*teleports behind you*
*refutes Hume's Law*
Heh, nothin personnel dualist.
*teleports behind you*
*refutes Hume's Law*
Heh, nothin personnel dualist.
oven memes pls
Is he the biggest crypto brainlet in human history?
Saying “Nuh uh” isn’t a refutation
>refutes Hume's Law
link? was it his podcast or a talk? i'd like to hear the attempt.
is he the most intelligent man alive?
I think OP is referring to Harris's book the moral landscape.
Where he argues that it isn't true that humans can never get an 'ought' from an 'is'.
Sounds retarded and autistic.
hume's law is kindergarten tier levels of obvious. you can't refute hume's law, it's almost self-evidently true
>implying you have anything BUT knowledge to build values with
>implying yours weren't just built subconsciously by knowledge processing you were merely unaware of
Definitely up there.
>I am here with Pepe the Frog. Pepe, thanks for coming on the podcast.
Harris's argument is essentially sound.
Wait... there are still dualists? Seriously?
I loved that guy in Zoolander
No, not it's not. Values and facts are distinct and hand-waving because you desperately want morality to become a field in science isn't going to change that.
What is it?
>implying you have knowledge
Is it even possible for someone to be more smug than him?
quite possibly
why is he so popular?
Sam Harris is the epitome of the limp wristed liberal sophist. His verbal IQ is double what his logical IQ is. It's embarrassing to watch him flail around on his podcast trying to act like a pragmatic centrist when he is suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome worse than anybody in the world.
"Hume's Law" is kindergarten tier in the sense that anyone over the age of 4 should be able to explain why it's wrong. Anyone familiar with Classical works will understand, and in fact here on Veeky Forums I observed a guy get btfo for trying to raise it to object to Platonism.
Platonism is mumbo jumbo.
Lol thank you for your Sam Harris tier response.