I feel bad for the real Sargon of Akkad. i wonder what he would think of his legacy being besmirched by some autistic political youtuber
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Could any of you achieve this?
I hope you're not actually implying this makes him at all an admirable or righteous person. Do you admire the drug dealer, the pimp, the slaver?
This dumb for 2 reasons.
1.Sargon is just and edgy political youtuber
2.Most people on Veeky Forums are even edgier then Sargon is and would most likely answer yes to your question. I mean come on now, where the fuck do you think you are? All of the above get mad puss and don't pretend like most people wouldn't want to own slaves if they could.
Well maybe the pimp, but that's because pimping aint easy
These "sceptic" tards are even worse than /pol/acks.
It's actually pretty depressing how he has hijacked the name
Backstory on Carl of Swindon:
>be a call centre schlub in your mid thirties
>raise your wife's son (no joke)
>on the off time make """"video"""" """""games""""" and pursue the typical bugman/soy lifestyle
>laugh at creationists online
>worships atheist hierophants and is a typical atheist cultist
>plays Age of Empires and believes, alongside mocking basic bitch low church christians, that this endows him with a superior intellect
>basically just a loser dilettante who likes to feel smug by fedora posting
>considers himself a 'rationalist' and surrounds himself with a cargo cult of ME SMART paraphernalia to grow his brainlet
>has trouble finishing a wiki page
>strikes gold with poor man's late night tv tier 'commentary' on ESSJAYDUBLEYUUS in gamergate
>becomes top sophist of a community of fellow dumbos who are permanently in a fart huffing haze
>mimic status quo ideology a little bit in depth to convince his subscriber/donator base he indeed IS the next Socrates (who he compares himself to)
>roll in money chuckling at blue haired hambeasts
>forget that you cynically adopted a political position purely to rake in that sweet green post-gamergate
stop this eceleb posting
no one gives a shit
>8000 dollars a month for being a fat fuck who sits on his computer all day and whines about "the fookin leftists"
sometimes I wish the internet was never invented
On an unrelated note, how similar is Akkadia to Assyria? How different are the Assyrians to the Akkadians? Are Akkadians their ancestors?
Imagine paying money for someone to validate your opinion
You are all SJW faggots who are just triggered Sargon and Paul Joseph Watson's commentary against the leftist snowflakes and SJW cucks. .
t. redditor falseflagging
*sophists in your path*
For 8000 dollarydoos a month I'd do the same desu
>he thinks 8000 a month is a lot of money
Depends on where you live.
If you live in a place where 8000 is a lot then it's probably not really living.
dude that's loads, 2000 a week for sitting on your ass making shitty liberal videos
the average yearly income in the uk is about 30,000 pounds, he's making almost 100,000 from donations alone
here are some communists who make way more
Veeky Forums thoroughly btfo yet again
>over $1 million a year making edgy leftist podcasts
late stage capitalism amirite
>nearly 1 million dollars a year
>'w-we're totally working class, goys, k-keep handing over your money and we'll tell you whatever you want to hear'
Lol, the absolute state of modern leftism.
>2000 a week to act like a fucking retard in front of the entire world
This thread belongs on /pol/
Could you imagine a philosophical debate between these 6 characters:
>Sam Harris
>Richard Dawkins
>Alain De Bouton
>Sargon of Akkad
>Neill Grasse De Tyson
>Bill Nye
would this be the most powerful assembly of minds in the modern age?
what's wrong with the maths?
Where’s Pickle Rick?
An ancient Akkadian king who conquered the Sumerians...
A fat britbong who sits on his ass all day making Trump circlejerk videos
I'm tired of hearing about this dumb bong. But just like any other commentary/ranting channel his days are numbered, especially now when he's fighting with his own kin and not engaging low hanging fruit anymore, his audience will naturally abandon him just for appearing weak in their twisted view on reality and masculinity, it's a fitting end for such an egoistic prick.
In a few years time we can finally have our good old Mesopotamia discussion without a fucking blogger filling the space.
Times are good, and enjoy the shitshow while it lasts, he deserves every fucking bid of it.
abunch of over payed pseudo jewish and atheist idiots who detract from society?
You said pounds you retard.
Akkad isn't even in the same tier. These people have dedicated their life to their craft, written books and had lectures on what they believe in, putting themselves out there.
Carl only reads the tabloids he finds on the 8ch/newsplus feed and reacts accordingly.
ok Veeky Forums which of these would be the first one to speak a coherent sentence?
Now search Astolfo or Gilgamesh
lol what are you talking about? nye and tyson are just tv comedic personalities that appeal to ignorant normies and dawkins and harris are just insufferable jews/atheists leftists who are vastly overpaid
You posted the wrong pic, that makes him look good
>hurr capitalism made it so that the only means of empowerment is via amassment of wealth
>durr what do you mean you filthy leftist scum try to rise through this unescapable system to spread your message instead of staying small so we can squash you like a bug?
t. have not even listened to a single one of their podcast and also not anti-capitalist.
Those guys all have STEM degrees. Tyson and Nye actually put out some educational content and Dawkins was somewhat relevant as a biologist.
Oh my fuck........
Quints prove it, communism is good
Bill Nye has a bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell and worked for 10 years at Boeing.
He at least know a good portion of what he's talking about.
counterpoint - I have an aerospace engineering and am borderline retarded if you bring up anything about science that's not plane related.
I fucking hate this trend of 'youtube intellectuals.' These fucking community college faggots like this guy and Molyneux who make these autistic videos several hours long and beg for shekels and label themselves "philosophers." Thinking they're freethinkers for listening to Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson (at least Peterson is a university man).
Chapo fucking sucks and it's for democrats who tuned "communist" untill november 2018 when they have a majority again
It's a common problem wih people in science
why do whites love LARPING as people they hate's ancestors ?(ancient egyptians especially)
t. person in that pic
Nice quints though
I haven't been following this faggot since the 2016 election. What has Sargon been up to lately that has pissed the non low hanging fruit?
Im not that familiar with him but if /pol/ and /leftypol/ hate him he must be doing something right
Bill Nye and Black Science Guy would have a nice and comfy discussion about popular science. I'm not opposed to that as my field of expertise isn't in science.
Sam Harris and Dawkins would jerk each other off about their bad (and in Harris' case racist) arguments for atheism. I'm an atheist myself and I realise they both make pretty shitty arguments.
Sargon of Akkad is a neofascist so why would I want to be in the same room as him.
No idea who Alain De Bounton is.
r/T_D loves him
I'm not interested in listening to what these larpers have to say, can someone give the gist of what is going on with Richard, Styx, Sargon, etc.?