Altough the romance of the three kingdoms is embellished it is still a massively significant event in chinese history, is there any european equivalent that comes close to the scope of the fighting/intrigue of the era? Is the 30 years war the only comparable event?
European equivalent of the Romance of the three kingdoms?
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Can someone give me the basic rundown of the three kingdoms thing? It sounds interesting.
Fourteenth century story that gives a romanticized account of the end of the Han Dynasty, the subsequent Three Kingdoms period and the wars and interactions this entails, and finally the reunification of China.
the iliad
can the total war fags please fuck off?
A similar thing was happening in "the dark ages" I guess, western rome fragmenting into warring states and then finally being mostly reunified by Charlamagne
These both are valid.
Also third century crisis is a bit similar. I guess which is why CA released Empire Divided DLC before the new announcement, as a hint and experiment.
War of the Roses
Basically this guy called Dong Zhuo made a bid for power by replacing the emperor with a younger relative after the eunuch's got btfo, and ruled through the poor kid.
The realm rose against this tyranny...
And got BTFO
Only for Lu Bu, a general under Dong Zhou, to murder him because "my dude diao chan exists"
The power struggle that followed led to, over many years, three kingdoms. The idea was proposed by Zhou Yu but Shufags will claim Zhuge Liang did it.
The entire Romance story plays up to Shu because Shu wanted to return the imperial han and chinks at the time were super into that shit. All in all though, Shu was actually fucking awful.
Zhuge Liang's treated as the best strategist ever but he was really sub-par.
Guan Yu got made into a war god because of his book showings but in all honesty, most of his supposed victories were achievements done by other men and he himself was a bit of a lil bitch who raided Wu and paid for it.
Wei > Wu > Shu
This is the objective tier list for good kingdoms. Never think otherwise.
In the end, Jin won, which was basically forces within Wei taking it over. To be exact, the Sima family.
Oh yeah to expand on this.
Ruled at first incredibly well by Cao Cao, his descendants weren't so great.
Ruled originally by Sun Jian, he died early but was fantastic, his son Sun Ce was greato and even earned the title of 'The Little Conqueror' but ended up getting btfo'd by disease. The last kid left, Sun Quan, was fucking awful.
Liu Bei sucked dick and managed to lose hugely whenever he personally participated in anything. His son Liu Shan got btfo by him as a baby when he literally threw the kid at the ground for daring to need protecting (despite being an unironic baby). Liu Shan grew up retarded and surrendered marking an end to the fighting from the Shu side of things. Zhuge Liang's retarded disciple tried to keep shit going though. Not that said jobber matters. Benevorence memes.
Quick fix. Sun Jian technically never "ruled" Wu since the entire idea didn't Exist yet. But if you look at the Wu side, his name always kinda pops up as their first """leader""".
This, but it probably only applies to Bongs.
Shut up you Villains! All Under Heaven must be reclaimed by the Eternal Han!
Many countries had similar wars. But actually similar to Chinese three kingdoms war? Thirty Years War maybe. Basically a couple dynasties fighting for political dominance.
T. Sleeping Newt and cohorts.
>Peloponisian Wars
>Diadochi Wars
>Sulla vs Marius
>Ceasar vs Pompey
>Octavian vs Marc Anthony vs Lepidus
>The Tetrarchy
>Crisis of the 3rd Century
Anything else from G*rmanic medieval europe is irrelevant
>Anything else from G*rmanic medieval europe is irrelevant
T. Crafty Villain
I'd argue the 1st-3rd crusades to be honest
The whole of European history tbqh.
>Han dynasty raises army to fight off Xiongnu
>They are defeated
>The armies of Han are led by various warlords
>Emperor dies
>Child emperor is put in place
>One of the warlord(Dong Zhuo) decides to use the child emperor to further empower himself and promote himself
>Other warlords don't like this and create a "coalition of the willing" (tm) to take him down
>One of the warlord(Cao Cao) manage to overthrow the previous one but only ends up using the emperor for his own gain
>He overthrows the emperor and calls himself the new emperor
>Other warlords are mad
>They also call themselves emperor
>3 major factions form and war is waged in three way (alliance and betrayals ensues)
>Eventually the advisor(Sima Ya) to the Cao Cao is the winner after nearly 100 years of war
>Sima clan is real winner from the background
>Jin dynasty is the result
The civil war
You wot. Cao Cao never named himself Emperor. His family line eventually did but he himself only ever was named Chancellor.
Maybe Year of the 4 Emperors
Cao Cao never became emperor.
He's like Tywin Lannister
>Fight for Land
>Story of Betrayal and Revenge
Raoul de Cambrai seems to fit
Maybe Year of the 5 Emperors
>Heavily romanticised book about something far in the past
King Arthur I geuss. or the Song of Roland
>All these brainlets thinking OP is talking about the period instead of the books.
If that's the case and OP is a gigantic sodomite for not making it clear. Then
>Commentarii de Bello Civili
>European equivalent of the Romance of the three kingdoms
Shakespeare historic plays
The crisis of the third century had very close parallels to the Romance of Three Kingdoms.
Han and Rome were also contemporaries of each other.
The Crisis is basically Aurellian (wei parallel) achieving victory in uniting the empire
Western Front and Africa in WW2. It's been heavily romanticized.
Epikόs Kýklos
Matter of Troy
Matter of Rome
Matter of France
Matter of Britain
Eddas, Beowulf, Nibelungensaga
Poetry and plays on El Cid
Poetry and plays on Joan of Arc
It's stuff that continues to be remade and reimagined across all media as much as with ROTK
>Guan Yu got made into a war god because of his book showings
Worship of Guan Yu started in the Sui Dynasty (500s AD), and mainly (and unsurprisingly) in former Shu territory. Particularly in Jingzhou, the city he supposedly founded as a base to fuck Wu shit up (hence the fucking statue built there in 2016).
Luo Guanzhong's "novel" really is less his own fictional retelling (the Shufaggotry was definitely his), and more collecting every single folk-tale of the 3 Kingdoms Period and bashing them into the Record.
The Book only spread Guan Yu's cult further north.
Discussing the three kingdoms period is the quickest way to identify a brainlet. If the person changes the topic to an earlier period, such as The Warring States, then you're probably talk to a respectable individual. If the other person takes the bait and starts chatting about lu bu, cut and run before you waste any more of your time.
This thread is once again the proof that nobody cares
I don't get it
Explain pls
The Arthurian Romance
>Embellished historical saga written as a compilation of previous oral tales
>takes place during the tumultuous transitional period between antiquity the middle ages
>stars a "compassionate leader" protagonist, his badass best-bro, and a devious, underhanded villain who can only succeed through treachery
>epic themes of history, statecraft, loyalty/betrayal, and brotherhood
The only difference is that King Arthur never had a storyteller as talented and imaginative as Luo Guanzhong to write a novel which was so good that everyone agrees is THE definitive edition of the story, and whose characters are so good that your fan-base literally deifies them.
Once and Future King was great.
La Mortre d'Arthur was pretty hard to read.