>dude why did Poland just not give Danzig to Hitler lmao
I swear, half of the posters on this board take their history knowledge from fucking video games.
>dude why did Poland just not give Danzig to Hitler lmao
I swear, half of the posters on this board take their history knowledge from fucking video games.
What do you expect when /gsg/ has been here since day one
I mean as far as historical accuracy in videogames goes, paradox is pretty much the best, but it's still no where close to actual history...
why didnt hitler just trade slovakia for danzig
why did hitler invade czechslovakia before poland which rose his world tension
Are you being ironic?
Slovakia has no intrinsic value to a government of any ideology in Warsaw, still internationally justifying its claims for all of the Ukraine and economically separated by the Carpathians. Poland and France also guaranteed each other's borders from any promises made by other countries so, no. No there is no way your post is based on any ideas considered at the time.
>this HOI fucktard again
That scenario doesn't exist anywhere outside of HOI. Anyone who understand the strategic importance of Danzig knows why.
Um... maybe because Poland was an artificial country who was literally genociding Germans? Remind me why Britain and France needed to start World War II over a minor, justified, territorial readjustment?
Use your brain
Danzig massacre never forget
HoI4 is such a shit game. Still waiting for Victoria 2.
>Poland was an artificial country who was literally genociding Germans
kys. Poles have been the most noble peoples of europe for centuries, singlehandedly saving Europeans from muslim and mongol hordes
You mean 3?
>literally cut country in half
>expect nothing bad to happen
it's almost like they wanted ww2
Early 20th century politicians were fucking awful when it came to borders. You get shit like Africa, the Middle East, and eastern Europe.
Still better than the perfectly even boxes of the American states.
I hate when people say "I mean" when they didn't even say anything before that.
>Poles have been the most noble peoples of europe
how would you draw wyoming
The only difference was angloshit actually won, if the G*rman didn't succumbed to their own autism and lose the war they would also be able to redesign the other nation's borders.
I wouldn't.
Tell us about genocide of Germans in post-WWI Poland. Drop some of those juicy /pol/ infographics.
it doesnt matter now because state culture is confined to those said borders
>state culture
do americans actually believe their states have "culture" ?
Texasfag here.
Yes we absolutely do and you can fuck right off if you disagree.
for example texas and newyork is bigger difference then france and england
each american state is basically a different country
He is definitely being ironic, made very clear by HOI terminology being used after an idiotic statement.
>mutts believe this
Maybe not to that extreme, but you can't really put all americans in the same bag.
>dude why did Poland just not give Danzig to Hitler lmao
Said who? Which thread?
I hear this sometimes not sure if on Veeky Forums but people actually believe it. Even as they use the German name of that city which should give them a hint about its status after WWI.
Not him, but the only thing that separates a German from a Frank is baguettes versus over representation in engineering. Texas and NY really are two different cultures.
>England vs France
>different languages, different religions, different cuisine, different music, different literature, different values, different everything
>Texas vs New York
>Carl Jr's instead of Hardees
you absolutely can though. the differences between any group of Americans are entirely superficial.
>different language
The Southern dialect is noticeably different from a Northern one, while not a different language it's definitely a different variation from New York, like British English vs. American English.
>different religion
Texas is by far majority Southern Baptist, while New York is majority non-religious, plurality Catholic
>different cuisine
Texas has Southern style, rich BBQ ; New York has coastal seafood style dishes, New England cuisine, and a cosmopolitan blend in NYC
>different music
Country/folk music in Texas vs. pop/hip hop/rap in New York
>different literature
Southern literature has a clearly different style and pacing to Northern literature
>different values
New York holds predominantly secular-humanist, progressive, liberal values ; Texas holds predominantly Christian religious, traditional conservative, libertarian values
>different everything
Again, Texas and New York, as I've shown in this post, are quite different. Maybe not as different as, say, England or France, but definitely more different than Australia vs. New Zealand
That's true. Poland had most numerous nobility
thank you for proving my point, brainlet
>this fucking idiot thinks Southern vs Northern accent amounts to the same difference as English vs French languages
>Texas is by far majority Southern Baptist
>americans are so memetised about foreign cultures they believe their own interstate cultural differences are much more prominent compared to international cultural differences
nice fake quote
>some random marshal
Reminds me of the Croatian admiral who said he could get paratroopers to occupy Ljubljana in 24 hours last year...
