I'm watching Rome and the jews are being mocked and treated as second class citizens.
Did they become powerful in Europe only because of Christianity's meme rule of forbidding usury?
I'm watching Rome and the jews are being mocked and treated as second class citizens.
Did they become powerful in Europe only because of Christianity's meme rule of forbidding usury?
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>Did they become powerful in Europe only because of Christianity's meme rule of forbidding usury?
There were Christian usurers too (Templar knights come to mind). Jews just happened to be skilled since their culture puts a lot of importance on knowledge.
>Jews just happened to be skilled since their culture puts a lot of importance on swindling
Rabbi harems made the ashkenazis have big brains or some shit
The majority of Jews in Europe were never powerful, they lived in shitholes like Poland, where did you hear that they were powerful?
>Did they become powerful in Europe only because of Christianity's meme rule of forbidding usury?
It was by far the biggest factor. Other stuff like a cultural emphasis on education may also have contributed, but Christians being discouraged from lending money, and Jews being prohibited from doing anything else was the real key
Which is of course why all the biggest banking dnyasties in Medievla and Renaissance Europe were all Christians. Where are the Jews who have the reach of the Medici's or the Fuggers back when Christians are taking this stuff seriously?
>I'm watching Rome and the jews are being mocked and treated as second class citizens.
They shouldn't have been citizens at all. But Rome insisted on syncretism and Caracalla was a retard.
Do you deny that Christians were generally discouraged from engaging in usury? The existence of some exceptions who refused to follow this doesn't really prove anything. German states literally had a position known as "Court Jew" to handle banking, this is how the Rothschilds got their start.
Most Jews were not bankers, and most bankers were not Jewish, but Jews were still over-represented in banking. It's not really that hard to understand unless you're a stormfag who insists all kikes are evil bankers, or someone over-reacting to stormfags by getting butt-flustered at the slightest suggestion Jews were over-represented in certain occupations
How did they work Hitler into a shoot then?
German autism
>Most Jews were not bankers, and most bankers were not Jewish
>It was by far the biggest factor.
No, I am not denying your bizarre absolutes. But to suggest that Jews had a preponderance on banking is something you are now saying is itself not actually true. Therefore, the "power" (and seriously, since when have Jews been a powerful group in Europe?) is likely tied to other factors, most especially their diasporic contacts within other power structures often making them have wider information nets than other peoples.
whoops, mislinked. has the greentext second line
The Christian rule against usury was a major part of it, but there was also the matter of Jews having a trans-national cultural/religious/racial identity in a time when Europe was incredibly divided.
A Jew merchant could travel to any city in Europe and just by being a Jew he would have enough local contacts to easily do business there. This became particularly important after Luther's heresy, when a German Protestant might struggle to do business in Catholic France or Italy, and vice versa, while the Jews kept on doing business as they always had.
I actually agree with you that Jews have never really been powerful in Europe. I was just responding to OP’s retarded framing, and explaining why a disproportionate number of Jews attained success in banking, which, reading between the lines, was what he meant when he said referred to Jewish power. You haven’t really offered any rebuttal to that, just got ass-blasted for no real reason. Calm your autism
>Christianity's meme rule of forbidding usury
Catholics aren't Christian
The Jews didn't work Hitler into a shoot. He worked a work and worked himself into a shoot, not knowing it was a work all along. Hitler screwed Hitler. The Fed and its allies just did what had to be done. That doesn't work for us, brother, freedom has to go over. So sure, Hitler got kicked straight in the face by the mighty Jew, got concussed and disappeared. But he was not the best there is, was and ever will be. He was a one-testicled vanilla smark-pandering loud midget. Deal with it.
Yeah they've been so powerful they lived in ghettos and like half of their European population was killed in WW2.
Jews are just a scapegoat. I'm not saying they don't do shitty stuff, but the idea that Jews are calling the shots is just a brainlet fantasy.
>Did they become powerful in Europe only because of Christianity's meme rule of forbidding usury?
They became powerful because they sold their souls into eternal damnation or destruction in exchange for worldy power.
>Poland was always a shithole
t.booty blasted westerner
Wrong. Tsigans base their whole fucking existence on swindling and they are sub-nigger tier.
You are just jealous and angry.
The Jews were never powerful. There were just a few powerful Jewish men / families. They did become powerful via banking but Christians were banking st that time as well.
Is no one going to post the proper image? Fine.
He's a /pol/ack.
After the conquest of Jerusalem and being able to travel the Roman empire freely, they moved about freely, took business opportunities that landed people typically wouldn't (long-distance trading for example), and set up diaspora communities in different port towns in the Mediterranean. Through this they created an efficient international business network.
By the middle ages because they had retained their in-group identity, they were a middle-man minority and would be employed to do things that were necessary but frowned upon: long-distance trading, collect taxes, run feudal estates for absentee landlords, short term loans, etc. Similar to Indians in Africa under the British Empire or Chinese in South-East Asia.
Setting up shop in a king/duke's territory would give them some access to international capital markets for example, so there were a set of personal benefits to the sovereign for letting Jews operate in their domain.
This was much of the same in the new Muslim world and Jews that operated throughout that world became Sephardi Jews while Jews that operated in Europe became Ashkenazi Jews. Sephardi Jews were typically involved in moving goods from beyond the Muslim world and getting them to Europe or in the slave trade.
They were expelled from most of Western Europe in the late middle ages for a variety of reasons (unhappy peasant class, rulers failing to pay their debts, etc.) and were invited to Poland where they did much of the same thing. When Poland was partitioned, Prussia, Austria and Russia inherited a huge amount of Jews. The Germans/Austrians put them in ghettos and the Russians confined them to the Pale of Settlement.
Napoleon emancipated the Jews throughout most of Europe and that's when you start seeing them integrate somewhat. Prussians/Germans tried to integrate them by forcing them to adopt German names and to serve in the military as an example. They set up banking houses across Europe and became integral to international finance.
baron rothschild was born into a ghetto and rose to be the progenitor of the richest family in existence
just because not all jews were wealthy doesn't mean the conditions weren't ripe for them to use predatory lending tactics on gentile europeans