Capitalism is left wing.
Capitalism is left wing
did someone just learn the disgusting truth about classic english "liberalism"?
No, it isn't. The only real measurement for leftism are the values of the French Revolution. Before 2000 internationalism was another part. this has been hijacked by globalization though, which definitely is a rightwing project.
The left was antimonarchy first, and the right was conservative of it. The monarchy created a rigid class system, by law. So originally the left would support free markets, and the right opposed them. But free market capitalism does not lead to total equal distribution, which is how a huge portion of the left had imagined it. So over time, the left turned more towards socialism, to which the right greatly prefers capitalism.
*bumps mic* Wrong.
not really
>The only real measurement for leftism are the values of the French Revolution.
So capitalism is left wing.
>people trying to determine what is right and left-wing when they can't even tell what right and left wing principles are
but seriously.
capitalism is/was a left wing idea because it allowed a more "liberal" (in the proper sense of the word) interpretation of laws and traditions
the "liberal" will always be what is trying to push change forward, and it will inevitably end up evolving and changing
get rid of these left/right wing identifiers, they don't help your point when trying to understand things objectively
By 1500s standards of left and right yeah. The best definitions of left and right imo is the assertion of or denial of the need for change. I don't think that's a perfect definition but it's a workable one. As the status quo moves to the left or right or becomes for set in stone, the overton window shifts or zooms in/out.
Globalism is purely lefty in charter. As is capitalism, the opposite of traditionalism which frowns upon love of mammon and supports local communal bonds over global ones.
No. Egalité certainly isn't compatible with capitalism.
It technically is, because in capitalism everyone can become rich, that's the equality of opportunity. Many American robber barons were born poor for example.
I consider this to be an abomination, you should die in the same class you're born into.
Capitalism is left wing. Statism is right wing.
>in capitalism everyone can become rich
That's not true though. Compare that statement tto a lottery. anyone can become a millionaire, not everone though.
Can =/= will.
Right. How does that contradict what I said?
You need a peasant class for capitalism. People who are exploited. That's certainly not within the idea of egalité.
Peasant class disappeared in capitalism almost entirely.
Replace peasant with precariat. How many people in the richest countries of this planet don't get a chance to obtain a proper education. How many people rely on welfare, food stamps? How many people don't even have a health insurance? Globalization amounts to a capitalist neo-feudalism. It's certainly not a lefty project.
now you're shifting the standard for "peasant" so far that you're losing the whole "we are exploiting these people" angle
being on food stamps is not starving to death. not getting a proper education doesn't mean you don't have access to largely the same resources as the educated
and as for whater or not globalization is leftist, this whole thread has proven one thing: that left and right are fluid, changing terms, so pick another cause that says literally nothing to me
should say it says literally nothing to me other than that you don't want liberals to take the blame for the negatives of globalism
Abraham Lincoln grew up in a shitty wood cabin and became the leader of one of the most powerful nations in the world. In feudalism this wouldn't be possible.
Feudalism is just capitalism in it's most barbaric form. Modern capitalism is feudalism with a pretty face and enough appeasements to keep the riots down.
>shifting the standard for "peasant"
no, I renamed peasant to a term fitting our time. And these people are exploited, being reduced to consumers of shitty stuff like low quality cheap food. ->Obesity rates in western countries are a symptom of that.
That's been a while ago now and certainly not in the time of globalization.
Capitalism is more similar to communism than it is to feudalism. Stop confusing your degenerate 18th century ideologies with the natural order of things.
yeah you've changed your term but your still playing on the same motivation in me
frankly I don't consider someone who has the capaicity to be obese exploited. you have to come up with some other way of seeing it for that to be anything but a tragedy of luxury
His chances would be much slimmer nowadays.
I have no idea what you're trying to say. Are you saying Lincoln didn't become president of a capitalist country? Who the fuck even mentioned globalism?
how about people in Africa then. Their well has been bought by Coca Cola and now they have to pay for the water that was a communal commodity before.
so someone sold coca cola the rights, undoubtedly a corrupt official in africa, there are loads of them
besides even those african peasants have a much better lot because someone else used financial reosurces better (coca cola wouldn't exist if long ago their wealth had been equally distributed and used on nothing)
rural africans are the victims of many many types of exploitation and I'm not saying western capitalism doesn't take advantage of that, but even if the west halted all communications and trading with Africa it would still be a shithole, there are other things wrong with it than just the fact that capitalism exists
Nah leftists are the only ones arguing about family values and protecting traditions. The right only cares about individuality and making money.
no political theories are applied in full. They are theorized in a pure form, changed and altered for simplicity and practicality, and the ideology that ends up controlling the governments are aggregations of many political theories
Even Marx agreed.
>But, in general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade.
Karl Marx, On the Question of Free Trade
Public Speech Delivered by Karl Marx before the Democratic Association of Brussels January 9, 1848.
Capitalism does not have left wing or right wing connotations, some movements in the 20th century both on the left and on the right claimed to oppose it, but capitalism trumped them. Capitalism does not have "owners", it has only managers who manage capital.
No one "does" Capitalism, no one actually is pro-capitalist or anti-capitalist in the determinants of political economy within existing capitalist labor relations. Capitalism "does" you.
Liberté isn't compatible with a totalitarian state, even a transitional one.
how about a totalitarian economy?
>natural order
Not the guy you're talking to, but how was feudalism any more natural than capitalism?
That is the same as a centrally planned economy. Doesn't matter to me wether the entity at the centre of it all calls itself a state, a corporation or a commitee.
I oppose monopolies, including natural ones, hence why I support anti-trust and anti-monopoly actions within a market economy's framework, among other regulations.
Eyup. Capitalism is corrosive to traditional culture, replacing healthy cuisine, healthy family structures and leisure with macdonalds, the nuclear family and wage-slavery. The capitalist/globalist world order seeks to turn each one of us into consumers and drones, depriving us of the rights and reason endowed in us by our Creator. As it stands, anti-capitalists are the true traditionalists.
TL:DR; Capitalism is incompatible with traditional values.
t. Nazbol
To all marxists out there, remember the guy recommended dismantling the family unit.
>the nuclear family
What exactly is the difference between the nuclear family and the 'traditional' structures you're alluding to?
This is a lie.
What is your definition of 'left wing'?
Monarchism is classless.