Thankfully, there are saner people in government and he was promptly sacked.
Military men are nutjobs.
Clemenceau was based as always, war is too important to be left to military men.
Naval system in that game is so broken and air forces are a real let down
I didn't expect much but still
its still better than HoI III naval systems, although the air force is 2 steps forward (less micromanagement) 1 step back (less flexibility), admittedly politics and land warfare are both worse
Britain deserved to lose the Empire.
>Onward Christian soldiers!
christcuck "nazis" btfo
>Daily Mail, Agugust 6th, 1939
Was it some satirical version of Daily Mail? 6th May 1939 was a Sunday and regular Daily Mail wasnt published on Sundays until 1984
Gas yourself, Moische.
>I SWEAR TO GOD WE WILL NOT EXPAND ANYMORE uh what czechoslovakia what lebensraum haha no it's just a prank bro
Nice meme.
Hitler told American Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles, on March 2nd, 1940:
>1.) that he had long been in favour of disarmament, but had received no encouragement from England and France;
>2.) he was in favour of international free trade;
>3.) Germany had no aim other than the return of the “German people to the territorial position that historically was rightly theirs”;
>4.) he had no desire to control non-German people and he had no intention to interfere with their independence; and
>5.) he wanted the return of the colonies that were stolen from Germany at Versailles.
'Back Door to War’, p.577 by Charles Callan Tansill
Hitler’s peace proposal is as follows:
>1- The British Empire retains all its Colonies
>2- Germany´s position on the continent will not be questioned
>3- All questions concerning the Mediterranean and its French, Belgian and Dutch colonies are open to discussion
>4- Poland. A Polish state must exist
>5- The former Czechosolavkian states remain independent but under German protection
Ekeberg understands that this implies that the states occupied by Germany would de-occupied. Germany´s occupation was only due to the present war situation.
'Himmler's Secret War' By Martin Allen
>that he had long been in favour of disarmament, but had received no encouragement from England and France
Sounds like a reason why did he rejected Schacht's plan and switched to war economy
>he was in favour of international free trade
>Germany had no aim other than the return of the “German people to the territorial position that historically was rightly theirs”
"We want to take any lands that were every owned by us or any lands where our parasitic breed moved"
>he had no desire to control non-German people and he had no intention to interfere with their independence
Sounds like a reason why did he occupied Czechoslovakia in 1939
>he wanted the return of the colonies that were stolen from Germany at Versailles
Dont loose a war if you dont want to get your land taken from you
>2- Germany´s position on the continent will not be questioned
!Let us do whatever we want or you are agressor"
>3- All questions concerning the Mediterranean and its French, Belgian and Dutch colonies are open to discussion
"give us all colonies we want or you are agressor"
>4- Poland. A Polish state must exist
>5- The former Czechosolavkian states remain independent but under German protection
"It remains independent but under our occupation"
And in which books or speeches did he say this?
>international slave trade
>the """historical""" position of germans (aka migration perior hordes)
>no desire to control non-germans just kill them lmao
>the return of germany's colonies aka poland and france lmaO
>the british empire retains all its shit land
>>>germany's position on the continent will not be questioned (aka suck my cock bitch slave)
>other colonies are open to our colonisation
>a polish state must exist in heaven or a two story apartment, subject to the fuhrer's mood
>the former yugoslavia is our bitch slave now
Who are you trying to fool here kek
>Germany had no aim other than the return of the “German people to the territorial position that historically was rightly theirs”;
> he had no desire to control non-German people and he had no intention to interfere with their independence; and
>invades Denmark and Norway a month later
>invades Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg a month after that
What did he mean by this?
