Am I the only one left on this board that still believes in LINK? Bought at 6,8k and still feeling comfy af
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at this point all weak-handed redditors have been weeded out
if you truly believe in it why the fuck arent you shorting it and rebuying at 2000 satoshis
It's pretty obvious this is a sleeping dragon. Just wait till LINK gets added to another main exchange like Binance. Price will 3x after that easily
Feel a bit uneasy, but the fundamentals are the same and I got in at avg of 0.0005 ETH. So still relatively sane
>captcha 1400 CLOSE
Open the door, get on the floor
Everybody walk the dinosaur
Open the door, get on the floor
Everybody walk the dinosaur
Open the door, get on the floor
Everybody walk the dinosaur
Open the door, get on the floor
Everybody walk the dinosaur
why? would that make it 3x? I dont think theres any new announcements. I believe in LINK longterm, but i dont wanna wait 8 months to see some profit again.
Im kinda worried it'll keep dumping and stay that way for a while. What the fuck do we do LINKmarines
Comfy as fuck as well my dude, not even concerned in the slightest.
have i got a tip for you
Just like district0x, am I right?
It's getting added next week
>sub 4000 sats
nah don't fret. I'm holding for 2 years at least, and doubling down each price drop.
we have held through tremmendous amount of BULLSHIT FUD AND SCAMMERS AS WELL AS SIMPLE FUCKING TROLLS
>wake up
>down another 20%
I still believe in it. It's just the team being autistic, making things worse.
Not that bullish on the price right now.
Holding tight. Checking the price often but really shouldn't be this early in the coin's life. The money will start flowing in the other direction sooner or later, but it will.
I am shorting it. Went from 3.3k yesterday to 4.15 now and made major mistakes too.
>why? would that make it 3x?
Because there is obvious manipulation going on on Binance. LINK is worth way more than the price now. More exchanges means less manipulation means a more accurate price. I mean, LINK mooned 25% after the SIBOS news for only half an hour. After the 30 minutes of moon bliss the whales pushed the price down massively. Just imagine what would have happened without manipulation.
Seriously, selling LINK now is like throwing free money away.
It's all gonna be okay my dudes
Binance is a Chink Scam. Where are these bots coming from? They arent available online. Means they are coming from the site itself, every coin that gets added there is bled dry. Go ask a Verge holder how they are holding out since it was added.
Most obvious proof of manipulation is the fact that any staircase price increase is instantly negated in one solid red candle in the same time reference frame. You'd maybe expect this when there's a lot of bagholders, but there shouldn't have been any at 0.013, which is when this pattern first started happening
problem is weak hands get scared and sell.
I'm fucking scared desu.
Do you guys think it'll recover at least to the price it was hovering around soon?
>Do you guys think it'll recover at least to the price it was hovering around soon?
There's no telling. It all depends on the new exchanges.
Ok should i buy now or will the price drop much further
t. nolinker
>buy wall vanishes
>get tricked into buying bags
Links price has been throughout unnatural
I believe the teams commitment to add more personnel and beginning community management will invert this trend soon enough though another exchange within the timespan of 50 days.
I got in this hell at 6500...please someone pump it to 5K so I can get the fuck out of this hell
>It all depends on the new exchanges.
I thought that was a meme? is that actually happening
I know it wont get added on Bittrex because they did no KYC....
district0x doesn't deserve to be worth anything.
It literally confers votings rights. Voting rights, on a platform where there is currently nothing to vote on. A platform where you're asking people to develop projects, but allowing any whale to literally buy a say in how its run.
There is no reason to pay a single penny to buy district0x tokens now. Even if it blows up, there will be so much time to see if it's going to hit or miss, before it gets to a scale where voting rights are actually valuable.
LINK is a different story. It is a huge development in the general architecture of blockchain, with an unbelievably expansive use case.
Comparing the two, if anything, just highlights the potential of ChainLink.
Idk if I can do it anymore I had a dream this shit hit 15 cents, I just don't think we can come back, especially with all the shit happening with BTC. If it was going to moon it would have by now, but the whales have just reduced this to another ODN, or any other ICO right now. The whales don't want us to make any money
Why do people believe this? If people wanted this coin, then they'd just make a binance account. It's not hard to make a binance account, and it only takes like a minute.
The demand just isn't there.
You’ll be fine. Put it on your hardware wallet, take it off Blockfolio, and check back in 6 months.
Vitalik himself said link wasn't worth its ICO price.
Where do I create a Link wallet, I need to start buying this stuff
Someone buy my bags pls
he said the same about ether being over $10
There is always no demand until there is. Patience. 6 to 8 figure enterprise software sales cycles take months.
lol the delusion is strong
i spent my 1 eth on this shit at around .0012-.0013 eth per, im specialist tier
not only did i destroy my one eth, but i also left myself with LESS bags than i could have if i just waited to buy
fuck you guys
at least my btc is going to the moon
corporal reporting in
hands still strong, line being held
you filthy cowards that sold, look what you have done, it's below some digibyte shit right now, good, my bags are getting fuller as we speak, don't you weakhanded faggots to even jump back onboard when it moon, you have been warned
go buy some ripple you stupid cucks, or dogecoin because dude lmao dem memes doe
>check back in 6 months
Worst argument ever, on par with "remember the ETH fud"
6 months in crypto is 6 years in "real world"...what if, imagine my shock, a competitor appears and renders your "just set and forget" tactic obsolete?
The best investments are the ones that are made BEFORE the demand is there. I don't know why people are so pessimistic and think they need to hop ob board only after a moon mission is already on its way. The iron hands of link are the ones who will walk away laughing.
