What are historical technicalities or borderline lies that really butter your eggroll?
I'll start
>"Columbus did not actually discover anything."
What are historical technicalities or borderline lies that really butter your eggroll?
I'll start
>"Columbus did not actually discover anything."
Other urls found in this thread:
>"The Holocaust happened."
Bonaparte wasn't a glorious divine space Chad
Magellan was better desu. But I know you’re only defending Columbus to be edgy.
>Abel Tasman?? Ohhh, you must mean Captain Cook.
Not defending Columbus. What's 'edgy' is taking the opposite stance.
I can accept research into his treatment of natives and shit. But acting like the natives had 'discovered' the Caribbean and Central America or God forbid claiming the Vikings got to Newfoundland so the discovery and credit is null is asinine.
To analogize: Picture some dude- Doctor A- who popularizes a cure for leukemia, but the guy also goes on to be a serial killer, so future popularists claim that some peer study 200 years earlier found it out but said nothing and another researcher found a cure for melanoma so Doctor A shouldn't receive any credit at all for his hard work and getting the message out.
Why do we need to credit him?
>Columbus didnt discover anything! There were already people living there!
Because the man is individually responsible for prompting connection between the Old and New World...?
Because he fuckin' did something? Idk, why do we credit anybody with anything?
Pavlov wasn't the first to introduce classical conditioning, it was Edwin Twitmyer something like a year earlier. We don't exactly call it "Twitmyerian Conditioning" though, do we?
>Race exists
Really throws the old grind in my gears
>"Haha Hitler was such a dummie what was he thinking invading Russia during the WINTER hohoho what a retard he would've won the second world war if it wasn't for that one misstep that other leaders had also historically made hehehehheh he was doing SO well before that wew yee"
yeah you get the point
"The Nazis did nothing wrong and were acting in self-defense"
That’s stormtardism, not normie banter.
>"Germany would have won the war if they did this one thing"
>Russia has never been conquered and have lost no land war
Mongols and Polacks beg to differ,also sometimes i have to remind people of Brest-Litovsk
>What if Germany did X???? Could they win????????????
>le russian winter defeated napoleon..... even though he invaded in summer..... and lost most of his men during the summer and spring......
Also good if people are claiming that conquering Moscow is an auto win
>germany would have won the war if x happened
why do people make these threads, shouldn't all the economic, social, and political factors be considered when judging a country's performance n a war. It would be dumb to factor one out in the sake of "alt history"
Those threads are usual fantasy shit, OP’s fondling themselves over the idea of Hitler winning and desperate to find a single event that they can point to and scream “SEE THIS?!? IF HITLER DID X HE WOULD HAVE WON AND WE COULDVE HAD BASED NAZISM!”
Within 50 years of his voyage, the country he sailed for had conquered the two great empires of the Americas, and he kickstarted an age of regular trans-atlantic voyages.
Not saying he was a good person or anything, but what he did was a big deal.
Because the people who make them have never read any literature on the topic and just regurgitate normie talking points like "le russian winter" and "should have listened to his generals"
>Don't invade Afghanistan it's le graveyard of empires XDDD
"Before Columbus, people thought that the earth was flat"
> the Soviets won WW2 via human wave attacks
> 1 rifle for every 2 men
> German technology was superior to that of the Allies
> German efficiency!
> the Sherman was a death trap
> only the SS committed war-crimes, most German soldiers were apolitical, regular people!
Half the people I talk to about WW2 view it as if it's some sort of video-game with factions, with each faction having its specific traits. It's physically painful.
But most German soldiers were apolitical, regular people
>Lubomirski was a traitor
>Slaves built the Pyramids
>Muh 40 days & 40 nights
I'm no stormfag or Jew-hater, I just think that this kinda shit is ignorant of ancient Egyptian culture
>Roman Empire fell in 476
Nobody has said it yet?
>the civil war was about state's rights and taxation
just in case they show up
this tbqh
>Communism is a good theory, it just doesn't work in practice
Race does exist though
>regular people
Doesn’t mean they didn’t commit war crimes
Regular people do that
>Le french surrender monkeys XDDDD cant win a war XDDDD surrender XDDDDD
this shit get me fuming.
Gets me mad every time.
>"The Dark Ages weren't really that dark"
>Legacy is carried on through his wife's children
>Byzantines were Rome
Byzantines weren't Roman
>The Dark Ages never happened!
It's a compliment dressed up as an insult.
> Germany lost WWII
>If the bizantines were romans why his empire was called Bizantine Empire? LMAO LOL XDXDD REKT ROMANFAGS
>Russian winter
>American democracy and the superpower that gives its soldiers
>German technology
>panzer tank
>You can't conquer Moscow if we burn it to the ground first!
>historical soldiers used the weapons and armor shown in this hollywood movie/series, and used those for the entire existence of their country/empire
Its like they think Arabs were only able to forge Scimitars and Japanese only Katana's. And I'm lucky to meet someone that knows there were more types of armor than middle ages plate mail and chainmail.
Only as a social concept
But it means Germans were regular apolitical people and the guy before acted as if they weren't
>He doesn’t get superpowers from living in a democracy
I’ll have you know I gained energy blasting powers the last time I voted
Skin color, bone density, cranial shape, and IQ are social constructs.... Hmmm
Always assume costumes in Hollywood movies and tv are complete rubbish because they always are.