>I'm arbitrarily misinterpreting and strawmanning everything I don't like
>Trust me, I'm totally not a fat armchair "historian"
>Hitler was lying and using covert language to hide his real intentions
>"lmao", right fellow Veeky Forumstorians :^)
It must be weird to be taking these mental gymnastic leaps just to avoid cognitive dissonance as opposed to just accepting what was offered which wasn't that bad at all.
nice argument Schlomo
>Hitler was NOT lying and using covert language to hide his real intentions
mate he's the textbook lying politician
Well it raises eyebrows when Hitler states in Mein Kampf that he doesn't desire to restore the Imperial German borders nor does he care about its lost colonies or any overseas possessions for that matter, and then he goes on to make this proposal.
actions speak louder than words
/gsg/ is not that retarded though
It's /pol/ that thinks not submitting to every Nazi demand is a crime against humanity and proof that Hitler's actions were righteous and justified
meme or not it's true
wtf i trust Hitler now
>meanwhile in good parallel universe
I love when polacks act like they bravely defeated the Mongols when in reality, the only time the polacks beat them was in the third invasion. At this point, the Mongol empire was already fragmented and it was a shadow of its former self. In the prior 2 invasions, the Mongols turned the polacks into their little bitches. The same goes for the Muslims, they never beat the Ottomans at their peak and when they did they were in an alliance with other nations.
>Poland was an artificial country who was literally genociding Germans
Literally spouting age-old Nazi propaganda
never happened (but I wish it did)
>comparing Texas Vs. New York and considering that evidence that there is more difference bettwen North Carolia Vs. South Carolina than between Lithuania Vs. Greece
Hitler was AI controlled, and historical focuses were on.
what game is this?
get back to your containment area
>user literally, word for word, right there in plain text, says "Maybe not as different as, say, England or France, but definitely more different than Australia vs. New Zealand"
Are you two fucking retarded? He fucking explicitly said it's not comparable, right there, in his very post. Can you blithering mongs even fucking read? Are you daft? Are you retarded or something?
It looks like Rise of Nations
>Free City of Danzig is part of Second Polish Republic
fucking paradox scumbags are triggering my autism
Your fucking faggot country barely exists for close to 300 years, the differences are fucking meaningless, culturally speaking
you are entirely the same
It's ridiculous how many times I've seen it debunked. One guyvon /pol/ even had the access to the DM archives and proved the quote to be a hoax.
Air warfare is cool, only thing they need to add is the ability to focus on certain part of the front.
A lot of other shit is retarded though. It's gonna take a year or two of patching to fix this shit.
>hahah just let us do whatever the fuck we want nigga we right hahahahaa like fuck good faith we deserve everything nigga hahaha
>At this point, the Mongol empire was already fragmented
So did Poland during time of invasions.
>turned the polacks into their little bitches
They didn't.
>they never beat the Ottomans at their peak and when they did
>and when they did
Ah, so all you know about history of Poland is one meme battle and discussions about Mongols on Veeky Forums. Aka "Mount stupid".
Why is Veeky Forums nothing but shitposters shitposters about countries they don't like?
Say what you want but
American states:
>have existed for hundreds of years under the same legal system
>still use the same 250 yo consititution
European countries and subdivisions:
>reformed during every war and revolution
>no historical continuity
the game has been out for a year and a half already...
>some random marshal
Are you retarded?
>Marshal of Poland (Marszałek Polski) is the highest rank in the Polish Army. It has been granted to only six officers.
>Today there are no living Marshals of Poland, since this rank is bestowed only on military commanders who have achieved victory in war.
>Calls strawman on other guys
>Literally strawmans one point of picture
It doesn't change the fact, that quote is fake.
Why? So they can fuck that up as well?
How can someone be so retarded?