Why aren't you an atheist Veeky Forums?

Why aren't you an atheist Veeky Forums?

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I am.
I'm not a contrarian edgy faggot in his teens or early 20s feeling the need to feel deep and/or rebel against the mainstream.

Because it gives me comfort to pray sometimes. There’s some legit good people in the world and I want them to have a nice place to go when they die.

I know it sounds stupid but fuck you.

I got a question to the Christians how can you believe in a man when there are no non-biblical sources documenting his deeds?

At first I was a Christian when I was a kid, who believed in some type of God.
Then I was an atheist in my teens and blatantly anti-religion.
Now I’m agnostic because I realized both of those phases were retarded and obnoxious. As well I finally realized I never once had certainty in either of my earlier conclusions on the existence or lack of existence of God.

Imo it's impossible to deny the existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt. Perhaps you can raise doubts about the abrahamic view of the almighty, but I think it's harder to disprove the existence of any deity whatsoever.
Additionally, I think it's difficult for us mere mortals to fully comprehend a deity, an immortal, omniscient being, if we have trouble wrapping our heads around things like time never beginning or ending. Yes, we can say the latter and believe it, but because we are mortals, it's difficult to fully comprehend the concept of there not being a beginning or end. It's like trying to imagine a new color we've never seen or imagine a fourth dimension (inb4 time, you know what I mean) beyond depth, width, and height. We just aren't made to understand that stuff.
And I'm happy where I am, I enjoy theology, going to mass, and praying, and there's no real benefit/reason for me to give it up randomly. Even if God didn't exist, a life of religion has given me fulfillment.

>Atheist all my life
>Highly educated and maturing
>Slowly succumbing to the religious meme.


Religion is a hpynotism and i simply use it to further my own needs.
I dont care about anything but making life for myself better

Why would I not? Why aren't the gospels good enough sources? You do realize they were written before the Bible was fully assembled right?


Since you posted Tolkien I'm guessing you mean Christianity. Are you aware of the current state of historical criticism of the NT?

Because I'm an Agnostic.

Because I'm not a mentally ill wh*Te

It is difficult to explain, if anything it is more like a feeling, something absolutely intrinsic in my soul, as though there is "something greater" out there. It makes it hard to explain it rationally, I am not Christian but more closer to polytheism and shamanism.

Come now. Monotheism is the more logically defensible position. Islam, Christianity, whatever. As long as you want to do well for others and you believe in a central God that is what is important. There are so many parables for one God existing, for instance in the way governments are formed, and just in the way your willpower works overall. You don't even need to read biblical texts, read enough mathematics and you will inevitably understand this world is proof of God's existence.

Polytheism ultimately derives from a primordial truth, expressing in different forms, Gods if you will. Furthermore, I also believe that a thing such as ancestral spirit exists which ultimately is tied with your close family and lesser extent people, this seems to be lacking in Christianity as it is universal.


But the problem becomes there is no cohesion. No collective spirit. It's divided. Various people have criticized polytheism for this very reason. There is almost no coordination.

Why talk about it one way or the other?

I don't see how various interpretations of primordial truth is any less logical than the universalist doctrine of Abrahism, even so, it has polytheistic roots and retained some as the Church does so with the holy trinity and adaptation of paganism itself.

I think religion, communal belief in something greater than the mundane day to day existence is important to live a complete, healthy life.

It's a bit like doing cardio, you don't need it but if you don't do it you'll sleep worse, feel more lethargic, be more susceptible to depression and anxiety, etc than some one who does.

I'm not saying people cannot be religious if they are happier that way but saying that people who aren't must be unhappier is just projection and the religious equivalent of fedoras claiming that religion makes you dumber.

It's false

>the sequence of motion cannot extend ad infinitum

>Our senses prove that some things are in motion.
And how do you know that you can trust your senses?
>We find in nature things that are possible to be and not to be, that come into being and go out of being, i. e. contingent being
How do you know that this law works everywhere and since always?
>Assume that every being is a contingent being.
"Assume", lol.
>Therefore some beings exists of its own necessity, and does not receive its existence from another being, but rather causes them. This all men speak of as God.
Why a "God" instead of let's say a universe where the law of physics that everything must have a start and an end applies?

Or even if you are going to call it a "God" - how much does it have to do with an anthromorphic YHWH of abrahamic religons? Nothing.

Checkmate. aquinas mental gymnasticist BTFO

That would be fine if religion was just deism.

I disagree with the five proofs, see here However, the five proofs unequivocally support theism, not deism.

>However, the five proofs unequivocally support theism, not deism.

