Historically why do Orthodox Christians have beards but Catholics don’t? Is it the testosterone?

Historically why do Orthodox Christians have beards but Catholics don’t? Is it the testosterone?

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cathocucks are generally just betas

Because raping children drains your testosterone whereas fucking prime Russian bitches raises it.


Orthodox have been Islamized

Romans did not like beards and was not allowed in legions while Greeks did.

>Romans did not like beards and was not allowed in legions while Greeks did.
Never go full retard user.

>is it the test
What else could it be

Little Boys molested by these Sexual Predators have testified that Orthodox Christians' blowjobs produce Faster orgasms than Catholics' blowjobs due to tickling by those beards;
However: the Catholics' blowjobs resulted in More Intense orgasms than Orthodox Christians' blowjobs due to Catholics' tickling and grabbing Little Boys testicles with both hands.

Go rape your 9 year old Ahmed

Why would Parents take
their Children to these?

Romans didn't like beards? Hmmmmm

It was only in the armies of Alexander the Great were beards weren't allowed because the enemy could pull on them if they were fighting in close quarters.

Beards simply went out of fashion.

depends on the period

but yes, romans had a dislike for beards until the second century AD

Along with testosterone and masculinity

>Historically why do Orthodox Christians have beards but Catholics don’t? Is it the testosterone?
>Little Boys molested by these Sexual Predators have testified that Orthodox Christians' blowjobs produce Faster orgasms than Catholics' blowjobs due to tickling by those beards;
>However: the Catholics' blowjobs resulted in More Intense orgasms than Orthodox Christians' blowjobs due to Catholics' tickling and grabbing Little Boys testicles with both hands.
>Why would Parents take
>their Children to these?

Testosterone? No, not at all. They're both sick fucks.

>in an Orthodox country
>go to my brother's wedding
>priest is with short hair and short goatie
The. Fuck.

>If beards conveyed wisdom, goats would teach philosophy
ancient Greek saying

You talking shit?

Because Latins didn't like beards and Greeks did. The Roman Emperors that did grow a beard were usually the Hellenophile ones or straight up Greeks.



Orthodogs are crypto-muslims. That's why.

First of all, muslims are Crypto-Orthodox.
Second of all, Catholics are phanæro-faggots.

No, it's the other way around.

You wish, but the muslims adopted the Byzantine aesthetic, because they were superior

lol no they didn't only the Turks did that but that's because mongols have no culture. It's literally the opposite.

O im laffin
>influence fromPersian,Roman,Byzantine,Chinese, andIndianarchitectures
>supported bycolumnsin variousmarbles, ingraniteor inporphyry, reused from Roman, Early Christian or Byzantine monuments particularly fromCarthage.[14]
>Its architecture and mosaics were patterned after nearby Byzantine churches and palaces,[3]

Which they got from the greeks. Before hellenism got to them they wore long lucious beards that could spellbind the most prudent of gallic chieftains.

>Its architecture and mosaics were patterned after nearby Byzantine churches and palaces.

Thanks to those fucking Italians, people give you dirty looks for not shaving in most of Western Civilization, literally pressure to be emasculated, this is why Charlemagne was Great, he didn't fall for that pussy shit

Julius II actually made the beard fashionable with that portrait, and after him and Clement VII, who both wore beards for mourning, popes went bearded until the mid 18th century.
Popes don't have beards, because there was a decree against it

You're fractally wrong. It's hellenism that is to blame for Caesar's smooth cheeks. However beards came back into fashion in a couple of great ways. The thing that put them in the ground. The thing that killed the glorious beards of the 19th century was the discovery of germs as the whole west became huge germaphobes and took egyptian tier precautions.

>Rocking the muslim-beard.
Catholics confirmed as the anti-christ.


In regards to long bearded romans you should really re-read your Livy:

>[5.41 [...] As the Gauls were refreshed by a night's rest after a battle which had at no point been seriously contested, and as they were not now taking the City by assault or storm, their entrance the next day was not marked by any signs of excitement or anger. Passing the Colline gate, which was standing open, they came to the Forum and gazed round at the temples and at the Citadel, which alone wore any appearance of war. They left there a small body to guard against any attack from the Citadel or Capitol whilst they were scattered, and then they dispersed in quest of plunder through streets in which they did not meet a soul. Some poured in a body into all the houses near, others made for the most distant ones, expecting to find them untouched and full of spoils. Appalled by the very desolation of the place and dreading lest some stratagem should surprise the stragglers, they returned to the neighbourhood of the Forum in close order. The houses of the plebeians were barricaded, the halls of the patricians stood open, but they felt greater hesitation about entering the open houses than those which were closed. They gazed with feelings of real veneration upon the men who were seated in the porticoes of their mansions, not only because of the superhuman magnificence of their apparel and their whole bearing and demeanour, but also because of the majestic expression of their countenances, wearing the very aspect of gods. So they stood, gazing at them as if they were statues, till, as it is asserted, one of the patricians, M. Papirius, roused the passion of a Gaul, who began to stroke his beard - which in those days was universally worn long - by smiting him on the head with his ivory staff. He was the first to be killed, the others were butchered in their chairs. After this slaughter of the magnates, no living being was thenceforth spared; the houses were rifled, and then set on fire.

Constantine brought back the standard of clean shaven/no beard.

In regards to hellenism being the source for the romans going babyfaced here's one:

books.google.se/books?id=-0U5CwAAQBAJ&pg=PA50&lpg=PA50&dq=first shaved roman publius cornelius aemilianus&source=bl&ots=Ybo8Q7xFqK&sig=FeSG2TKH72O2lNDFiFmh3tpDzA8&hl=sv&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjT69Dvs9jYAhXDhKYKHSlbArMQ6AEIUTAJ#v=onepage&q=first shaved roman publius cornelius aemilianus&f=false

It's really however common knowledge that completely shaving your beard was a hellenic thing.

