Did any western philosphers ever really wrote about buddhism?
Is there any consensus in western philosophy on the philosophy of buddhism? Like all things being codependant without an intrisic existence, the lack of an unchanging self or soul,
All I know is just some 20th century wank about the nihilism seen in a badly understood buddhism.
Did any western philosphers ever really wrote about buddhism?
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>Like all things being codependant without an intrisic existence, the lack of an unchanging self or soul,
if i understand you correctly, doesn't Plato teach on a cosmos self-sufficient, and an immortal soul?
>Is there any consensus in western philosophy on the philosophy of buddhism?
Yeah that it's fucking gay.
Most western buddhists really are, but don't blame buddhism itself for that.
The western consensus has been "its mystical woowoo bullshit". Some psychologists and psychiatrists have got quite interested in it tho, but this interest lead to nothing useful, and in fact fueled the woowoo cancer we call "new age".
Yeah but there were still philosophy built around it like christianism
Aquinas and Augustine works are seen as more than being mystical woowoo bullshit.
So what you are asking, is if any Westerners wrote analysis on Buddhism? Yes, Julius Evola for one.
>Aquinas and Augustine works are seen as more than being mystical woowoo bullshit.
By Christians maybe, everyone else sees them as dopes.
Obviously Schopenhauer did.
I laugh at stupid westerners who do not understand Buddhism and treat it like "oh so peaceful religion they wouldn't hurt a fly". Dumb white people never been to Burma.
american leftists have the strangest preconceptions about Buddhists.
I tell my leftist friend about my interest in Buddhism, and I'm celebrated because leftists are hardcore Xenophiles, but i tell him about diving into Stoicism, which is very much the same in practice (although not totally) and it's crickets because it's a Western philosophy.
and of course they're peaceful, but when they resist Islamic jihad in Burma now it's the BUDDHISTS that are evil, because their pet Muslims couldn't hurt a fly.
It is disgusting to me how westerners favor Muslims. Burma was forced to do this stupid sneaky plan to get rid of Muslims all because of Obama the muslim lover in America would have set his NATO dogs on Burma if the military started cleansing them while he was in charge. But now there is Trump, he is a racist idiot (which I don't care about) and that means Burma is free to kick out the Muslims while sissy UN just stands by and wrings its hands. They cry and cry about the poor poor muslims but they can and will do nothing because Trump will do nothing and without America the UN has no teeth.
Unironically thinking buddhists are special and all peaceful is stupid but let's not pretend it's ok for a monk to incite to violence.
But it's fine when Muslims do it? The bengali Muslims living in Burma do not belong, they are a cancer. They destroy everything. Look at Indonesia: they have torn down and defaced all the statues of the Buddha as soon as Muslims became the majority there. They will do the same in Burma, just as they do everywhere they live. They are waging Jihad against Burma. The monks are stopping it before it is too late. The military are all Buddhists too, they side with the monks. Bengali muslims have no friends in Burma, but have many friends outside in the Muslim world. Let them return to their friends.
The plague that is Islam is best examplified in eastern Asia.
Buddhism isn't aggressive. It's not pacifistic, but they don't make enemies. Islam, like the other Abrahamic religions but by far the worst culprit, will kill, burn, and rape simply because the mere existence of dissent is an affront to their whole lifestyle.
I seriously hope that the Buddhists of Burma have resounding success, I don't want them to go the way of the Stoics under Christianity.
I mean, whether or not what the lay buddhists are doing is right, the monks are still breaking their vows.
Burmese Internet Defense Force please go
Possibly David Hume might have come in contact with Buddhism through the university he went to.
Derek Parfit
>But it's fine when Muslims do it?
>Islamic jihad in Burma
Woah - someone got triggered.
>How dare you raise objection against X!
>B-but if you do so you must be legitimising Y instead!
Just any excuse to launch into a hate-filled unjustified rant. You don't give a shit about any of these issues from your comfort of shitposting in your bedroom really.
There is a legitimate humanitarian crisis where the Burmese government is cracking down unfairly on a ethnic group which has every right to live where they do and have been oppressed for too long. Infact, as many dumbasses here don't even realise is that Burma has a problem with numerous ethnic enclaves within its national borders not all of them even Muslim or Islam affiliated. Burma is just a despotic racist shithole and it's great to see the darling of the West who everyone was fawning over with her Nobel Peace prize some years ago down in flames.
can i have the source of your speech. especialy about indonesia?
