>the mediterranean has shifted genetically towards europe
So much for Arab or Turk mixing, it's the other way around, they've gotten lighter.
The mediterranean has shifted genetically towards europe
Other urls found in this thread:
The ancient Greeks were non-white. /pol/ btfo
Why are sw*rthoids so insecure?
I smell an inferiority complex.
This one random man is more robust and masculine than 99% of wh*Toids.
Really? Why is it then that all the strongest men in the world are Icelandic?
>pompeii couple
>fayum portraits
>Not a single grave contained a male elite Mycenean Greek.
>The only elite specimen they found was that of a woman and she had a native genotype which is not odd since steppe derived elite men took local women as their brides
>Yet at the same time, men like Achilles and Menelaus are described as blonde and Odysseus as blue eyed.
Makes you think
>eye color is the same as skin color
>In a significant revelation, researchers found that Minoans and Mycenaeans were closely related. At least three-quarters of DNA from both groups came from “the first Neolithic farmers of Western Anatolia and the Aegean,” the authors of the study write.
>Researchers also observed genetic links between the Mycenaeans and modern inhabitants of Greece, “with some dilution of the Neolithic ancestry,” the authors of the study write. The team posits that their findings “support the idea of continuity but not isolation in the history of populations of the Aegean.”
>Not a single grave contained a male elite Mycenean Greek.
Every Y-haplotype has been similar.
>steppe men in 2000 BCE Crete
>Yet at the same time, men like Achilles and Menelaus are described as blonde and Odysseus as blue eyed.
Those fictional characters are not from the same period. They are later in time than than Mycenaeans and Minoans.
They're Egyptians brainlet
Look again at your own infographic. The only elite sample they found at the tomb of Peristeria was a WOMAN, who was genetically similar to the commoners as native bride taking was a normal practise amongst the Indo-Europeans, a male individual could show up with a different haplogroup.
Also, the Atreidae were Myceneans you absolute brainlet. Achememmon was the Great King of the realm during the Iliad.
>Egyptians aren't Mediterranean
>Also, the Atreidae were Myceneans you absolute brainlet.
Yes, except when these stories were created there were no more Mycenaean civilization. Mycenaeans themselves never portrayed themselves as having blue eyes and blonde hair.
Homer knew very little about the actual Mycenaean civilization.
So dose your average Italian look like pic related?
The Greeks were blond hyperboreans from the Baltic Sea who ruled over a brown indigenous Pelasgian mass of slaves, how many times do we have to go over this? It's so tiring.
>male individual could
Argument from ignorance, if you need to argue a possibility against established fact. What evidence there is contradicts you.
Mythology, not a historical record. Mycenean period was long finished by Homer's time.
[citation needed]
Where did you even get this from? The Greeke NEVER claimed they are from Hyperborea. Hyperborea was a place where giants lived, not Greek ancestors.
This has nothing to do with Hyperborea.
>we wuz circle jerking and mental gymnastics
The Myceneans adapted themselves to native culture in many ways, this can be seen in their Minoan-esque frescoes, this does not mean they did look like that accurately. Furthermore, the stories of Homer were originally orally transferred but that does not make its content invalid.
Also, your reasoning is incredibly flawed, you pretend that Homer was some sort of Nordicist who portrayed the Myceneans whiter than they were whereas you are proudly boasting frescoes of "swarthy" Mediterraneans who lived hundreds of years after the death of homer.
It's the truth, deal with it. The only people participating in mental gymnastics are you who deny the very own Greek's writing of their northern origins and fair, Nordic appearance.
I would say a new genetic research is necessary where MALE and ELITE Myceneans are researched, as their data is currently lacking from the results and could therefore not portray a full image of the society and people.
Homeric stories were composed around 8th-9th centurty BC. 300 years after the fall of the Mycenaean civilization, during the so called Dark Ages. By then Mycenaean writing was already forgotten.
>you pretend that Homer was some sort of Nordicist who portrayed the Myceneans whiter than they were
No, I believe Homer portrayed Dark Ages Greeks, not Mycenaeans.
What mental gymnastics? There is nothing about Hyperborea in that post.
