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it took 2 nukes to get them to quit
I don't get why this is considered bad. Being ok to die is expected from a soldier, and in the end they just tried to hit a military target with conventional weapons. So why are they depicted as evil?
are they?
Yes they are. In every documentary they say how it was horrible and shocking to do that, like if it was worse than machine gunning infantrymen or any other act of war.
It was shocking, at least at first.
No one says it was evil. Desperate, yes.
It's not hard to figure out why --it's blatant, really. The Zionists won, and now they control the world; do you really think they would depict their enemies as the honorable heroes that they were? No, they wouldn't.
What carrier is this?
It was more that it was bad strategy. We would send out best pilots back to the academies to train the next recruits, they would send theirs to blow up.
>that they were
Lmao. How was Imperial Japan in anyway honorable? The Italians were jokes too.
>honorable heroes
Are they kamikaze? No.
their best pilots were already long dead before they resorted to regular kamikaze attacks
also you feel you lose
>convincing boys to die for your militarist pipe dream
the whole thing was evil in general
>Heroic selfsacrifice in the face of imminent defeat to a multinational coalition of Zionist powers.
You're either a Jew, or a Zionist robot.
>tfw no David Bowie captive bf
Everything about the Japs in WWII reminds me of Islam and ISIS. Banzai=Allahu Akbar!
Shopped image
>convincing boys
They press-ganged/threatened college students out of concern that they would undermine the war effort due to being educated and "liberal"-minded.
It's not considered bad as much as it is considered completely retarded
Losing a plane and a pilot for basically the same damage as dropping a bomb is fucking stupid, and most of the time they missed too as we can see from the clip above and numerous testimonies. When the Soviets attacked Manchouria some tank collums got attacked by kamikaze, but they all missed. Results: 9 planes and pilots lost for the Japanese and a confused tank division for the Soviets
So in the end why not just drop bombs ? besides muh honor i don't see any reason.
I'd say generally it was considered shocking, bizarre, alien, but not evil. From an American PoV whoever put them up to that would be considered the evil one
t. JIDF (Japanese Internet Defense Force)
if this is what the anti-zionists are willing to do in hopes of attaining victory, maybe the zionists are the good guys after all.
>tfw reading Kamikaze Diaries
>it ain't me starts playing
Do you want to share them with us?
Not evil just idiotic.
>spend tons of money, resources and time constructing a plane and training a pilot
>waste it all in one go
Except it was a highly effective strategy considering how shitty IJN pilots were in the last months of the war. Imagine if the Kamikaze strategy had been used in the battle of the Philippine Sea instead of conventional bombing tactics. Instead of "the great Marianas turkey shoot," the Japanese would have likely inflicted significant losses on the American fleet. The outcome of all those pilots dying would have remained the same, except their deaths would have been accomplished with significant material losses for the enemy.
except that most bombs miss their target and the planes would get shot down either way
if you're facing certain death you might as well make it count
Kamikazes did nothing wrong
424 Kamikaze attacks managed to damage 96 ships, so ~22%. I don't imagine dumb bombs were much better, especially when trying to pinpoint the elevators as Kamikazes were trained to do. They were also able to fly unconventional flight profiles, start attacks from any altitude, and were essentially invisible to search radars and target acquisition when attacking in small groups.
>We really didn’t know much about the kamikaze at that time, though we heard rumors. We found out the hard way. It was a shock. The worst was the gasoline. It flowed down the bomb elevator shaft and other hatches to the decks below and just incinerated everything. It was horrible.
GEORGE SIPPEL • S2/c, 4th Gunnery Division
>There were about thirty or forty men packed into a head. The walls were crushed and caved in. There was no escape for them and they all suffocated. We pulled them all out, one by one.
>The next day I found what was left of the pilot. He looked like chopped beef. Everyone was taking souvenirs, so I took a piece of the shroud line from his parachute.
NICK MADY • AMM3/c, V1 Division
>What amazed me is that even before they pulled the dead Jap out of the cockpit, there were sailors pulling out his teeth. They were doing whatever they could to find a souvenir. I just couldn’t get over that.
STEVE NOWAK • Pfc, 7th Marine Division
>Sometime later we were sitting around officer’s country talking about the attack, and I mentioned to the others about the plane captain asking me to shoot him. One of the officers there was also a lawyer, and he said, “If you would have shot him, you would have been charged with murder.” I came real close to shooting him, but I guess technically they would have nailed me for murder.
STAN BUTRYN • Ltjg, VF-13 (F6F Pilot)
>That was the one thing that struck me most while serving aboard the Franklin: We were put out of commission by one single enemy aircraft and just one hit. That happened not once, but twice.
BYRON ROBINSON • Ltjg, V2 Division
At Leyte 424 Kamikaze attacks managed to damage 96 ships, so ~22%. I don't imagine dumb bombs were much better, especially when trying to pinpoint the elevators as Kamikazes were trained to do. They were also able to fly unconventional flight profiles, start attacks from any altitude, and were essentially invisible to search radars and target acquisition when attacking in small groups. They pretty much forced the navy to change everything from doctrine and ship design.
The motive was Japan bombing pearl harbor not Japan's opposition to Zionism.
Kamikaze pilots were volunteers.
It’s a disgusting act devaleuing human life
>Being ok to die is expected from a soldier
Maybe if you're from some third world shithole, here in the civilised world we expect our soldiers to kill the enemy and survive.
You're probably one of those retards who doesn't believe in tactical retreats so your forces don't get annihalated when the battle is lost.
>Except it was a highly effective strategy
It is LITERALLY considered a futile, pointless attempt to stay in the war by every historian. You're talking shit, kamikaze attacks were retarded and just wasted the lives of young men too scared to say no.
By this point in the war, American mastery of the sky was so complete that ANY attack against American ships was a suicide mission. The kamikaze was simply a recognition of that fact.
They psychologically pressured them to volunteer.
Some of them even wrote something like "Fuck the Emperor" in their diary