I have my suspicions that binance might act in fraudulent activities. I held binance coin (bnb) for a while and everyone was saying it was being manipulated, bots etc. Whats to stop them from doing this with other coins like LINK?
Serious question. If enough people move their coins into personal wallets could this help the situation if true?
Today has been my best day for trading link. It's peaks and dips have been so predictable
gtfo corporal pleb, cum bak when link colonel at least fgt
someone please tell me how and where I can create a Link address. I have an ETH address already. This is so confusing.
Its an ERC20 coin, you can store it in myetherwallet or some other ether based wallet.
Still believing in it, since it's a totally different product compared to DGB. It might even pick some traction after the Microsoft challenge to Swift. It really feels like an Antshares 2.0.
I have Jaxx, can I add it there?
bought 100k in parts at 6500-4650 sats. comfy af user. im longterm in there anyway. this will make me 5mil + by 2020.
My only regret is that I didn't buy at a lower price, not that I bought. I still think the technology is worthwhile.
I'm in the process of updating my status right now
when I get back you will be the one to listen to my orders
wait, correct me if im wrong, LINK is sent to the same address, and even if I do not see an ERC20 token transaction in my Jaxx wallet, I still own ERC20 purely because of the ETH address.?
So ERC20 tokens all use the same address. They don't need a different address for each token. Just send it to your ethereum address. I use MEW just because it's easy to locate your coins and stuff. I can't speak about Jaxx because I never used it, but if Jaxx can hold ETH, it can hold LINK.
(crestfallen voice): dump it...
Do you follow Vitalik on twitter? I do.
A third of his posts are refuting misunderstandings of what he's said or done, such as supposed endorsements. This was another one of those.
Today or yesterday he posted a blog post about how tokens that aren't fees will have a hard time becoming valuable if it isn't a store of value in itself. Well ChainLink is a fee for oracle sevices. And simply put, the more services provided, the higher the demand for tokens and the higher the price. Basics. The demand for oracle services to blockchain networks today are indeed not several million. But you aren't investing in the cryptolandscape of today. You're investing in a landscape where oroacle services face a demand as to warrant billions in evaluation. You do realize this is a speculative market. People aren't betting on today.
Thank you so much.
this. hodl 4 life anons
You mean this virgin?
yeah, that virgin who is worth 100s of millions of $ while you're stuck in your mom's basement you filthy fuckin NEET
You're welcome. Be careful obviously and make sure you 100% understand what you are doing before you do it, wouldn't want you wasting your money.
Just bought another 1000 LINK.
Yes because people like Ari Juels take years to write peer-reviewed white papers so some random tech bros can come and make the same shit in 6 months. What’s stopping anyone from making another Ethereum? First mover advantage is important as fuck.
The tech is there and it creates industry.
already lost so much so might as well hold, I don't even care anymore
Welcome to investing.
>m i l l i o n
(((They don't want link to succeed. They don't want Sergey to be rich
and that's how you win in this game against impatient cucks wit adhd
Action to take: accumulate the fuck out of LINK
t. Palm bitch controversial
seriously I'm not surprised if the next pdf is about Link unless he never recommends anything outside of buttrex and other big exchanges
When the shills are out fuding something they want you to sell it so they can buy in. It is a good sign.
Just like XVG, huh?
Look at it more as emerging tech and not a pump and dump and you should learn the value.
Remember, the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.
I'm still balls deep in LINK. I'm staying away from the internet/blockfolio for awhile. Haven't done this since the summer. Time to de-crypto for a bit. If I come back to a LINK moon I fucking made it.
It won’t stay down forever. Worst case it goes dormant for a month or so.
I believe in link but between the team's abysmal marketing and binance, it's not going anywhere anytime soon. See you at 2k
Link looks promising. But I wouldn't expect it to moon anytime soon.
It will probably take years.
>why? would that make it 3x?
Because Binance has been suppressing the price for three weeks now.
Unironically, if LINK had been on more than one exchange the price would have been 1 or 2 dollars by now.
Lol, being this deluded. There are massive dumps everytime the price spikes 10%. It's a pump and dump scheme you noob.
I just bought back in. This coin seems to always rebound
>buying in before sunday
I hope you die of cancer
Because manipulation is going on on Binance you fucking retard
whats happening on sunday?
>There are massive dumps everytime the price spikes 10%.
That's the bots for you.
And being on only one exchange means it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
i bought at 10k want to kill myself lmao losses in 5 figures, cant even imagine what 100k+ holders are feeling
it's only temporary dood
you are a weak pussy if you are faced by this
it's "phased"
Yup. Look at the top coins list. Lots of shit at the top. Chainlink could transform the blockchain world with the right partnerships. I'm going to HODL until I retire off my stack.
that bot manipulation is like a freaking early christmas gift for all people with IQ above 80
I'm waiting when it hits the floor and will buy a shitton, will also be spitting at stupid normies on the sidewalk from my grey mitschubishi lancer evo IX
bought most of it @presale some @ICO at the vitalik fud dip. and the very recent dip. so im comfy.
my bet is that link will be 1 usd first before 1btc is worth more than 100k
or "fazed"?
I get money on Tuesday, please dip to 10 cents so I can accumalate
now imagine those people who got weakhanded on early ETH/ANTS dips
inb4 dude digibyte lmao
digishyte doesn't solve anything, it's pure horsesht
even better
I mean yeah I get that it'll go back up eventually but I just keep thinking if I sold at 10k I'd have more than double the amount of LINK I have right now, but i guess that applies for whenever any coin dips
its destined to bleed untill there is actual updates from the team and Keanu on slack said there wont be any updates on friday -> tanking till atleast monday