavery has existed in every society since the dawn of time.
America was the first, and at the time was the only country in the world that had even talked about outlawing it on moral grounds. Stop revising history to suit your own misguided political convictions.
>hur du du du dur ur an marxist XDDD MUH SONG BIRDS
What a waste of quads. Neck yourself.
no shit retard, but transatlantic slavery and colonialism as practiced by Europe and the United States in the early modern period isn't the same as slavery practiced by Muslims or Greeks or Romans. Go back to the_donald
>early modern period
ah, so you mean the time period right after the old times, is that what you are referring to?
blacks were enslaving other blacks in africa. indians were enslaving other indians, and pakistanis.
chinese were enslaving uighurs, and japanese wanted to enslave chinese and koreans.
russians were enslaving the ukranians, and the british were enslaving the africans.
get your head out of your perfumed asshole
It's because these people are different and weird so we should be wary of them, and because of that it's ok to treat them differently and do things we see as not morally wrong at least when you look at it from the perspective of the powerful and superior feeling people.
They have developed a proper wheel and their weapons aren't guns because they already buy guns from other countries and also don't have the means of production to make those guns, it's like communism, it wouldn't work if it didn't ride on the corpses and work of the rich business and factory owners before them.
Ghana Empire, Kingdom of Nri, Bonoman, Mossi Kingdoms, Takrur, Benin Empire, Mali Empire, Jolof Empire, basically all of west africa.
They didn't invent racism. They saw subhuman niggers and treated them like what they were: subhuman.
So they were racist.
It isn't an invention if it's common sense to everyone.
this is the only correct answer in this thread, everything else is opinions
No, you're an idiot. Carl Linné was just a biologist he didn't give a shit about colonization.
Lol you still think muslims hate europeans because of religion and not just tribal racial hatred, there is a reason why jews are their genetic cousins.
Muslims =/= Arabs
Linnaeus categorized people in varieties, which influenced the racist scientic theory. The racist scientific theory was mainly developed by Gobineau. It's obviously needless to say that Gobineau's writings are utter garbage, but Linnaean taxonomy is entirely obsolete today.
Racism as a concept in any case and time was promoted by the European status quo in one way or another to justify colonization.
>what was the need for it?
European explorers traveled to the farthest corners of the Earth, and everywhere they went they met peoples who were inferior to them. Technologically, economically, artistically, everyone was beneath them.
Can you imagine how disappointed they must have been? It would be like finally getting to Alpha Centauri and encountering aliens, but to your horror, they're just a bunch of niggers.
>reddit spacing
>reddit bogeyman
really makes me think
Gobineau wasn't a scientist nor he ever claimed to be.
Sometimes, though generally after the 18th/19thC.
The rest of the world wasn't as technologically backwards as we've been led to believe, at least in regards to (south/east) Asia. Many nations required upwards of 3 wars with tens of thousands of European deaths to subjugate or even just vassalize. Europe's greatest powers were her expertise in political manipulation and strong ideas of national unity.
Europeans started travelling because they were economically weak and reliant on land trade routes that were dominated by the Muslim's whims. Until the 1800's, most of the world's wealth was still in India and China until the Euros jew'd them.
Subjective; hyper-realism isn't the be-all-end-all of art, and is limited in what it can portray.
ITT: People unironically think "racism" wasn't invented for the sole purpose of shaming Europeans into accepting hordes of niggers and pakis into their countries
based teenbro dropping the redpill on these normies
>Volk is a meme. the natural feelings you're going on about didn't extend to the borders of the nation
It literally did. It extended to the borders of tribe/ethnicity and race.
>greatest achievement is building a big stone stick in the 4th Century AD
To put down and more easily vassalise other peoples. Mexican here, the Spanish had the most autistic ever caste system. I'm talking like 20 levels from combinations between black, amerindian and spaniard.
Not the user but you have to admit if everyone is still stuck drawing animes wich give you a very poor idea of what people looked like back in the day then they are not very far in terms of drawing. Espacilly since all they needed was some lenses and mirrors to do what europeans did.
What the Spanish implemented in your ancestor was beyond autistic. But it did lead to Latin and South America overcoming race in some ways. Sooooooo A+?
You mean Jews, OP.
they couldnt enslave other europeans, technicaly, not realy, but it just wasnt doable in the colonies on a large scale, they did have indentured servants and convict labor but they needed mass expendable labor force, and africa was then in the buisness of exporting just that, so the amerirac became a wast new market for african export
the only problem was the brittish portugese, spanish, duch, french etc... involved in all this were christians, and in many instances cultures with strong humanist or civil traditions, and often raised on a respect for human dignity and personal freedom, these were times of the glorious revolution and reformation/counterreformation wars, enlightenment was starting and so on
so they just had to develop somekind of ideological fix to get over the cognitive dissonance
whats fun is how they developed a variety of different fixes in that respect
some just regarded the slaves as subhuman so the skin color difference was a useful designator and made thing clear and simple, some saw them as ''lesser'' but still human but that meant they could claim slavery is for their own good as that sort of makes them part of civilisation, others went for the logic of inherent difference firstly on theological then on scientific terms and so on
like in spanish empire racial difference was basicaly a sort of feudal caste thing, while in the brittish empire it was a designated category of imperial subject
The Ottoman Empire
volk means people/nation you dumbass
I swear to god these germanboos need to fucking step their game up if they wanna be convincing.
Back then racism didnt exist.
They just called it being a superior race, and there definetely is correlations between IQ and race.
>and everywhere they went they met peoples who were inferior to them. Technologically, economically, artistically, everyone was beneath them.
What a retarded post
European technology has been superior to chink technology since the XI century. Europeans could just project power into chingchong land in the XVI century and chingchongs were using XVI Portuguese technology well into the XIX century.
Chinks are the memiest of things and the fact that they believe that their culture has ever competed with western one is just outright stupid
What is folk you absolute subhuman ?
They did not. Next question please.
>they didn't enslave and slaughter entire cultures and peoples
So I take it you haven't studied the history of China?
>France abolished slavery within the French Kingdom (continental France) in 1315. In May 1787 the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade was formed in London England to end the British slave trade. Revolutionary France abolished slavery in France's colonies in 1794, although it was restored by Napoleon with the Law of 20 May 1802 as part of a program to ensure French sovereignty over its colonies. Haiti formally declared independence from France in 1804 and brought an end to slavery in its territory. The northern states in the U.S. all abolished slavery by 1804.
Absolutely incorrect.
t. Doesn't understand what scientific racism is.
Serbian empire
>America was the first, and at the time was the only country in the world that had even talked about outlawing it on moral grounds.
GOD can you fucking /pol/tards fuck off
Racism was used by English settlers in America to pit poor working whites against blacks. This way they could not form a cohesive unit against the rich.
>I may be a poor as shit piece of trash white
>but atleast I'm not a nigger
it didn't which is why most of europe was divided into tons of fiefdoms until the modern period of history when 'nationalism' attempted to mold a bunch of different people of different language, ethnicity, custom into the same state and inculcate an idea in them they were all 'germans' or 'french' or 'italian'.