When bad things happen to me people say "it's karma, you're just getting what you deserve". When people bully me, arrest me, throw rocks at me, call the cops on me, harass me. It's "karma". I'm getting what I deserve because I'm "evil". But when good looking people go through a hard time, it's suddenly not karma. Weird how that works. When something bad happens to me it's karma. When something bad happens to Chad it's a tragedy. Did karma cause 9/11? Did karma cause Columbine? Was karma asleep that day? Are you a victim of rape? Don't blame the rapist. Blame yourself. Blame karma. Blame your past life or past sins. This is what Hindus and Buddhists actually believe. Some of that Eastern wisdom for you. If you're a victim of a crime it's your fault. If you're struggling in life it's because of your past sins. You deserve whatever you get. In the world of karma there's no such thing as a victim. Normies love the idea of karma. Normies love pretending they worked their asses off to get where they are today. The book of Job shows us that karma is a lie. If karma is real, Chad would not be winning. If karma was real why are the most evil, selfish, rotten people the ones who become millionaires and get all the girls? Because karma is fake. I know it feels good to think that the world is fair but face it. Evil wins in the end. Chad wins in the end. In the world of karma, rich people are rich because they deserve it. Karma is just rewarding them. Stop being such a player hater. Never question rich people. Never question the dating scene. Never question the things women find attractive. Never question your lot in life. Never rise up against your masters. Be a good goy and die a virgin.
the difference between Muslims and other ethnic conflicts is that Muslims will bring the weight of the whole Islamic world if they get their ball rolling. They'll have volunteer mujihadeen from West Africa, to the Balkans, to the Caucus all traveling to your land in the name of Jihad.
Better to just swiftly and violently end it now.
>I speak for the whole world.
>he believes in the western hippie non-sense on what a buddhism is
If you're not a Christian and you rate either of them as thinkers, then you're fucking retarded.
Would Herman Hesse's Siddhartha count? Not quite a philosopher but I thought it offered an interesting philosophical look on it.
Imagine being this retarded
Find me a non-christian who respects either of them.
He probably wants more extensive writings by Western authors on buddhism, but I guess Herman Hesse can count. I don't recall any other author's insight on buddhism as far as Hesse's existing
Muh human rights, muh feelings
>Did any western philosphers ever really wrote about buddhism?
Many western philosophers have studied and written about Buddhism and Hinduism such as Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Heidegger, Voltaire, Whitehead, Huxley etc.
Most of them have favorable views of them to a lesser or greater degree. Western philosophy despite being influenced heavily by Indian thought at the beginning with the Greeks went for a long time without any substantial interaction until large amount of sanskrit texts started to be translated in Europe in the 19th century and so many western philosophers were simply unaware of those religions or of what their doctrines were.
>Is there any consensus in western philosophy on the philosophy of buddhism?
No not at all. Most western philosophers write about Hinduism and Buddhism as it relates to their own views and not as part of a consensus with other western philosophers.
There also sometimes a tendency to just ignore Hinduism/Buddhism if it can't be related or reconciled to their views. A ton of the French post-structuralists wrote convoluted nonsense dealing with ideas stated more clearly by Buddhist and Hindu texts thousands and hundreds of years old but they just ignored them.
Reminder that the Buddha was a blue eyed indo-european aryan of royal nordic bloodline
>When you have no interest in Buddhism whatsoever except in Evola's take on it and how it can be related to Indo-Europeans and a thread about Buddhism comes up but the only contribution you think to make is to post already widely-known views on Buddha's race which are themselves completely irrelevant to buddha's teachings
>If you're not a Christian and you rate either of them as thinkers, then you're fucking retarded.
>19th century sanskrit in europe
There's a bit of caveat to this. While the mainstream understanding of sanskrit and indology/orientalism/etc really kicked itself into gear around 19th century, the scholastic work had been happening for few centuries prior. The initial work were indubitably done by the sailors/translators of the initial trading companies. The jesuits were the real hero to this Indologist legacy. They were the ones studying the Indian(but they would also do the same with Japan/China/Tibet) culture/religion/history/people because a new generation of Jesuits were ready to partake in the more scientific revolution that was taking place in europe of the time. There were also an obvious advantage to this, trading and missionary works. The jesuits had adopted the strategy of using local language/culture to influence the people and "save them" with the teachings of Jesus Christ (with local language/context/culture).
Everyone who cares about philosophy and discurse.
Imagine thinking immensely influentle writers are actual shit.
why didn't buddhism catch on in the greek world outside of indo-greek regions?
Sure they're influential, but that doesn't mean they were great thinkers, and no none-christian philosopher rates them at all. I'm sorry that this hurts your asses but its true.
Buddhism was spread to indo-greek kingdoms by Ashoka, Mauryan king. Indo-greek kingdoms did also fund/spread Buddhism along the silk road and all the way back to China. Chinese emperors also funded/spread Buddhism all across asia. When Buddhism reached Tibet, Tibetan kings also funded/spread Buddhism across the country. Same with South East Asia.
So that isn't the problem. What had bad Buddhism stop at middle east/west? Before the rise of Christianity, Buddhism was in Greek/Egypt/Iran.The monks were spreading/travelling across the regions. So when Christianity started gaining grounds due to persecution/cultural ties/messiah, this probably slowed Buddhism down quite a bit. Persians would have probably persecuted the Buddhists as well if they were gaining grounds. The other reason is probably Islam. Islam wiped out Buddhism from the former indo-greek kingdoms and all across central asia. Islam also purged Buddhist base in India as last resort.
Once that was done, Buddhism couldn't spread any further.
The soyiest post I've ever seen on this sight.