>Write poetry Mohammed doesn't like
>Stabs her to death and cuts out her unborn child.
Did Mohammed do anything wrong here? I mean, she did write shit poetry apparently.
>Write poetry Mohammed doesn't like
>Stabs her to death and cuts out her unborn child.
Did Mohammed do anything wrong here? I mean, she did write shit poetry apparently.
Other urls found in this thread:
>criticizes him for murdering a guy who criticized muhammed
>get's killed for critcizing him
if you cant do it legaly now days, then it probably was wrong
The more i discover about Mohammed, the more im surprised that there are 1.8 billion people who unironically worship the dude as paragon of virtue...
Him killing jews is probably the best thing about him.
>Taking a biography entitled «It’s all about Muhammad» as a valid historical work
Go back to /pol/.
mohammed was a good politician. he wrapped kittens in his jacket so he can claim how goodhearted he is, while at the same time killing absoluetely everyone who dares to oppose him.
>its another its only bad when non-europeans do it thread
This, crackers will have it coming. On every street corner they will see a white bitch being pumped and bred by superior black gods outclassing them in physical prowess and virility. The end of the wh*teboi is coming and them bitching about how run things is the death rattle of a wh*teboi cowering in the corner of the room while the black man takes what he's owed and sits upon his throne once more.
Yeah, it's really incredible that this 7th century people didn't respect the freedom of the press.
>Implying J*sus was any better.
That's not really a fair comparison because Jesus never was in a position where he held actual political and military powers. Nobody knows what he would have done had he actually faced opposition and people threatening his power. Mohammed preached a lot about forgivness, love, freeing your slaves (which by the Jesus never did) and so on, but he actually was just as merciless and power greedy as a leader as all the others before and after him. So yeah, who knows what kind of ruler Jesus would have been.
Where did i imply that?
>Write poetry Mohammed doesn't like
Thats understating it, her poem was calling for people to assasinate muhammad and if youve read any of the non religious bioghrapies you wouldve known that muhammad was a machiavellian kind of guy
>her family viewed Muhammad and his followers as unwelcome interlopers in Medina. After the Muslim victory over the Quraysh in Mecca in 624 in the Battle of Badr a number of Muhammad's opponents were killed. She composed poems that publicly criticized the local tribesmen who converted to Islam and allied with Muhammad, and called for his death.[1] In her poems, she also ridiculed Medinians for obeying a chief not of their kin.[2] Ibn Ishaq mentions that bint Marwan also displayed disgust after the Medinian Abu Afak was killed for inciting rebellion against Muhammad. The poem said: "do you expect good from (Muhammad) after the killing of your chiefs" and asked: "Is there no man of pride who would attack him by surprise/ And cut off the hopes of those who expect aught from him?" Upon hearing the poem, Muhammad then called for her death in turn, saying "Who will rid me of Marwan's daughter?" Umayr bin Adiy al-Khatmi, a blind man belonging to the same tribe as Asma’s husband (i.e., Banu Khatma) responded that he would
Mohammed will forever rot in hell for dividing the caucasian race.
One day even you will become aware of biological ramifications.
Are you implying anyone in this thread is defending Europeans that stabbed a woman to death and cut out her unborn child because she wrote bad poetry?
Could you point me to the post making such a claim? Or are you just talking out of your ass?
Dante confirmed it
He was infinitely better
>>Implying J*sus was any better.
>"Who will rid me of Marwan's daughter?"
Don't think Jesus ordered anyone's assassination after they wrote shitty poetry about him.
Pretty sure Buddha let the whole shitty poem thing slide.
Moses would have flipped the fuck out though.
>it's another white American teenager post
What went wrong with Americans Veeky Forums?
>Shitty poetry
Literally an assassination order, i dont think you understand how pre islamic arab aociety appreciates poetry
>point out shitty thing Muhammad did
>People start talking about how Christians did fucked up stuff too
Jesus christ, why is this always the defense? Yes, we know. Pretty much every group of people did some shitty things, but that's not an excuse.
People will bring this shit up when literally nothing good was said about christianity. So why? You're not denying that Muhammad did bad things, so what's the point of bringing up something off-topic? Can you just not find any sort of argument for the things Muhammad did, so you have to try to smear someone else to change the topic?
