Wow.. no one told me that the smartest man in history Nikola Tesla was a Serb

Wow.. no one told me that the smartest man in history Nikola Tesla was a Serb.

Nick Tesla Jr was an American.

Nikjel ta Tsifsa was Albanian (illyrian)

Nikolaus Teßlar war Deutscher.

literally redit: the person

You really don't like Serbs, Osman Beyoğlu

why does neo-nazis and anti-semites like this guy so much?

Because he was NORDIC :)

Nick McTéass was a proud Irishman

>inb4 he was a Croat
it is good that Croatian Nazis killed all Teslas and burned his house... twice

Name one thing he did.

Nicolas De Tesla was a proud frenchman

Nigel Teslington was an Englishman.

He was the Neil DeGrasse Tyson of his time. Which is fitting, because Serbs are like niggers, too.

tupac lives in serbia

Nico Tesla fue un gran argentino.

Nicolas du Tesla était français !

Alternating current? Radio waves? He's the reason we don't need a massive generator every two miles, communication n sheit. The tesla coil?


you mean Mikuláš Teslař, the famous Czech inventor?

None of his inventions were that genius tbqhwy. Its like saying Graham Bell was the most smartest dude evvaeeerr because he invented the telephone.

Also, the radio was invented by Hertz (there is fucking reason frequencies are named after him and not this meme guy).

Generally, Teslas biggest achievement is without a doubt turning himself into a meme and getting over-credited with tons of stuff. And yes, he did this on purpose, he played publically the "mad scientist" role because he knew it gives him fame and money. When you look at his actual achievements there is not that much to look at. Lots of people during that time were way more productive.

Also, OP is heavily samefagging ITT.

Nicola Tesla was italian

the telephone was invented by Meucci

>None of his inventions were that genius tbqhwy.
He's the reason you can afford electricity, have wifi, have a phone, have a radio & tons of other implementations, plus a lot of his work which hasn't fully been implemented(like the coil)
>Also, the radio was invented by Hertz (there is fucking reason frequencies are named after him and not this meme guy).
The radio was not invented by the proof of frequencies, it was invented much later

Stop sucking his dick, where's his published papers where's did he demonstrate his theories.

The smartest man on the world was a serb?
Didn't know that Carl Gauß was a serb

>Tesla wrote a number of books and articles for magazines and journals.[262]Among his books areMy Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla, compiled and edited by Ben Johnston;The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla, compiled and edited byDavid Hatcher Childress; andThe Tesla Papers.

Many of Tesla's writings are freely available online,[263]including the article "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy," published inThe Century Magazinein 1900,[264]and the article "Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency," published in his bookInventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla.[265][266]
Literally a quick wikipedia search, you seem to have some personal beef with him, so you can sod off or somthing because i'm not too interested

The AC generator wasnt that much of a complex machine. He also based his work on some french dude. He lived in a time where lots of inventions were made and the only reason why he is more famous then say the guy who invented refrigerators is because he purposely memed himself into the role of le mad scientist. The tesla coil is the perfect example for this. It is completely useless but has a big "wow"-effect. So uneducated plebs think that Tesla is some sort of master-engineer when in reality he wasnt really that much of an exceptional engineer. As I said, his biggest achievement is turning himself into a meme, from all better known scientist, he is easily the one that achieved the least, by far. From his achievements alone he shouldnt be famous at all, or at least not more famous than the guy who invented refrigerators. But this is the power of the memes.

>The AC generator wasnt that much of a complex machine.
t. Master engineer

you literally dont have to be one to construct one.

Would a Serb died if he stopped being asspained for a minute?


Actually he was Corsican.

you would not feel the need to knock this dead serb down a peg if he was not popular on reddit

>you don't need to be neolothic to make a wheel
>you don't need to be John J. Loud to construct a ballpoint pen
>you don't need to be Sumerian to write
>you don't need to be a president to copy paste the constitution

There is a ridiculous Tesla cult going on online, but your statements, which seem to be inspired by pure contrarianism, are equally retarded.


t. moron diaspora Serb who thinks that everyone who disagrees with him is a Turk or an Albo

What did he mean by this?
Great "disagreeing" Mahmoud

Okay then, please name one reason he is more famous then let's say Philo Farnsworth or Wilhelm Röntgen.

Lmao who cares, that's the world for you mate, people with the better story get more rep. Edison/Tesla feud + death ray + insanity>good scientists. It's called popular culture.

Nick Tezza was Australian

Nicolas “Kulas Tagaimbento” Tesal is Filipino

Wrong. Nikolai Milutinovich Teslovska was a Russian.

So you are claiming Tesla is responsible for WiFi, presumably because he was responsible for some fundamental technology; but then say that Hertz isn't the man behind radio despite inventing Hertzian oscillators just because it took Marconi to develop practical communications or some stupid shit.

I don't know a huge amount about the era but I'm getting the geek culture graphic t-shirt stink of an overrated meme.


Nico Tremblay-Tesla was 100% Québécois, criss d'anglo.

Becoming the inspiration for the personality of all fictional mad scientists.

But I never said Tesla invented Wifi or the Radio, I'm saying he's one of the reasons we have these things.

I never said you did, I said "responsible for". But regardless, if you actually explained your reasoning it might not actually end up being such a daft contradiction brought on by excessive """geek""" """culture""" hero worship as it appears.

>Alternating current? Radio waves?
He didnt invent them but created many devices that made their use popular. You sound like a retarded redditor.

When I see people putting him against Eddison as a "champion of the people" I fucking cringe.

if this man really existed he was a nut who believed he could talk to martians on other worlds, transfer massive amounts of energy through his own body, and transfer massive amounts of energy through the air *only if he had a fantastic amount of resources at his disposal.

google his original works, he is a meme.

Stupid frog, only finns can be as smart as Niko-Pekka Täslä was.

Alternate current

Teszla Miklós studied in Hungary and was the citizen of the hungarian kingdom before emigrating to muttland

निकिलेश तेलेश्वर एक भारतीय था|

Nicolae Teslea a fost roman

Nicholaos Teslapoulos was Greek

It doesn't matter where he was born because Earth je Srbija.

Mikołaj Teslowicz was a Polish-Dinarid with haplogroup R1a-M458

Nicola Te Sola was an Italian

His real name was Nikolai Teslakov and he was Russian.

ITT: people confused about the identity of Mikuláš Teslár, a famous Slovak inventor of electric fence and halušky


Nigula Idousla was a black moor, his family fought with the TuRKs and settled in Serbia.

Nasrul ibn Taslal is a Royal Saudi prince and an inventor