>And how do you know that you can trust your senses?
We can't, but in the atheistic world we can trust nothing, including thought itself. If the human mind was but a conglomeration of atoms and chemicals working together to produce this one sensation called "thought", and not something created by an intelligent being, then we have no reason to trust that that which we think is right or correct since said conglomeration could have been imperfect and resulted in our thought being inherently imperfect as well. A comparison can be made with spilling water, whereas one can't expect spilled milk to perfectly make a map of France
>How do you know that this law works everywhere and since always?
Give me ONE example of this not being so, outside of God
Assuming every being to be contingent is again only possible in the atheistic worldview. The only non-contingent being can be God.
> Why a "God" instead of let's say a universe where the law of physics that everything must have a start and an end applies

>but saying that people who aren't must be unhappier

I'm not saying they must be unhappier but a lot are unhappier but don't have the frame of reference to know what life is like with religion/god/communal belief in their lives.

If you are happy without it great. If not, give it a try for a few months or go for a jog, either or both will help.

How can you force yourself to believe in something?

>Give me ONE example of this not being so, outside of God
A famous flying spaghetti, or an other universe, other dimension which we have no idea of existing and the physics law that everything must have a beginning and an end doesn't apply. They are all as likely as your "god", imbecile.

Aquinas doesn't simply prove that a god created the first moment of the universe and that's it. He proves (that is, if the proofs are valid) that God is causing every single instant of the universe. That's clearly not the detached god of Deism.

Pic related is what I believe started the universe.
The unmoved mover if you will

Even in the possibility of another universe being out there, it would still be a part of this larger world and as such the laws of physics would apply there too

>Even in the possibility of another universe being out there, it would still be a part of this larger world and as such the laws of physics would apply there too
It's just your opinion backed by a cringy anime, nothing more.

How does that prove a religion instead of just a notion of God?
I feel like religious people are really just moving the goalpost.

Atheism is gay

Through the magic of definitions convenient to you

Belief is secondary to the rituals. It's what modern 'religions' are missing. They have the beliefs, the clergy and the holy books but not the rituals that tickle the spot in your brain that separates us from monkeys.

Do the rosary, pray 5 times a day, worship a candle, meditate, dance naked in the woods, everyday for a month and see if belief comes or your life improves. If it doesn't give it another month or try a different ritual.

I am, and so is every "agnostic" in this thread.

This is basically the corollary to Pascal's wager. He said it's a given that you can't just switch it on, you have to trick yourself into slowly believing it over time by going through the motions. It's literal brainwashing, no different than any kool-aid cult.

You don't understand burden of proof. I can't deny the existence of bigfoot but you woundn't take a guy seriously if he just believed in bigfoot until someone could disprove it.

It has fuck all to with pascals wager, at no point did i mention any after life.

>It's literal brainwashing,

All new habits are brainwashing.

Because imo theism is more logical.

>Additionally, I think it's difficult for us mere mortals
by using the term "mere mortals" you're already assuming there is some higher existence

>I am not Christian but more closer to polytheism and shamanism.

>Empiricism is valid except when it comes to spiritual practices
This is basically proof Atheism is a dogma, no different than any kool-aid cult.

humor, qualia, fermi paradox, whatever part of the brain is responsible for religious behavior, etc. as well as some things that don't make for all that great of arguments but I believe to be evidence anyway like synchronicity, the miracle of Tilma, and even premonitions in dreams. I think there is a good case to be made that "something" is happening behind the scenes at least.

Not necessarily. It could be that it is God's nature, as "pure actuality", to sustain existence. God does it because he can't help it, it's what he is. Not because of some providential concern for the universe.

What bothers me is most of these schools of thought are dead set on converting others and proving there own theory "correct", no matter how many sects schisms and divisions of them there are. Every souls journey is its own endevour no matter what road it takes, we all go to the same destination. Berating others and condemning beliefs is foolish and vain. I personally believe in the sun. The day it does not rise will be the day our little party is over on this planet.

>be atheist
>be a fearful coward because you think death is nothingness
>cower to your mom's basement where the chance of you dying decreases significantly
>die anyways from obesity and wake up in hell

That'a a terrible analogy

Who specifically?

I am but I also dislike mainline atheism

>I know it sounds stupid but fuck you

most religious perspectives boil down to this pretty fast when pressed.

not the guy you were responding to

but why is that a bad analogy? Because a lot of people believe in sky-bigfoot? Does more people holding an unfalsifiable belief make it more likely to be true? He is right you don't understand the burden of proof.

If you believe in a soul you believe in magic. An adult that believes in magic.

I know people that willingly join cults to 'tickle' that whatever-it-is but I don't see the appeal myself.

Morning coffee is enough of a 'ritual' for me.


Magic is the definition of what he does NOT believe in.

Magic implies a trick, a deception. He believes in something that exists outside of our material universe, a soul. Nothing wrong with that.

What if you had a religious experience

what were the yogis of siddhartha doing if not magic?

>Why aren't you an atheist Veeky Forums?

I was until I discovered I'm the Lord.


Because you can't prove god doesn't exit.
>inb4 some fedora troglodyte with no reading comprehension mentions burden of proof being on the theists

I maintain my religious beliefs simply for shitposting purposes. Nothing more, nothing less.

So I guess we just make up definitions that are convenient for us on Veeky Forums? Wait no that is just religious people everywhere.