I’m sure you will too when you realize you’re 50 and can’t have muh aryan children
you think a proper muslim would speak ill of another prophet of god as an arguments? He is just another eternal butthurt anglo, he probably is the op too. Not that you care either way. just call him a pedophile warlord and go about your day
>some nobody of a woman in Arab society had the authority to order assassinations
Yeah, no.
"shitty thing", muh. that jewish woman knew what she was doing. in that time and age you can't just say something like this and expect no consequences. she hoped somebody would kill mohammed, and if nobody did, she was aware that she is going to be killed mohammed herself.
Why should he have taught freeing slaves? He taught that slaves should be well treated. That's more than enough, really, considering we aren't talking about chattel slavery here. Besides, it is implied that slaves should be freed in Philemon.
They are allowed here.
And should not.
Went to a school where we had to study scripture so we spent a bit of time on studying Abrahamic religions (especially since they're a fucking mosque across the road from the school).
Seriously, Mohammed is extremely brutal, extremely petty, extremely authoritarian, was anti-social (though the texts say he was "shy"), hated small talk, was really butthurt at the idea of anybody banging his wives after he kicked the bucket and on and on.
She was the only poet or artist he had killed, fucktonnes of them were wiped off the earth.
>Mohammed preached a lot about forgivness, love, freeing your slaves
Which were largely abrogated by later verses and Mohammed constantly enslaved "pagans" and Jews.
>eternal butthurt anglo
What do anglos have to do with this retard
she wasn't*
You probably never read a biography about Mohammed. Before he became a prophet, he made himself a reputation of a trustworthy and honest merchant, was well-known and respected, and managed to wife one of the most powerful and rich women of his time. After he started preaching, he quickly gathered several dozens followers and became a threat to the ruling class of Mecca, since he and his followers critiziced the worship of idols. To achieve all this he most definetely had to be a very charismatic personality.
>Which were largely abrogated by later verses and Mohammed constantly enslaved "pagans" and Jews.
Which is exactly what I was saying, retard.
basic deflection, whataboutism
Bad poetry can kill
The one good thing about Christianity is that Jesus was a nice guy.
Throughout the new testament, Jesus never harms anyone (maybe except the moneylenders in the temple), miracles free food to feed the hungry, heals the sick, and preaches non-retaliation and separate coexistence of religious and political authority.
They're not getting many converts. It's just plain exponential baby making
>the religion with the potential to produce the most violent outspoken followers is also the religion of the poorest places on earth, leading to it's exponential growth
Life really is the greatest comedy.
>impying there is anything wrong with that
Why are chr*stians so obsessed with their stupid slave morality?
>everyone who hates Islam must be a Christian
you know there are other religions that still exist like Hinduism and Buddhism despite the best efforts of Muslims to wipe them out, right?
What about the time when he threw a tantrum towards jewish merchants in front of the temple and when he said to bring war or when he said he wanted to divide the house and family etc etc.
Sounds like he would be a crypto-commie leader if he were given power, desu.
Oh wow he whipped up and tossed tables of some greedy fucks taking advantage of a religious ritual literally on the temple steps.
>I bring sword and divide family
Both were just stating facts of what Christianity would bring. Tell me genius what happens if a Rabbi's son decided to start following Jesus? He gets disowned and the family breaks apart.
Jesus just made prophecy on what the Truth would cause based off human nature. Hell he wasn't wrong, St. Paul originally was a Rabbi who lead mobs to stone Christians to death. He had a hand in creating the first Christian martyr outside Jesus.
Muhammad had a literal anime harem.
>First wife: Older widow MILF
>Favorite Wife: A loli of his best bro Abu Bakr
>his wives get into competition with each other to get Muhammad's attention (One Hadith states Muhammd started spending more time with one wife who was offering him honey, Aisha his loli wife tricks Muhammad by saying the honey made his breath stink; making him spend less time with that wife.)
I also like the part where he allowed the rape of female captives lol:
>Qur’an 23:1-6—The Believers must (eventually) win through—those who humble themselves in their prayers; who avoid vain talk; who are active in deeds of charity; who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess—for (in their case) they are free from blame.
>Qur’an 70:22-30—Not so those devoted to Prayer—those who remain steadfast to their prayer; and those in whose wealth is a recognized right for the (needy) who asks and him who is prevented (for some reason from asking); and those who hold to the truth of the Day Of Judgement; and those who fear the displeasure of their Lord—for their Lord’s displeasure is the opposite of Peace and Tranquility—and those who guard their chastity, except with their wives and the (captives) whom their right hands possess—for (then) they are not to be blamed.
