How do Cathol*cs and their off-branches justify their heresy?
How do Cathol*cs and their off-branches justify their heresy?
this isn't the 15th century martin
As a moozlim orthodox christianity is pretty bro tier desu. Sure we fought eachother for centuries but at least you are proper christians and u dont didfle kids
How do ortho-dogs justify starting a whole new branch of Christianity just because they were butmad that some french guy was made Roman Emperor?
The orthodox church is the original one(it's literally in the name). Catholics split off because we opposed the pope's attempt to overturn all established religious hierarchy and declare himself sole-leader of the church. Your sect was founded by greedy child molesters.
Charlemagne has nothing to do with the Great Schism.
>bronze age tier idol worship
>calls others heretics
Nice try, Kostas
ITT: Veeky Forums posters LARPing as christians
as a Jew I agree. The beliefs and aesthetic are top notch
Disgusting jew stay out.
You are filth.
the schism happened 300 years after charlemagne you uneducated buffoon, what are you even doing on Veeky Forums?
You're casting the first stone, son. Give all your money to charity, take a shower then try again.
I admit it is kind of satisfying seeing our Byzantine domes and art style implemented in non-Orthodox countries
You are not human. You are a monster.
They cast the first stone. The jews are a menace. They have the option to repent and accept Jesus as their lord and savior. If they choose not to it's their own fate..
charles the great wasnt french.
>charles the great
They can't. Only the true Protestant faith can be justified, by virtue of Scripture alone.
>in the same sentence
why should i use a french term to describe a germanic emperor who himself spoke a germanic lanuage?
Then fucking call him Carolus Magnus or even Karl der Grosse if you want to trigger Veeky Forums, but what kind of cretin uses charles the great?
I'm serious about this but do the Catholics have the assburgers? You know that disease that my millennial son has and a lot of them fellers have today?
>he took the teabag
wew the *nglo wasn't even trying
I don't know. How do Orthodox not accept filioque and Papal primacy?
By not having autism
>no council actually accepted the filioque
>no one ever said that the holy spirit proceeds through the pope as a position
Let me guess. Are you a neo platonist?
Primus inter pares, motherfucker
Protestants are still based on the rotten foundation that is catholicism therefore you aren't much better.