The Romanovs deserved i-


Of all the billions of families unlawfully killed in history, why is Veeky Forums so obsessed with the Romanovs?

>Veeky Forums doesn't care about the other families unlawfully killed in history

they're sexy

It's absurd, and can't even be fully explained by anti-communism (since there were millions of other innocent of the USSR but they never get a word).

Its a mix of strategy game players + anti communism + the fact they were white

Because Veeky Forums is full of virgins who want to impregnate Anne Frank while screaming the Rebel Yell

>dat Russian lolita on the left

>Haha dude why do people hate it when an entire royal family and its heirs get killed by communists?

The Romanov family was historic and had been around so long in Russia they were a living cultural relic. Also Nicky was a loveable loser and his kids were cute.

So despotism is fine as long as the despot is an incompetent sitcom dad?

Not defending killing the children though

What did he actaully do wrong? All I really know is he was alledgedly murdered in a ritual with his family by bolshiveks.

>In the midnight hour

>So despotism is fine as long as the despot is an incompetent sitcom dad

Yes. This is the point of Monarchy. God grants certain blood lines and families with the sole purpose of making our lives a little less shitty.

Do you believe everything your DSA card carrying professor says?

The Imperial Russian government executed a reasonable number of political dissidents.

Nowhere near as many as the communists, obviously.

Tried to be autocrat and he wasn't even good at it


In 1905 after getting beaten by Japan he was too busy hunting to do any of his autocratic duties he insisted he wanted, this was pretty much the breaking point of Imperial Russia's existence and it started the descent into factional bullshit between SR's and Kadets

>Of all the billions of families unlawfully killed in history, why is Veeky Forums so obsessed with the Romanovs?

The fact that not a single Romanov daughter has yet to have pregnant porn drawn of her shows that we aren't that obsessed with her.

>want to impregnate Anne Frank while screaming the Rebel Yell

Guilty as charged.

The only good Imperialist is a dead one. And this particular Imperial Family's Secret Police were responsible for the murder of hundreds if not thousands of Communist families.

Best day in history

Literally the only thing the Bolsheviks did right

Kek. Sitcom dad describes him well.

Probably because they're the most historically accessible.

They didn't deserve it but the bolsheviks made their bed when they seized Russia it was either kill them or leave an heir for Europeans to reinstate with another war. I despise what they did but i can see why they did it

Romanovs were a Germanic family killed by Jews

I love them so much, why does it hurt so badly Bros?

>communist families

Because they were the family neither Russia nor we deserve and were too wholesome and good for this rotten world.

>God grants certain blood lines and families with the sole purpose of making our lives a little less shitty
>serfs starve to death because of said family's administration
your god is pretty bad at choosing which families to make responsible then

>this autistic commie doesn't understand the USSR was an empire

God gave humanity purity and beauty and all we did was brutally murder his gift - we truly deserve this hell we live in.

>tfw read about what the Bolshevik did to their bodies

Muh dik

Because it had historical impact unlike the stuff you named you brainlet.

>ywn cum inside a nine month pregnant Tatiana, hearing her squeal with delight from the orgasm


Because they were all pure, even Nicky. It feels makes you feel like garbage you couldn't protect their smiles

thats disquisting G*rmanoid mongolised face, Romanovs had barely any Russian blood

Well yeah because it's a lie and not true. You didn't refute his point.

They didn't actually deserve it, but the cost of this picture and the stuff on it would've been enough to feed a dozen poor working families for weeks if not more.

Not a communist, but monarchism has flaws and can (maybe even easily) exagerate them.