Who does a non-white atheist pray to?
Is Lucifer a good guy?
Are the Greek and Egyptian pantheons for Greeks and Egyptians only?
Does praying to any god come with a catch?
Who does a non-white atheist pray to?
Is Lucifer a good guy?
Are the Greek and Egyptian pantheons for Greeks and Egyptians only?
Does praying to any god come with a catch?
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What the fuck has to do someone not being white?
Abrahamic God used to be racist, IIRC.
>Only the Jews are chosen, the rest can suffer
I don't want to pray to a god who'll make me suffer for not knowing his rules
atheism is a wh*Toid only mentall illness
Who do you pray to?
Allah revealed to us by his Prophet (pbuh), we will smite you wh*Tey
your kind prefer cannibalism and human sacrifice. with a bit of female genital mutiliation and infanticide.
>the disease God
make a totem
>Who does a non-white atheist pray to?
>Are the Greek and Egyptian pantheons for Greeks and Egyptians only?
technically yes and no. People adopted other peoples gods sometimes, but every people honoured their own gods.
It doesnt make sense for an Indian to worship our Greek gods
>Who does a non-white atheist pray to?
No one. Sometimes dead communists.
>Is Lucifer a good guy?
>Are the Greek and Egyptian pantheons for Greeks and Egyptians only?
The greek pantheon as per Alexanders vision is for everyone.
The egyptian pantheon is fir egyptians but it isn't unassimilable to other pantheons by nature so they dont really gove a shit.
It just doesnt make sense to be praying to a god of egypt whike not also living in the patron cuty of that god.
>Does praying to any god come with a catch?
The catch is you have to be retarded.
>Who does a non-white atheist pray to?
>I don't want to pray to a god who'll make me suffer for not knowing his rules
I'm God. Rules are pretty inherent to most humans such that even children can usually figure them out.
Don't lie/defraud/sophisticate, don't commit adultery, don't murder/assault, don't rape, don't steal, don't vandalize, don't casually and without cause disrespect teachers/superiors, etc..
>what does an atheist pray to
>atheist pray to
>atheist pray
This bait fell apart at the seams as you were typing out your post.
Put on a name so we can filter you.
It's unlikely that Jews thought goyim would go to an hell, they just thought that they had a special relationship with God.
Non-jews already have a weaker alliance with God because they are descendants of Noah.
>don't sophisticate
>It's unlikely that Jews thought goyim would go to an hell
Yes they thought goyim would cease to exist upon death like other animals because only jews are worth continuing after death.
Pretty sure Jews don't even have a hell. You either go to heaven or you just stop existing, which is why it was kind of a big deal when God smote you.
That's what butthurt rabbis wrote in the Talmud once they were exiled for the third time, ancient jews probably didn't.
They have some kind of Heaven but they can't decide for the details, they also generally believe in a 12 months purgatory (altough truly wicked people are destroyed).
Goyim are either destroyed, go to the afterlife too (sometimes only if they are somehow monotheists without idols worship) to live there like the jews or serve them, in a few versions they become parts of Adam Kadmon but unlike jews they do not kept a physicical existence and their individuality.
Can you elaborate on the last sentence, what does it mean?
Adam from the Bible is often seen in the Kabbalah influenced modern judaism as a kind of supersoul of humanity and of the inherently human world (The Tree of Life actually looks like a human body and was restructured that way after a "failed" first draft of creation, the Sephiras back then were arranged in circles but only the higher ones survived while the lower ones are replacements, the shards of the destroyed sephiras are the Qliphots altough the whole anti-tree of life nonsense is christian mysticism)
Jews generally specifically talk about "Adam Kadmon" when they are talking about that conception of Adam.
Unlike christians, jews think that the original sin is unimportant (just the starting point of the divine plan) and care a lot more about Cain & Abel, which they say as a pattern of the branchs of humanity always dividing into a bad and good branchs, the bad one always hating the good one. (technically there are neutral ones but they have no real role in the duality)
Jews see themselves as the direct descendants of all good forks : Abel, Noah, Sem, Jacob, Joseph and the "original" jews of the Exodus.
Jews even have their bad branch that they cannot distinguish from themselves, the Erev Rav, the egyptian converts that God warned Moses against accepting within the jews.
They are considered to always have been the ones disobeying during the Exodus and because Jews say that the souls of all Jews who existed and will ever exist were present during the revelation of Mont Sinai and because the Erev Rav were there, a lot of the future souls were Erev Rav too.
When the Jews are called in the Bible as Am Israel, they are just called Am when they do something, which is a reason why rabbis say that only erev rav jews are ever disobeying to God as a group.
Jews have to purify the bad adamic branchs by being good and purify the qliphoth (who still have the radiance of the original world inside them), they do so by doing mitsvohs.
Muslims and some of the christians / whites are thought to be descendants of Esau, with an especially strong hate of jews.
Thanks for the explanation
>claims to be god
>can't even get dubs
Abraham wasn't a Jew, no Jews till the Kingdom of Judah and Dan.
All of Abraham's servants converted(circumcised) as well. People that were led out of Egypt, wasn't just "Jews", a mixed multitude(we wuz included).
The God of the New and Old testament are the same.
>Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Jesus is unchanging, the interpretations change because people heed to doctorines of man instead of the Bible. Read your Bible as literal, I would recommded being saved first before reading it as the natural man cannot understand the glory of it.
>1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Here is the way to get saved, it's by faith alone, it's always been by faith, no matter what race you are. The chosen people today are true Christians:
>Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Modern day Jews don't accept Christ, if the beleived Moses they would have believed Jesus.
This question makes no sense. If they are atheist then they don't pray to anyone.
I'd say jacob was the first conventional jew.