Just a little pol because I am curious.
What is the religion of Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
pantheist master race checking in
I want to fuck that
Roman Pagan.
What is the name of the religion in which you believe that a god exists but you do not know who is?
Agnostic Master Race reporting in
Agnostic theist
It was almost a good l'meme.
Agnostic but flirting with Catholicism.
>ywn find a qt grill, systematically destroy her religious faith, and then fuck her
>ywn find a qt grill, be introduced to Christ through her, join together in holy matrimony, and then fuck her on the first night
Veeky Forums is a Christian board
Why even specify the Cucktian mental illness? Just list Christian as a single option.
Catholics aren't Christian
Catholic, checking in
Why do you have four different religious denominations for Christians but label all Muslims and Jews under the same banner? Talk about self-important
Catholics aren't Christian
For the 20 000 samiritans and 1000 neokaraites?
Seems like a lot of Catholics browse Veeky Forums. I wonder why?
Veeky Forums readership is very religious
I'm new here and this surprised me
t. Atheist
it's over 40% irreligious by the poll
>no Platonism
To be steeped in history is to cease being a Protestant
>there are people here who actually believe this
>even Newman didn't believe his own shit
this desu
Why havent you christtards agreed on which autism is correct about your jew fanfiction?
Protestant? Anglican? There can be only true denomination right?
Where's "Paganism?"
In the dustbin of history
If belief in the gods that made Greece and Rome great is in the "dustbin of history" then I'm proud to be a dumpster diver.
Probably in the other category.
Not anymore it's not.
Do we have to actually know the religion we mark down or can I just put the religion I LARP as?
If you don't actually know the religion then you aren't actually LARPing tbphwym8.
>only 35% of Veeky Forums has doubt concerning God
Well, that answers that, atheists.
i know it. i'm larping as a protestant
Keep at it and maybe one day you'll figure it out lad.
Deism is the most redpilled religion desu
Also daily reminder that Separation of Church and State is the White Man's Institution.
Go poll /b/ or /pol/ or almost any other board and it’s probably a lot higher
Give Jesus His due, Nate.
>Their religion is what made them great
>I'm new here
I dare you to start a thread about Anne Frank...
I would except the never ending pain and misery of this world has convinced me that God either doesn't exist or doesn't give a shit about us.
>I dare you to start a thread about Anne Frank...
Please no
They sure are
There is love even in that pain and misery Nate. A man whose been waging war for as long as you ought to know that by now.
who is the 1 spiritual? Explain yourself
Well I haven't been getting any of it.
>Only 2 Jewish votes
Why do (((they))) lie so much? This board is overrun with Chosen
You are a liar Nathan for I know that you love Dixie and Dixie loves you.
>realizing that Nazism undermined Western Civilization must mean you're a Jew
Fair enough.
I still don't see the Almighty intruding on our daily affairs though.
It didn't though, the Jews undermined and continue to undermine western civilisation to this day
Jesus was known to make a blind man see so I guess there's still hope for you.
I'm American
there are some old as dust covenanter churches in the middle of nowhere out here in my county, but they're held in a trust, no one has belonged to them for what must be a century or more
may they ever ride above, unmolested by the low frothing masses of fury, ignorance, and wrath
So did Aesculapius, guess that means you should convert to Greek paganism amirite?
You should stop being a smart aleck.
>belief in magical sky fairies is what made Greeks and Romans great
this is your brain on p*ganism
Hail Saturn
>>belief in some heeb rando who got nailed to some wooden sticks 2000 years ago is what made europe great
This is your brain on christcuckery. Oh and would you stop with censoring singular letters in words like t*is? It makes you look like an even bigger moron then you already are.
Heathen reporting in.
>can't even censor correctly
I'd tell you to repent, but I doubt you're sapient enough.
What state are you in?
Hellenic Paganism+Daoism
the keystone
>Religion: Spiritual
This is super hot
Well, that's exactly what Dinesh Disouza argues.
Give him a break, user. Religious platitudes get old fast among those who don't believe.
woo, york
t. p*Ganoid
>If belief in the gods that made Greece and Rome great is in the "dustbin of history" then I'm proud to be a dumpster diver.
Monotheists are just self-glorified savages walking into hellfire with their noses in the air - the pagan pantheons are real - don't even bother to defend yourself against them - they made their bed and they'll burn in it as I promised them.
I don't think the Greeks and Romans cared too much for the gods of the Norse barbarians idiot LARPer
/pol/ would be more religious since the 2016 election cycle
Christian (other)
22.08 % (51 votes) Catholic
19.48 % (45 votes) Atheist
18.61 % (43 votes) Agnostic
9.52 % (22 votes) Protestant
8.66 % (20 votes) Other
5.63 % (13 votes) Deist
4.76 % (11 votes) Orthodox
4.33 % (10 votes) Christian
3.03 % (7 votes) Pantheist
1.73 % (4 votes) Muslim
0.87 % (2 votes) Jew
0.87 % (2 votes) Spiritual
0.43 % (1 votes) Hindu
I like rocks.
I'm a Classicist/Platonist, so I guess that is "other".
>He hasn't read on paganism
reading is for abrahamcucks
This is literally the argument of of many self proclaimed Christians on this website and outside of it, whenever they refer to the greatness of Europe and America, past or present. Either both arguments are legitimate or both are illegitimate.
go to the doctor
I'm surprised there's such a high amount of Catholics:Protestants ratio, I figured Veeky Forums would be filled with more Americans than Euros and the US, being a majority Protestant country, would cause the ratios to reflect that.
America is a majority atheist country
We can't be for certain, because for many people, there's a lot of different shades between religious and irreligious. For example, how do you categorize someone who professes a belief in a deity but is seemingly completely uninfluenced by the notion in the sense it does not guide their moral compass or change their behavior in any way?
Also, part of my previous way of thinking has flaws in beyond the one stated, in the sense that the denizens of this board aren't made up of a completely even swathe of the population, even assuming they were all American. I suppose a histories and humanities board would have a bias towards religious lines of thinking though.
It's actually pronounced, "NEVAR SURRENDER, NEVAR, NEVAR, NEVAR
you shouldn't take it for granted that the united states of america is filled with protestants, saying that just really shows how you much you don't know about that country
It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of the people that identified as Catholics on this poll didn't grow up Catholic, but identify as that now because they're into history and like rooting for the home team.