Certainly researchers want this as well, but they'd have to find the burials first. But to claim as a fact that the male elite Myceneans were entirely different from other Myceneans, is just idiocy on your part. For the time being, it is safe to say the Myceneans were farmer haplotype dominant, how true this is will be tested by the new studies.
We know how they portrayed their soldiers.
The stories of the Myceneans were orally transmitted, Homer wrote that down in his own period, I know that. What bothers me is that you try to make a point on how Greeks got "bleached" in later times, by Slavs or the likes by posting several Greek and Roman frescoes while also claiming the Myceneans were more Weat-Asian.
So according to your own chronological order in this thread. The Myceneans were swarthy, suddenly they got whiter sueing the Greek dark age, only to be dark again during Hellenistic period and then to be bleached again.
Your logic does not make sense.
I am not saying they were, I am saying there is a high probability as there are many parts around the Mediterranean that have a heavy strong steppe male line, Indo-European migration theory and tradition of exogamy amongst them.
>Myceneans adapted themselves to native culture, this does not mean they did look like that accurately
Incredibly idiotic reasoning. You are cherrypicking and claiming on one hand they adapted, but then list mythical characters as examples of blondness on the other hand.
>stories of Homer were originally orally transferred
Which means they should be taken as mythology first and historical fact second. Centuries later when Homer wrote the story, it would've changed; because stories evolve, especially oral stories which can be easily changed because there is no objective story to compare to, just memory to recall.
>Homer was some sort of Nordicist who portrayed the Myceneans
Homer would've portrayed them as the tale demanded, which would have evolved and utilized literary techniques.
>proudly boasting frescoes
Such insecurity.
There is proof of a sacking of Troy by Myceneans and oral tradition was considered something sacred that was not to be corrupted, the ancient took their rituals very seriously. But keep insulting me because you are reasoning in circles and your logic does not add up.
Case closed
Say it with me
>Homer wrote that down in his own period, I know that
Homer never wrote anything down. It's unlikely he was even a real person.
>how Greeks got "bleached" in later times
They definitely were. Modern Greeks have much more steppe admixture than ancient Mycenaeans. But Slavs aren't the only white people in the world. I believe that during Homer's times there was another migration of people with more steppe admixture (maybe Dorians and the Sea People). Some of them were probably blond. In later centuries those people mixed with the locals and during the classic period most of the Greeks were again brown.
>your logic does not make sense
It makes perfect sense.
>The stories of the Myceneans were orally transmitted, Homer wrote that down in his own period, I know that.
Then you should know it is not an entirely accurate account. It is an epic story where embellishment and metaphors are prevalent.
>claiming the Myceneans were more Weat-Asian.
Not claimed, showed. Genetic studies are real things, whether you like it or not.
>So according to your own chronological order in this thread.
No, you assumed and made that chronological order up.
>Myceneans were swarthy
>suddenly they got whiter
The average Greek did not. Clearly you are assuming too much about words that were never said.
What was the point of making the characters blonde unless they actually were so for the sake of mythology.
>Genetic research showed
It showed an incomplete picture of commoners and a married hypergamous woman
I am not making it up, it was the other poster who said that right here
ive been saying this for years. meds originated from the middle east. in particular ancient greeks.
Troy's existence is not on the same level as Helen being the daughter of Zeus or Achilles being immortal and having a weak heel or the gods directly interfering. To actually pretend that is an entirely factual story that was not exaggerated and fantastical, proves anyone talking to you is wasting their time.
>What was the point of making the characters blonde unless they actually were so for the sake of mythology.
Not the guy you’re replying to, but it’s probably because blond hair was unique and considered pretty in that part of the world. It is theorized that blond hair initially spread through sexual selection.
Ancient Greeks were blonde conquerors from the north, the Pelasgians who they conquered and eventually integrated from brown meds from Anatolia. It's all very clear.
They're Greek nobility in Egypt
>What was the point of making the characters
Numerous reasons. Hair color in characters was used to denote personality aspects. This continued for a long time, even thousands of year later with Shakespeare. I am not saying there were no blonde people in Homer's time, just that they were a tiny minority. Steppe and hunter-gatherer admixture grew as time went on, with comparatively little in ancient times, increasing in medieval, and finally modern times, this is supported by studies showing the dilution of the Neolithic farmer ancestry in modern Greeks.