Why don't you google the definition of the word 'magic'? There's nothing about deception there. Souls are 'magic', supernatural nonsense explanations with zero explanatory power and no evidence.

>believes in something that exists outside of our material universe, a soul. Nothing wrong with that.

The material universe is all that exists as far as we know so why would you believe in anything beyond it? Have you experienced or observed something outside of the material universe?

>Have you experienced or observed something outside of the material universe
dark energy

Implying that the personality doesnt out live the person.

The 'absolute atheism' meme needs to die.

Atheism only describes what somebody DOES NOT BELIEVE. Atheists aren't the ones making any claims! So what do they have to prove? Clever atheists never insist that God does not exist, they simply do not believe he exists and enjoy pointing out the lack of reasons to believe in a God.

Theists are the ones making claims about what is real and what is not in an objective sense. Nobody is going to accept that shit unless you can come up with some compelling reasons to do so.

Pretty obvious you actually don't understand the burden of proof either and yet you're calling people troglodytes.

>I can't explain an observed cosmological phenomenon
>therefore magic is real, the soul is real and god exists


Precisely. I'm not even all in on the burden of proof being necessary for every last single thing ever, but christians and other abrahamics make extraordinary claims on the regular with little better then farts and unicorn dust to back them up.

I do think death is nothingness, but I don't fear it. I've had time to value the things and people that are important to me so if I die then it's not the worst thing in the world.

it's proof of an absolute, not its contents.

You are just changing the definition of atheist. What I mean by atheist is someone who claims god does not exist.

>The material universe is all that exists as far as we know so why would you believe in anything beyond it?

Because that's what faith is, dipshit. You are all looking for things that concretely define God existing. When that happens, as the Koran says, you will wish it weren't.

That's what atheism means. The dipshits want atheism to mean Agnostic.

Really if you look at the wikipedia page, atheism means three different things, which means it pretty much is a useless term in intellectual conversations.

god should know how reason works and how to convey a convincing argument for his existence if he wants to communicate with us. the koran fails to stand up to reason.

It’s pretty hard finding a place that’ll monogram my fedora for me. That’s why OP, that’s why.

This whole thread is a pretty good snapshot of why theists exist. They show very little reading comprehension, view reality in terms of black and white, and when their beliefs are challenged they resort to "I am silly" - tier defenses of their reasoning.

I'm an apatheist and i don't associate myself religious-babbling subhumans, both theists and atheists.

Because our mexican tripfriend already blew atheists out for all for all eternity.

Because there is no god but allah and mohammed is his prophet.

That pic of ridiculously tortured logic is an example of being "BTFO", now? lol

I'm an agnostic.

I can't say with certainty that there is no higher power so I don't have an opinion on whether one exists or not.

It's mathematically impossible that there's no god
I chose Christianity because it's the most logical and consistent of the monotheistic religions

That would equal codependency with the universe.

Because there's more than believing some shallow religious/antireligious memes. In other words, taking major ideas automatically for granted. I personally believe in The Human Consciousness. It all begins and ends with the egsistance of self-aware life.

Why do you neglect the polytheistic religions, user? Not that I disagree with you, just asking

>I chose Christianity because it's the most logical and consistent

Ooga booga primitive bullshit


Didn't watch enough Rick and morty

i wish i could be a religious theist and believe in a good god and an afterlife
but sadly the problem of evil can't be solved

Because there's as much evidence to suggest there is absolutely no transcendent component to reality or the universe as there is which suggests that a transcendent component to reality or the universe does absolutely exist.

Just because you made your claim second and in response to someone else's, does't mean you don't have to support it with logic and evidence. Anyone trying to argue the universe is assuredly one way or the other is not arguing from an evidence-supported, research-driven perspective. They are making a baseless claim primarily grounded in sensation.

inb4 agnosticism is fence sitting; refusing to choose between two equally likely-to-be-wrong decisions is not centrism, that's simply logical.

Math is a human construction used to describe human observations. "Math" cannot prove or disprove anything, since math is nothing more than a description of an observation. Humans cannot know the universe as it actually is. Math and science - which you admit to holding to some special place in ontology - prove we can't even see every wave-length of light, and yet you presume to think you can know if "god" does or does not exist.

>it's older so it must be simplistic bullshit
>all religions are the same glorified idol worshiping sect, but mine is better :^)

Stop being faggots and just accept the basic definition of Atheism. It's not the boogeyman you try to make it out to be. Nobody is making any claims except theists.

Still waiting for theists to back up those claims but you're more interested in trying to fan the flames of some culture war setting up a false dichotomy as if Atheism described a dogma of any kind. If you're going to argue with somebody that they should believe something you should come up with some compelling reasons for them to do so.

Did some spergy atheist in highschool have a go at you for believing in God? Get over it. Militant atheists do not represent the majority and they grow out of it.

pic related

because i'm not retarded

>It’s another atheists think they’re enlightened episode