Least interesting/memorable AD century?
Gotta be the 10th century. Feels like almost nothing memorable or of note happened during it.
Least interesting/memorable AD century?
Gotta be the 10th century. Feels like almost nothing memorable or of note happened during it.
>rapes your sister and takes it away from home on horseback
yea nothing interesting user
western europe from fall of WRE to around 11 century
it had some brief cool moments like battle of tours but thats it, the period isn't that well documented to be interesting
Charlemagne was one last grasp for the epic nature of the Romans, but sadly even he isn't that well documented, and it's all back downhill from there.
10th century is one of the most interesting periods of the Roman Empire
If you consider the formation of the HRE and the driving back of the Magyars at Lechfeld to be "nothing memorable or of note" (along with many other events). Anglo-bias strikes again.
>Song dynasty established
>Otto the great
>Fatimid caliphate
>First use of gunpowder in battle
>England unified
>Basil II
Seems pretty interesting to me.
Aside from Charlemagne and the vikings the 9th century was easily the least interesting.
>Avar/Magyar invasions
>Ottonian dynasty in HRE
>Eastern/Northern European states being formed
>Alfred the Great in England
Another case of murridumbism here
Alfred the Great died in 899, the end of the 9th century.
t. uncultured anglo
why are you stupid, actually im gona communicate like this from now on with these dogs
>i dont know it?
>must be unimportant non existent
>everything there is worth to know involves me or my ppl
>Assuming OP is an anglo
You have an incredibly low IQ. I suggest you to terminate your life as soon as possible so your future fuck-ups don't hinder mankind's progress any further.
t. OP
Both the Rus and Poland adopted Christianity during the 10th century. Also the Magyar invasions occurred during this period, followed by their defeat by Otto the great.
The 21st century
>Simeon, Basil II/Samuel, Bogomilism, Magyars
>Least interesting
And that's just in one part of Europe
The 7th Century
>>Alfred the Great in England
Why is he great?
Alexander can be great, Napoleon too.
But why Alfred?
Fucking British historians.
2nd BC, 3rd AD, 14th AD, & 18th AD are super boring
4th BC, 6th AD, 16th AD, & 20th AD are the best
>2nd BC, 3rd AD
I agree with these
>14th AD
Don't find the Black Death, Hundred Years War and rise of the Ottomans interesting?
>18th AD
Come on man, this is probably the most interesting century ever (except maybe the 19th): Louis XIV and the War of the Spanish Succession, Peter the Great, Charles XII and the Great Northern War, the rise of Russia, Frederick the Great and the Seven Years' War, the American Revolution, the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon.
Battle of maldon?