>It showed an
Wrong, the other study I posted showed the majority of both Mycenaean and Minoan DNA was Anatolian farmer. The genetic distance map also clusters Mycenaeans and Minoans closer to Anatolia and the Middle East.
So why Mycenaeans never portrayed themselves as blonde?
>From that post
>Two of the gods, Poseidon and Hephaestus, are described as having black hair.
And Poseidon was the main god of Mycenaeans. Their Athena was also black haired (in Homeric times she was described as having gold hair and bright (grey/blue) eyes).
In fact, it's possible that Athena is actually a Minoan goddess.
>In the still undeciphered corpus of Linear A tablets—written in the unclassified Minoan language—a sign series a-ta-no-dju-wa-ja is to be found.[15] This could be connected with the Linear B Mycenaean expressions a-ta-na po-ti-ni-ja and di-u-ja or di-wi-ja (Diwia, "of Zeus" or, possibly, related to a homonymous goddess),[12] resulting in a translation "Athena of Zeus" or "divine Athena".
>All Mycenaean paintings depict dark haired men with swarthy skin
Lol Polish autist BTFO
It is clear the original people of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilization were quite swarthy and no doubt the vast majority of people were quite swarthy.
Are you that one slav autist who larps as nordic and has cringe inducing names like SWEDISHNORDISCHVOLKISHARYANISCHE
Mycenaeans had a component to their dna from the north that was absent in Minoans
The greeks were blonde Nordics from hyperborea who ruled over brown subhuman Pelasgians you simply need to cast aside your inferiority complex and come to terms with this instead of participating in mental gymnastics and claiming that blond hair was emphasized merely as personality trait. It's quite pathetic.
>MFW indoeuropean speaking Bronze age Anatolians had ZERO steppe admixture, mfw Indoeuropean speaking Armenians have ZERO steppe admixture
The P*lish autist is gonna experience a spastic fit
The Mycenaeans had very minor steppe admixture and probably got that and their language from balkan bronze age mutts Who already were 80% farmer on average
Greeks were blonde conquerors from hyperborea and you just need to deal with it.
>from hyperborea
You're such a moron. The Greeks never ever claimed they came from Hyperborea. The term itself was created by them to describe a land where mythical giants lived.
Still not Italian. Greeks are alot more swarthier then Italians.
Italians are proto Celts.
>n-n-nuh uh literary techniques dont exist!!!1
>muh hyperboreans
>this butthurt
Can you imagine leading this pathetic a life? Where all your self-worth comes from other people by parroting lies and wewuzzing other civilizations. I would hate to be some slavshit too, but I don't know if I would go this far and wewuz this much. Getting proven wrong left and right, but autistically continuing because you just NEED myceneans to be nordic despite every genetic study proving such an assertion wrong.
>based on a few cherrypicked sw*Rthoid samples and none of them was even R1
kys shitskin
North Italians are, south Italians are basically Syrians who got raped by proto celts and Sardinians are Anatolians with some extra WHG admixture
who cares?
Myceneans took everything from Minoans except language
>All Mycenaean paintings depict dark haired men with swarthy skin
...which is irrelevant because the proper Greek art had a plenty of blond hair.
Original Greeks were Nordisch people, just to remind you :)
see >In a significant revelation, researchers found that Minoans and Mycenaeans were closely related. At least three-quarters of DNA from both groups came from “the first Neolithic farmers of Western Anatolia and the Aegean,” the authors of the study write.
>Researchers also observed genetic links between the Mycenaeans and modern inhabitants of Greece, “with some dilution of the Neolithic ancestry,” the authors of the study write. The team posits that their findings “support the idea of continuity but not isolation in the history of populations of the Aegean.”
polish autist under the impression language = race
The Italian language itself is proto Celtic.
T-they were their swarthoid slaves!!! T-they only depicted them because they considered themselves too Nordic and pure to be painted!