And people worship this vile pervert who was also a polygamist and a violent warlord.
>Mohammed is extremely brutal, extremely petty, extremely authoritarian, was anti-social (though the texts say he was "shy"), hated small talk, was really butthurt at the idea of anybody banging his wives after he kicked the bucket and on and on.
sounds like /ourguy/
Killing women is bad?
If his teachings/examples could lead to the possibility of someone using them to do evil totalitarian stuff from a principal or doctrinal standpoint, like the witch-hunts or executing heresies then no matter how little it is, there's certainly something wrong with it. For one he taught a form of religious exclusivism and non-compromise which is proto-totalitarian in nature. That was my point, idiot.
From your own ass, that is. And the apostles' bum too.
Are you sure she's just a nobody? Also, Mo might have possibly been in his paranoid state at the time, and was unable to think clearly.
your first, and only good point here applies to literally every "god"
What is legal =/= What is moral
>his father was rich as fuck, his mother was a noble woman
Muhammad was orphaned as a child and travelled with his merchant uncle, tho.
Sorry but Muhammad (peace be upon him) never killed anyone.
Her ''poetry'' was a an assassination attempt and your source is not trustworthy. This is Veeky Forums, not /pol/ where you can spout outright bullshit for your agenda.
lol. You don't even pretend anymore.
The amount of butthurt replies you got proves this thread is nothing more than Christcucks trying to attempt bullshit slander. You will get conquered by a stronger culture no matter how much lies you spout. Never forget that.
>And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.
>Leviticus 11:7-8
>But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered, disgraces his head. But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is the same as if she were shaven. For if a woman is not covered, let her be shaven. But if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head. A man indeed ought not to cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God. But woman is the glory of man. For man was not created for woman, but woman for man. This is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority over her head, because of the angels.
>Corinthians, chapter 11.
>If a man commits adultery with another mans wife, with the wife of his neighbour, both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.
> Leviticus 20:10:
I too can cherrypick shit to advance my agenda.
True, but he murdered tens of thousands.
Nobody ever died by his hand.
Heh Christianity sounds exactly like Islam when you recite those verses desu.
>Her ''poetry'' was a an assassination attempt
>in the thread about him stabbing a woman
I have read 3 autobiographies about him and never was it written that he stabbed anyone.
Even in this Hadith (which is a questionable source) it says that someone else did it.
oh yeah? tell me more about "He did literally nothing wrong", "completely unbiased history" and the classic "literally flawless". i hear they are great books
That's because it is. The only important difference between modern Muslims and modern Christians is that Muslims actually practice their religion. Jesus himself said the OT is the word of God and should not be changed one bit. ''Christians'' today are just de facto apostates who abandoned Christianity during the ''Enlightenment'' and French Revolution. The true religion of the West and modern day Christians is Liberalism.
That map is wrong, unrestricted AoC in Argentina is 16 years old, there is a provision for 13 year olds having sex but it has so much restrictions it doesn't happen in practice.
How can one post be so correct.
If modern Christians actually practiced Christianity and not whatever the gay-loving pope practices then we would be better off.
Also, Neoplatonic Islam ftw! There is one God, and he symbolizes all that is righteous and intelligent.
theres a difference between "not changing" and not following its specific words. its called preserving, and jesus would of known this, that people like to retroactively add/remove shit
Even modern Arab men spend their free time writing poetry on online blogs and forums.
Europeans are here shitposting.
We're all doing what our ancestors did lmao
Theoretically, Christians and Muslims shouldn't be so different.
It's why Christians are stated to be Muslims closest friends in the Book, much closer than the Jews.
But unfortunately, the Christians suck ass these days and the Muslims went the other way, they are way too authoritative.
This. Jeremy McLellan basically says the same thing, that Christians hate Muslims because Muslims haven't cucked out to liberalism
Yeah i agree. Christians should really stop trying to pander Liberals and Secularists. Muslims don't do that shit, because they know the moment they do it will only be a matter of time before Mecca and Medina is filled with homos, sluts and non-Muslims. All Liberals and Secularists want from Christianity is for it to stay in it's current castrated form so they don't have to deal with another Abrahamic religion that will refuse to be subverted by modern Liberal values.
>also considered fabricated by most Islamic scholars
Islam just needs to get rid of hadiths altogether