How will they ever recover. They never destoyed Poland, it's still there
Germs and Kacaps on suicide watch
Other urls found in this thread:
I think they will recover by virtue of living in a country that actually did some stuff and was a top dog at some point, unlike Poland which in recent history (I'm being generous, last few centuries) only served as a route for invading armies.
Try doing that without EU gibs, polack.
Typical poolack moaning about "muh ebil russias and germans we wuz always victims"
P.S. Also Anders was a Germanic descendant, similiarily to communist Bering. Why are native poolacks so bad at the millitary tactics?
T. Kacap or szwab
Nice cherry picking fag. What about General Maczek? Germs called his unit black devils for a reason. Great man, slaughtered many germs at mont ormel.
t. poolack subhuman
"Szwabs" are racially and culturally 100 times superior to you.
He has Croatian (therefore Germanic Ostrogothic) roots. 3:0.
there there gunther, it's okay now.
THIS is the real army. Not Anders's poolack soyboys.
Actually it's poolacks who are crying all the time. "hurr durr we wuz victims of da ebil germany and russiiaa... GIB REPARATIONS1111!1111"
Poles are more white and Aryan than GERMs.
Which reminds me, pay up Hans ;)
The Nordic man is the most superior being in the entire world.
The Nordic man, who cultured every inferior volk around him, and who created EVROPA as we know it.
And the German volk is the most Nordic one in Central Europe. While the poolacks (excluding Volksdeutscher like Silesians and Kaschubs) are inferior both racially and culturally to it.
With round TÜRAN skulls? Nope.
No, you pay the Germanic Nordic volk with lebensraum. We were patient for too long. Now give back not just the Ostgebeite, but also the entire land that used to be inhabited by Nordic Goths and Vandals - in other words, the whole land occupied by poolacken.
>With round TÜRAN skulls? Nope.
Nice try faggot.
And how did they achieve that? By fucking up Rome, chimping out in their little duchies ( I'm not even gonna call it HRE, azi twasn't holy, or roman or an empire) for almost a thousand years? Then the eternal kraut ravaged Europa twice and let amerimutts take over as leaders of the West.
Wow, poolacks are Slavic. Who would have guessed?
However, you have round TÜRAN skulls, therefore not real descendants of Indo-European Nordic peoples :)
>Analiza antropologiczna cmentarzysk z XI-XIII w. wskazuje, że ówcześni Polacy byli populacją długogłową, w następnych wiekach nastąpił proces krótkogłowienia (brachycefalizacji)[
See? Until XIII century you were White.
Now you are TÜRAN. And your "R1a" is just a genetic souvenir from the times when you used to be Nordic...
Kraut history summed up basically.
You better kys idiot.
real poolack national music:
brachy TÜRAN subhuman, with some nordicized pigmentation though
'gibs' are 1% of GDP and germans get more from poland being in EU than poland does anyway.
>The structural funds are for making weak regions more competitive. And a large part of every euro the EU gives Poland comes back to Germany. The Poles use the money to place orders with the German construction industry, to buy German machines and German trucks. So net contributors such as Germany should be interested in the structural funds. From an economic perspective, Germany isn’t a net contributor but a net recipient.
t. Günther Oettinger, the new EU Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources
Looks like my thread summoned the schl*sians. We have to chant with all our might the phrase that will drive the animal back to its cave. Repeat after me guys.
Nein Polacke. Du solltest den Befehlen des Deutschen folgen. RAUS SCHWEINE!
poolack subhumans are still inferior to the German Nordic man :)
>using translator
lmao, back to the valley of mines, wunglak subhuman
back to mongolia... TÜRANOID polacke.
got some studies reflecting about 'turanoid' admix in poles?
Go eat some wodzionka shitlesian
Yes. Even the poolack wikipedia mentions that since 13th century you have TÜRAN skulls.
go it some... ah that's have possibly nothing to eat in your shithole :)
i asked you about admixture, where are the studies?
Shitlesian claiming that I have nothing to eat, while his proud volk is muncing on bread with water ;)
Don't reply to that autistic silesian ffs, he only waits for that.
>i asked you about admixture
Then there is no such thing as one turan admixture. TÜRAN is a mix of Mongoloid and Caucasoid. According to the Polish (!) anthropologist Jan Czekanowski (who was btw. quite respected by the German racial scientists), poolacks are a mix of Nordic Caucasians and Lappinoid Mongoloids. Therefore TÜRAN. In poolen this "Lappinoid" admixture came from three sources: Carpathian mountaineers, Finnic Mongoloids (including balticized Yotvingians, later displaced from their original homeland and settled across Poland, and Magyar settlers), and Mongoloids proper/Tatars. All these people left bigger or smaller influence. Carpathid y-DNA are I2a, J2, to some part even R1b. Finnic Mongolians left N1c legacy, and the Tatars (also Huns) left C and Q haplogroups.
I'm sure that the Germans gave the nickname of black devils to just about everyone they fought.
>Most mongoloid
it's like pottery
*Resettled polacks. Mostly from the western belarus area which is obviously strongly TÜRAN.
Poland is like a waifu that Germans and Russians are constantly fighting over but neither side wants to admit that's what they're doing.
it's like two spergs fighting over a cutie that goes out with Chad USA anyway
why are you using sources that you don't even understand? haplogroups are irrelevant as far as admixture goes.
Admixture is a meme. You can be racially half-Mongoloid and "0,1% Mongoloid", you can also be predominantly racially Mongoloid and genetically appear to be "caucasoid".
It's also extremely subjective. If they included Finnic and Caucasus admixture as Mongoloid (as they should), the results would have been different.
>You can be racially half-Mongoloid and "0,1% Mongoloid"
Poolacks are racially half-Mongoloid and on your meme map are "0% Mongoloid". As simple as that.
I know you want that to be true, I'm asking you to prove it.
More like a tumor both are trying to cut out.
I've already did so. Read the posts above.
>Admixture is a meme. You can be racially half-Mongoloid and "0,1% Mongoloid", you can also be predominantly racially Mongoloid and genetically appear to be "caucasoid".
You didn't
The way admixture is determined is by looking for genetic markers in one population and seeing their prevalence in another population
Genotype > Phenotype, nigger.
NORDIC Germans proudly embracing their identity vs. butthurt old TÜRAN bitch