Yes, the Jew hating Crusaders are too Islamic compared to cuckold Catholics and Protestants

If you want a source for beards coming back into fashion I won't provide one as that is just obvious to anyone who knows even a tiddle of european history. Just google contemporary depictions of europeans people throughout history. There's even been a beard tax in a couple of kingdoms.

I-it's common knowledge h-haha, das rite

>ITT: OP makes unsubstantiated claim and brainlets treat it serious

In regards to germ theory fucking over the best beard era in history:

>While many people promoted the health benefits of a hairy face, general opinion towards the beard began to turn sour at the turn of the twentieth century. By the 1890s, it became common practice to shave beards while patients were hospitalized.[12] As germ theory was accepted and shared publically, facial hair became problematic. Research showed that beards could harbour bacteria which might lead to the spread of infectious diseases.[13] For example, spittle caught in the hairs of the beard could contain tuberculosis.[14] With contact, the disease could be passed from person to person. As a result, at the beginning of the twentieth century, hospitals in Britain banned beards altogether and nurses were expected to remove facial hair, likely employing straight razors (see below), as part of their health care duties.[15]
>In North America, by 1901 the beard was considered a public health issue. The contamination of milk supplies in New York became an international headline when it was argued that facial hair could harbour farmyard dirt or tuberculosis, which could then end up in the milk, infecting it with deadly bacteria.[16] Consequently, the Milk Commission of the Medical Society of the County of New York put into place a regulation which ensured that only clean-shaven men would be allowed to milk cows and deliver their product to distribution centres.[17] This new rule also extended to doctors. Just like dairymen, doctors were exposed to bacteria and diseases which could become trapped in their facial hair, leading to suspicions of an increase in mortality rates among their patients.[18]

>By the First World War (1914-1918) removing facial hair had once again become common practice. With the popularization and mass-production of Gilette’s disposable razor (pictured below) and the military requirement that each man have a shaving kit and maintain a hair-free face, the beard declined in popularity.[19]



It's called shitposting comrade, I'm afraid I'll have to downvote this Xddd

It really is.

Everyone's favorite philosopher king Marcus Aurelius had a beard and the royal edgelord mr Julianus was widely mocked for his furry chin which he defended by penning a satirical work. The various germanic people who swarmed over the rotting carcass of the WRE had their own ideas regarding standards of facial hair. The ERE grew quite bearded with time. Alot of medieval kings and knights were depicted with beards. The one thing people know about late 19th century fashion is that the men grew adorkable facial hair. Hipsters are still in living memory.

And before someone asks he is writing about the Sack of Rome by the Gauls under Brennus.

>w-we were only pretending to be retarded!

Nah i'm just kiddin senpai, we actually do believe that Catholicism limits your testosterone

Almost like fashion trends phased in and out or something.

Saint Xavier is weeping along with the billions of other Catholics who have beards.

The most famous Roman Catholic of all is bearded: Jesus Christ.

>goes as far as to paint him as a cracka
That's the part that gets me

>Levantines are all Black or Brown

Those are brown

t. Never been to the levant

sl*vic numales need beards to hide their lack of proper chins

The greek and other eastern churches kept beards as a sign of masculinity among the clerical ranks.

The latin church put restrictions on keeping beards because after the germanic conquests lay people began keeping beards and priests started to keep beards and long hair and wearing secular clothing to blend in with regular people and avoid their clerical duties. Which was seen as an abuse. So priests were usually required to shave and have haircuts and wear clerical clothes so that they could keep an angelic appearance and look like actual preists rather than laymen

There is no description on how Jesus looked like in the Bible.

Which is just shoddy character building if you ask me.

Jesus was a lutheran fundamentalist, everyone knows this

>roman catholic

They make good beard balm though.

Crusades were Catholic degeneracy.

Those on your pic are niggers.

kill yourself

The classic brownskins larping as /pol/tards. Word of advice, I know people from Palestine and Syria, Trust me, they are not shitskins.
Anybody can verify this. It's not like we live in the early 2000s anymore and people are too retarded to learn how to use the internet.

I AM Levantine you retarded cumskin, I grow a black beard, have brown eyes, and tan looking skin that never properly turns pale, no matter how much I avoid the sun.

How about a timestamp then?
> I grow a black beard, have brown eyes, and tan looking skin
So do millions of Whites you pseud.
>Because my phenotype is one way, everyone in the Levant is like this
You certainly have the IQ of a shitskin

I've literally don't know a blonde levantine that hasn't had european parents. It's rare as shit and probably a rapebaby

other way around. Muslims copied everything from Orthodox, from the domes, to the prayers and chants, to headscarves for women.

>this architecture is influenced by earlier designs from other civilizations
>therefore muslims dont have culture

Read what I replied to

However you get to the conclusion "muslims have no culture" is appropriate.

Wow, the spitting definition of a darkie. Let's see what else...
>uncommon is non-existent
>using the most narrow definitions of Whiteness
>implying a significant minority of Levantines aren't phenotypically White when they objectively are
someone like this wouldn't look out of place on a stained glass window depicting Jesus.

Wew lad, why are you even shilling for us, are you a jew?

This reeks of underaged

>let me tell you about your country

Because i'm Middle Eastern and sick of wewuz bullshit.

What kind of retarded whore are you?

Or because Alexander liked them before they grew hair

One is the Roman Catholic Church whilst the other is Eastern Orthodox Church, gee, go fucking figure


Shut the fuck up please

Do you have anything intelligence at all? Have you ever looked at Catholic Saints or Monks? many if not most have beards.

Shut the fuck up please