>Myceneans took everything from Minoans except language
So do you imply that they were cucks? Does it mean that the inferior swarthy subhuman thought an Aryan language was better than his own? Also Ancient Greek proper culture is extremely Nordisch. Alll Greek gods were Nordisch, the patriarchal and martial system was also of Nordisch origin.
Cherrypicked samples, irrelevant. Find me an R1 myccenean and we will talk.
>language = race
Language didn't come from nowhere my swarthoid friend :) The Greek language was created by the Nordics who subjagated the swarthy race of m*Doid pelasgians.
I'm not blond nor swedish or nordicist or whatever I simply have the historical record and genetic facts on my side. I have no vested interest I am merely speaking the truth, the only person who is acting out of butthurt is you and it's quite apparent by the lengths you go to deny the oral traditions of the Greeks themselves and even basic logic. That's your problem and not mine and I will be laughing my ass off when the archeogenetics of ancient Greece is eventually and definitively sorted out to prove what we always knew.
Why would an about 95% pelasgian slave and maybe 5% Nordisch at best culture portray themselves as Nordisch?
Later Greeks, who were also invaded by a much bigger Nordisch tribe of Dorians, were much more Indo-European. Both racially and culturally.
What is even "proper Greek culture"? Mycenaeans are not proper Greeks?
You reveal your stupidity to easily to claim scientific studies are wrong, because it offends you.
>Find me an R1 myccenean
Poor dumb poolish, doesn't even realize that's what he needs to support his argument.
>"proper Greek culture"?
Mix of Mycceneans and Dorians.
You misunderstood my point. I don't deny the natives were swarthoids - they were. But the Indo-European invaders who cultured and cucked them were Nordics.
Therefore, IE samples or who cares.
But we are talking about Mycenaeans here. Your picture was created some 900 years after the collapse of their culture.
>But we are talking about Mycenaeans here.
You really don't. It's an another "wewuz" thread by swarthoids to hijack Indo-European Nordic culture.
The Dorians were not Nordic they were Ilyrian so probably I2 haplogroup dominant.
Also the Greek invaders were likely more similar to modern day Slavs because of the prevalence of R1A.
>when the archeogenetics of ancient Greece is eventually and definitively sorted out to prove
>hurr im wrong now(and forever) but watch in 200 years from now :)
You're a dumb slavshit, without sources or facts, too dull to understand metaphors and literary techniques, and too ready to discount hard science you don't like.
>The Dorians were not Nordic they were Ilyrian so probably I2 haplogroup dominant.
Dinaric influence in Greece is weak, so it's more likely they were Nordics. And don't forget original Illyrians were Nordic too, and R1b.
>Also the Greek invaders were likely more similar to modern day Slavs because of the prevalence of R1A.
And ancient Slavs were Corded Nordics.
>Indo-European invaders who cultured
Actually it was the invaders who found the flourishing civilization, wanted to be a part, assimilated themselves into it, and promoted their language.
>Therefore, IE samples or who cares
Yes, where are your nordic samples?
You know that in ancient greek xanthos, the word translated with "blonde", was also used to describe charred meat?
>Actually it was the invaders who found the flourishing civilization, wanted to be a part, assimilated themselves into it, and promoted their language.
Lol nope. They conquered them and ethno-culturally cucked. Modern "greeks" are a nation of cucks who speak a Nordic-made language while insulting "snowniggas".
>Yes, where are your nordic samples?
In Ancient Greek texts.
The only person discounting "hard science they don't like" is you, along with claiming that Greeks who described themselves through sacred literary traditions that went back for generations were merely using metaphors. Your position is one half denial of hard evidence and one half unfalsifiable bullshit. All for what? Butthurt that the early Hellenic invasion into Greece was perpetuated by fair featured conquerors from the north.
It's amazing the lengths you go through, pat yourself on the back just because the original Greeks were blonde Nordics and for whatever reason this fact causes you convulse like a retarded child.
Greek is more closely related to Indo-Iranian languages, so it's unlikely that the ancient Greeks had anything to do with "snowniggas".
>Greek is more closely related to Indo-Iranian languages
It is not + Original Indo-Iranian Andronovo people were Nordics too.