Pic related.
>not calling upon the strength and guidance of founding father ancestor guardians
leave my country IMMEDIATELY
>muh Prussia stronk at war
>the Soviets won WW2 via human wave
Well, they did. The Germans used this a lot more than people think, but Zhukov and his peers did use those often.
>difference between individuals demonstrate "race"
>iq pseudoscience
Come again?
>man, why did Hitler declare war on America?
>he would've easily won otherwise
>vikings were cool
>vikings were a society of honorable warriors
>vikings could easily defeat the armies of the european kingdoms
>vikings were a threat way into the high middle ages
Sometimes I really want to punch my roommate in the face
>>vikings were a threat way into the high middle ages
Sounds like your roomie spams Denmark in Medieval 2.
>vikings were one with nature
>vikings had gender equality
Vikings are the biggest historical meme ever.
>Britain played an important part in WW2 other than defending the isles
My brother is like this too. We have Danish heritage so he's always jerking off fucking Vikings.
>he actually gave the Battle of Teutoburg Forest to fucking Vikings because he wanted to pretend that Vikings > Romans
fucking idiot
The vikings were only good at raiding monasteries full of unarmed monks and barely defended villages. As soon as they came up against real English and Frankish armies they were btfo.
Nice try sw*rthoid
I basically agree, but you can sort of make the argument that, since he never actually realized what he'd found (e.g. a totally separate landmass a long way from Asia), he doesn't deserve credit for "discovering" it. It's not much of a discovery if somebody else has to figure out what you discovered.
Does anyone actually believe this past middle school?
It's & Humanities, not historical, but
>Prehistory was nonviolent.
There's one guy on here who's said that several times and doesn't seem aware that anybody except fucking Pinker is on the opposite side.
Why am I not surprised?
Epic meme XDDDDD!!!
>"The attack on pearl Harbor was a betrayer! The americans did nothing to provoke the americans!"
>The americans did nothing to provoke the americans!
Muh wikipedia! It sources everything from books retard.
Kill yourself already, phoneshitter
>not knowing about
>North Sea Empire
Looks like m*doids are mentally inferior.
>North Sea Empire
>well into the high middle ages
Learn to read, Sven
No one every said the Vikings were relavent into the high middle ages except for ignoramus, however the Normans were pretty damn relevant!
>Inbf muh Normans were French
>referring to Norse people as "Vikings"
>implying most/all Norse people were "Vikings"
>all while criticizing others for ignorance
You're not doing this, right anons?
Most people refer to the norse as Vikings even historians.
No, faggot, we're referring to VIKINGS as vikings. Not all vikings were Norse, and not all Norse were vikings, but all vikings were vikings.
>implying they aren't normies
you can blame americans for the modern resurgence of it
based french didn't go to iraq and US foreign policy had to desperately compensate
"Napoleon was actually Corsican, therefore French people really are cheese eating surrender monkeys."
>Slaves built the Pyramids
The worst thing about this one is that the Bible doesn't even say that, it never refers to the Jews building pyramids at any point. This idea was invented by mid-20th Century Hollywood as a way for them to shorthand Egyptian history into singular movies, and for some reason this idea has become prevalent even into the modern day.
This t.bh
> Bible doesn't even say that, it never refers to the Jews building pyramids at any point
You have any source? i don't want read the original bible.
Nigga the source is fucking Exodus, just google it up and control +F pyramid(s) if you don't want to bother reading the whole thing. It mentions them making bricks but that's about it. Alternatively, just google "does Exodus mention pyramids" and plenty of articles pop up telling you that, no, it doesn't.
Most of the laborers were slaves but there was a highly specialized artisan class that somehow managed to survive getting tilladoed. Also the nile area is only cultivable in the period after the flooding, if that doesn't happen yet there's literally nothing for most of the population to do so they can do public works.
Historical normies, yeah, but still autists in general
Nice digits btw
>”If Hitler just waited until summer”
>Does anyone actually believe this past middle school?
You underestimate the power of the burger
>Pavlov wasn't the first to introduce classical conditioning, it was Edwin Twitmyer something like a year earlier. We don't exactly call it "Twitmyerian Conditioning" though, do we?
Scientists have a two part job, one part is the actual discovery and the other part is the delivery of the discovery to the general populace.
Pavlov succeeded where Twitmyer failed in this regard, which is why he's now so well known. The reasons why Twitmyer isn't taught is also twofold: the general populace knows pavlov better already and introducing Twitmyer would only add confusion, and Pavolov's research on dogs is a bit more palatable than "Knee jerks without stimulation of the patellar tendon".
>Does anyone actually believe this past middle school?
I think from the fact that you can determine what "social concept called race" someone is based on their skeleton, is a pretty good indicator of race.
fucking THIS
i think people hold onto this more because it conveys the mindset of the common soldier more than their leadership
>most of the laborers were slaves
If you consider mass conscription for public works projects slavery, yes. But by that logic, everyone's a slave throughout most of history
Because 1984 wasn't meant to be an instruction manual, you memory holing faggot
>eurobeans are smort because dey have harsh winters :D africans r dumb because the Savannah (which is the only climate in africa btw) is super easy to survive in
Actually determining race from a skeleton is a very difficult task that usually ends up with a statement like “this likely came from” or “this probably came from.”