What are the benefits of diversity other than shallow materialism like "ethnic foods" and new types of music?
What are the benefits of diversity other than shallow materialism like "ethnic foods" and new types of music?
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>ethnic food
Never understood that. As if only Mexicans could make burritos.
Sorry OP, I can't think of anything either, maybe cheap labor for businesses since the "diversity" usually comes in the form of poor ethnic minorities?
It turns your country into a global superpower (i.e. the U.S.A.)
Mmm and Indian food companies etc don't even make authentic dishes. They have to westernize them for western tastes.
>They have to westernize them for western tastes.
I wouldn't be very fond of shit flakes in my food either user
there is none. there is however a benefit for business owners to get almost slave like labor.
The previously existing superpowers destroying each other doesn't hurt either, huh?
America is a superpower because it's geography. Brazil, Colombia and Argentina are as, if not far more diverse than America and they're all third world shitholes.
Nothing in particular aside from new ideas and customs which can easily be adopted
Are good living standards bad in the long term for a country's economy? They come with problems like aging populations and a large amounts of graduate workes ending up unemployed.
Ideas like shitting on the streets, honor killings and stoning women.
Are you retarded?
But thanks to the internet, the cost of transmitting an idea is nearly zero so if the idea has any benefit at all it will be adopted.
I know for the US that there's gonna be a shortage of trade workers soon, the cheap and unskilled labor part is taken care of with migrant workers and illegals. The issue with the lack of young people taking up a trade is that it seems to imply that none of the children of said Illegals and migrant workers aren't taking advantage of the leg up they got by being born here and taking out a trade (its not very expensive, I'm not even using my GI bill to pay for my welding course). Whats even more worrisome is the children of citizens (especially the ones whose families have been here for generations) aren't taking advantage of this job market that is opening up.
I doubt that bringing in more people that don't even have a high school education will fix this, what will end up happening (I imagine) is that we'll start bringing in people from other countries who know how to do the work like we do with Poos in the tech field now.
What are the downsides?
The one thing I can think of is not so much importing millions of millions of people, but by having a non restrictive immigration policy in terms of who you let in, you can let in hard working and smart people into your country. But I see no real benefit of the sort of European Union type of diversity
Sorry, i forgot about child brides and female circumcision
Watch the first half hour for a litany. youtube.com
Brown woman are massive sluts and are easy to fuck.
>cant explain his own ideas
Personally, I'm not particularly anti-diversity, but I also don't live in a shithole. I am however more dubious about the value of diversity, and instead view it as a convenient wedge issue.
Are you retarded?
Really high crime rates.
Variety of perspectives and ideas, an increased recruitment pool and workforce, and better diplomatic relations with foreign nations.
>shallow materialism
that is one of the key foundations of today's society
something about diversity = different ideas/perspectives = innovations and dynamism
its incredibly idealistic but thats what the people who think anything 'diverse' is inherently good believe
first study they cite
>Research on large, innovative organizations has shown repeatedly that this is the case. For example, business professors Cristian Deszö of the University of Maryland and David Ross of Columbia University studied the effect of gender diversity on the top firms in Standard & Poor's Composite 1500 list, a group designed to reflect the overall U.S. equity market. First, they examined the size and gender composition of firms' top management teams from 1992 through 2006. Then they looked at the financial performance of the firms. In their words, they found that, on average, “female representation in top management leads to an increase of $42 million in firm value.” They also measured the firms' “innovation intensity” through the ratio of research and development expenses to assets. They found that companies that prioritized innovation saw greater financial gains when women were part of the top leadership ranks.
This is fucking garbage science and SA should be embarrased. Guess I can add them to the SJW corrupted garbage pile.
The things that allow diversity are good for society, the things that prevent it are bad.
Diversity itself is a wash. There is enough diversity in Iceland for it to survive forever. There is not too much diversity anywhere for people to survive. The only problem can be when the distinctions are considered most important, you can be American and plenty of other things.
the EU is retarded. I live in Canada. I am an immigrant (from Europe nonetheless). My family couldn't just move here. We had to prove we knew English and had something to offer the country as far as skills/wealth (unfortunately this leads to Chinese millionaires with no interest in Canada other than buying assets like real estate as a way to park money cause they see the Chinese economy as unreliable).
It was actually easier for one of my parents to live in the US and work illegally than settle in Canada, so they did that first. and you know what? for the most part, it works wonders.
meanwhile certain European countries like Belgium and Sweden are on some paternalistic moral high-horse where they accept refugees en masse without fathoming the fallout (entire districts of high poverty, high crime - the sort of shit conditions that push youth to radical solutions, in this case Salafi jihadism). meanwhile, France and Germany are simply hungry for cheap labour; there's been Turks in Germany for decades and they STILL haven't assimilated (there's a lot to say about social policies geared towards integration, why this has worked in North American and not Europe, etc... the US has relatively lucked out with its pool of ready Mexicans.
Anything to avoid reading more.
>there's been Turks in Germany for decades and they STILL haven't assimilated
As far as Europe is concened, pushing for assimilation of immigrants is a very recent thing. When they started arriving in the 1950s, to "rebuild" war-ravaged Europe, it was assumed that they were temporary workers, that would do their job for a while and then return to their homelands, so no effort was made into assimilation. It wasn't even considered desirable. But "rebuilt" Europe turned out to be a very nice place to live, meanwhile, the homelands of the immigrants actually got WORSE, spiraling into dictatorships, civil wars and generalized violence and poverty. The immigrants then decided to stay, for obvious reasons, and as Europe became famous as a bastion of tolerance and prosperity, more wanted to go there.
>meanwhile certain European countries like Belgium and Sweden are on some paternalistic moral high-horse where they accept refugees en masse without fathoming the fallout
one theory I heard is that this is Swedens great crusade/bragging right. Like america has our boast of liberty, and they have their boast of human rights, forwhatever reason. They measure their dicks by how many minorities they let in, no matter how much it makes no practical sense.
If you're right, then this only works with nations of immigrants. You're not right though, because diversity isn't what made America a superpower