>mental cuck
>Nordic-made language
The people who brought the language were already admixed with farmer and hunter-gatherer. Sub-stratums would develop.
>In Ancient Greek texts.
But no genetics to support you.
>cuck cuck cuck cuck
That word does not mean what you think it means. And by that criteria modern "Slavs" are all cucks too.
>along with claiming that Greeks who described themselves through sacred literary traditions
They described a civilization that collapsed 300 years before them.
It's the truth sw*Rthid. You are a cuck.
>The people who brought the language were already admixed with farmer and hunter-gatherer
They were still Nordics :) And you are a cuck
>But no genetics to support you.
Modern R1 haplogroup in greece + their language + their culture is enough proof to support me.How can you even deny that Indo-Europeans didn't have any R1? LOL.
>That word does not mean what you think it means.
You adopted foreign culture over your own (according to your very own interpretation), so it fits the definition of a cuck quite well :)
>hurr metaphor taken literally should supersede genetic and archaeological evidence
You are quite polish, unfortunately for you, so genetic studies do no matter to you, not as if you could understand them anyway.
I don't care about your pseudo-science. They weren't "snowniggers" and had nothing to do with the Germanics.
>You adopted foreign culture over your own
But this is not what happened. Original Indo-Europeans barely had any culture. Greek culture is a mix of Indo-European, local and Eastern traditions. That's why it was so different than Bronze Age Scandinavian culture or British culture and so on. Culture isn't genetic.
>Why is it then that all the strongest men in the world are Icelandic?
They're Slavs and Balts actually.
Says the guy, spamming 24/7 pictures of 'Nordic' men in every thread on top of Nazi German pseudoscience in this regard. Get a job.
It was common sense for anyone with half brains.
Genetic studies, the historical record, myths and Occam's razor are all on my side. Please do return to blithering about how Greek descriptions of themselves and their heros was all just literary license though, it's quite entertaining and all it does is reveal your inferiority complex.
You don't have a leg to stand on.
>genetic studies
No. Mycenaeans had very little steppe admixture.
>historical record
Not really. There is no proof that a big invasion of Steppe people even happened. It was a very gradual process, lasting many years. Their culture was also fully influenced by Minoans.
Constructed in completely different times by people speaking different dialects.
There is ZERO evidence that Mycenaeans were blond, white conquerors who subjugated the locals.
>snownigger achievements are so pathetic they have to latch on to mediterranean ones
>No. Mycenaeans had very little steppe admixture
denial and minimization of evidence staring you in the face, this "little steppe admixture" is what wholly separates the mycenaeans from the non Greek Minoans
>Not really. There is no proof that a big invasion of Steppe people even happened. It was a very gradual process, lasting many years. Their culture was also fully influenced by Minoans.
I am not even going to dignify this with a response
>Constructed in completely different times by people speaking different dialects.
denial of basic reality
weew lad it's very important for your self esteem to deny uncontested genetic, historical, archeological facts and even the intent of mythological literary traditions maybe you want to self evaluate why
What are the modern day Slavs? >Inbf, Muh Mongols!
Brachy widefaced subhumans with TURAN influence according to him. Even though he's been outed as clueless idiot every time he tried to bring that up.
This usually ends up with him spamming pictures of fat Polish men to prove they have subhuman faces.
>wholly separates the mycenaeans from the non Greek Minoans
It really doesn't separate them considering their culture was very similar.
>deny uncontested genetic, historical, archeological facts
What facts? You aren't posting any facts. Your only evidence is some descriptions from the Dark Ages.
>Indo-Europeans invade
>Dark Ages for 300 years
>muh Nordic culture
Every time.
>They weren't "snowniggers"
They had all the characteristics of snowniggers, my swarthy friend :)
>don't care about your pseudo-science
If you discuss about phenotypes, you have to accept the terms that decribe phenotypes, sw*Rthoid.
>Original Indo-Europeans barely had any culture
All Greek gods, traditions, values are of Nordisch origin.
Sure, iron age Greeks were so Nordic like pic related
That's Macedonian anyway lol