Can Veeky Forums recommend some unfiltered historically accurate history lessons in the form of podcasts?
So many of the history podcasts I find are produced by company's like (((Slate))) and (((The Guardian))) who insist on filtering history through the lens of their modern day neo-Marxist agenda.
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History is ok but there are only a few episodes on a limited number of topics.
History Podcasts
Other urls found in this thread:
>"Hello, and welcome to The History of Rome"
I fucking love that statue
>What is a monument?
This is a good podcast but I'd take a lot of what he says with a grain of salt
I have yet to see any citation for his claim that the Soviets froze German POWs and used their corpses to make a road
It was probably in one of his cited books Ivan’s War. The author was staunchly anti-Soviet so I imagine that’s where he found that anecdote.
His Revolutions Podcast is also quite good. I like that he makes his sources available as well
Jamie Jeffers British History Podcast is a near autistically detailed (At least later on) look into British History, he's just passed Alfred the great and he's 240~ episodes in.
The History of England is a lot more conversational and pleasant, and has actually gotten up to the 1300s.
The Ancient World was great, a good look into civilizations rarely covered in podcasts, until he got to 500 BC and decided to split off into a long story, following the descendants of Cleopatra down to Zenobia. It's nowhere near as good now, and it's turned into a crappy version of The History of Rome. Listen to the early episodes, and the archaeology ones.
The History of Egypt is absolute quality. Produced by a qualified professional with a good microphone, a lovely voice and a really nice style it's a genuine treat. Goes from prehistory to the 17th Dynasty so far, good look at specific sources and documents. Really quality stuff.
The History of Ancient Greece is good. The guy knows what he's doing, even if his voice isn't the nicest, and he gives a much closer look at Greek civilization than most.
History of Witchcraft is good for a laugh, History of Byzantium is read by a guy with a nice voice and is generally very good, though not Mike Duncan standards. History of Philosophy without any gaps is an exhaustive (For a podcast) look at philosophy.
History of China is massive, and worth a look, Russian Rulers History Podcast is far from the best but it's certainly not terrible.
I've listened to GotOF several times and I don't remember that part.
No he’s right it’s there, first half of the second episode.
I just listened to it. Again, I imagine it was from Ivan’s War.
Thank you. I'll make sure to take note on my next relisten.
Modern garbage.
>"Hallo, and welcome to the history of Byzantium"
Ancient Warfare Magazine Podcast
Fall of Rome/Tides of History by Patrick Whyman
American History Tellers
Last Podcast on the Left (mostly true crime history)
History of Rome
Link please
do any of you lads know where I can get the episodes of hardcore history that aren't up for free? thanks :)
yeah but you have to pay like £6 per episode fuck that
China History Podcast is my favorite, Lazslo is comfy
Are you suggesting that you want to STEAL these episodes? That would be ILLEGAL, user
Not strictly history but In Our Time is good
Read a book you manchild.
Who /audiobook/ here?
Well done for ignoring the bait and having a good podcast thread.
Yeah holy fucking shit this sounds like the jackpot
ones that I haven't seen mentioned:
my history can beat up your politics
the history hour (BBC) (it's ok)
when diplomacy fails (annoying format decisions but the actual meat of the content is good)
something true (REALLY entertaining historical dramatizations)
the history of the twentieth century (personal underrated favorite, VERY well researched with pieces of info not even available online)
history unplugged
the assassination (BBC)