Weak men create hard times

How true is this quote?

>Implying everybody has good times or bad times simoultaneusly

It's too vague to not be true in some cases but it's probably not an universal cyclical principle.

Rome probably fell for other reasons, mainly because unassimilated "romans" like the Germans were still a minority in the army even at the very end and late christian romans were probably less "degenerate" than early pagan romans.

>implying trends concerning living standards don't exist

It's dumb as fuck. It has no explanatory power and there are dozens of counterexamples, it's just a narrative that people force onto events despite the fact that they rarely fit it. Open a history book, practically any history book about any time period, take your pick, and I can guarantee if you look for five minutes you can find plenty of examples of "strong men" creating hard times. Or examples of "hard times" that just kinda happened for complex reasons outside the control of anyone, "weak" or "strong."

100% true desu. But as another user said, too vague to ever be proven false.

>read a fucking book
Another great /leftypol/ post.

weak men create affordable goods and services haha


My post doesn't even hint at my political leanings, and they're not relevant here. Try again, you fucking idiot.


I've touched a nerve I see, please go back to /leftypol/

You look a bit butt blasted user

Yeah, I'll admit it - it's frustrating to have people come onto a formerly-decent board and try to turn every conversation into a /pol/ thread even when it has virtually nothing to do with politics (contemporary politics, anyway). Do you disagree?

Want to know how I know you're here on a raiding mission?

Absolute bullshit. Were Hitler and the Nazis among the weakest men in history?

yes, nazi germany was literally a beta uprising

but Veeky Forums was actually decent for the first two weeks before /pol/ and /int/ found out about it



Have you read Imperium? Ot any right wing books? There all base on nation cycles, history and geography based. While right wing tends to german idealism.

How the weak can creates hard times if he is weak? He is fucking weak he can't do anything, he lost competition for power.


t. weak brainlet

It's true, and it's proven every time a millennial has to leave the comfort of his parent's home and realizes he doesn't even know how to pay a simple bill or buy groceries. How consuming media and feeding his ego stops being his top priority and his egocentric worldview is crushed when he realizes he's now a cog of the machine, with no other options or timeouts, and not a childish bystander that "helps" or does "nice deeds" every now and then.

It's like that but on a larger scale.

They think they understand hardship - or understand everything really. It's something you have to live through that will fundamentally alter your character and understanding of the world.

The problem is I don't think the little alt-right cockroaches saying this thing understand it either. They just have some idea of "cool hardened men" in their mind they embrace which is equally childish.

U must be muh*mm-mad

>it's proven every time a millennial has to leave the comfort of his parent's home and realizes he doesn't even know how to pay a simple bill or buy groceries
This proves jack shit.

It is a meme, weakness is just 1 factor among many and only rarely a defining one.

If a country as a whole is weaker then there is not much a strong leader can do to save it. That is the reasoning. If you look at the facts though this doesn't happen. People can become physically weaker, a long drought for example can make people physically weaker, however there is little evidence of much change in psychological weakness levels.

>baww life is hard
I'm beginning to understand the "alt-right cockroaches" now.

Historically speaking, I doubt you could argue one way or another. Some leaders that came from poverty were great, like Abe Lincoln, some were awful, like Adolf Hitler. Some leaders that came out of wealth and luxury were great, like FDR, some are afwul, like Donald Trump.

Shitty spin on a much better quote:
>Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters. - Victor Hugo

big curves create hard-

More like Strongmen conquer and acquire a lot of wealth creating a peaceful and rich era.

Under the lack of war, the number of weakmen increase because they are not killed.These weak men reproduce and become the majority creating weak time.

Then come hard time, the weakmen are immediatly killed in battle which allow Strongmen to become the majority again and create a new peaceful era.

As everybody who ever way in military knows, the bravest and strongest are the first to die in a war, who return are the cowards who hid from battle.

Absolutely false.

The Steppes were filled with meme Strong Men and its shitty 100% of the time in history.

>implying that everyone everywhere experiences the same trends

>As everybody who ever way in military knows,

If you flee your enemies, they will come to you, there is no escape.

Pic related is how subhumans (leftists) are cleansed from the genepool.


That was kind of the point

Yep republicans are the superior ones... y’all can’t even acknowledge climate change... ACKNOWLEDGE

t. millennial

Hitler was a soyboy liberal artist vegetarian virgin.

What defines a weak man? Is it his inability to do something? What defines hard times? Is it a time of natural decline and decadence?

The thing that really leads to hard times is when a person half-asses stuff and leaves the problem up in the air to be decided at a later date.

If you understood the psychology of Nazism you'd see the inherent weakness of it all.

They're the masculine equivalent of a woman who does too much plastic surgery and wears too much makeup.

Their obsession with strength and willpower, and their constant need to prove to themselves and others that this is the case, hints at deep feelings of weakness and insecurity. I mean, it's stated outright: boo hoo germany and germans are weak, we are not safe and will be harmed by others, we must act strong.

It shouldn't even be called the masculine equivalent because it's a very feminine thing to begin with.

>implying that everyone has to experience a trend to feel the effects of it

>late 19th and early 20th century
>good times

Define "weak" first.

Someone who's mentally strong? Or Physically?

>muh spooky leftypol boogeyman who doesn't agree with my ideology

LE HARD DICKS create strong men its sooo true

Western civilization is in touble and every1 is waiting for BIG STRONG MEN with HIGH TEST like me to cum save them :) im even starting to grow a big hairy beard because of my onion juice! THREE HAIRS appeared on my chin last week

all those cute little SOYBOIS are ruining muh glorious ROME with their "jobs" and their "social lives" FUCKING little soii boiis doing things like READING BOOKS fucking make me SO WORKED UP >:( muh test muh test

How can anyone think otherwise I saw a PICTURE on the INTENET that said hard men create good times! why would i need to actually study history>? all i need muh TEST

get ready for me to save the west every1 :) hail kek XD

It's just a meme that paranoid survivalists masturbate to while they're working out.