So what's the deal with our friendly next-door neighbours, anyway? I'll admit my knowledge of the country's history only goes as far as the Arrogant Worms song, but is there anything of worth/interest in the history of the nation?
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There is nothing of interest in Canada.
>but is there anything of worth/interest in the history of the nation?
Not really, no.
Pretty much nothing. A couple Metis rebelions, a weird marxist-leninist quebecois group taking some folks hostage, that's all I can think of.
Prime Minister Lester B Pearson essentially came up with the idea of peace keeping during the Suez Canal Crisis while the British and French were about to cause a huge shit show.
I'm a leafy studying poli sci in uni. What kind of things are you trying to learn? Our public education system is based on desperately trying to find reasons for Canada's relevance. Unfortunately it ultimately fails.
They do have a shitty coffee chain.
Better than nothing?
Tim Hortons is far from shit. Quality stuff, but they were just getting roasted by the Ontario Gov't for cutting benefits after a minimum wage hike.
Quebec aside, they're literally a carbon copy of American culture just with more hockey. Dead serious, there is no difference between a place like Edmonton or Calgary and a place like Minneapolis, Columbus or Kansas City.
Their cultural identity is based on "we're not a part of America but we're not really British either", literally no defining traits.
>quality stuff
>no custard in the eclairs
>coffee tastes like hot water
Took Vimy Ridge, I guess. Canadians were well-respected in the World Wars but after that we were practically annexed by America during the Cold War and completely abolished any sense of culture we may have had.
t. Canadian
Leaf here, no, there is very little that is particularly interesting about Canada. If you are interested in modern diplomacy, as said, Canada has contributed well above its weight. We also pushed above our weight during WWI too, and Canadians love to take pride in this.
Our politics are less left vs right and more conservatives wanting to be more American while liberals want to be more European.
And don't listen to , Tim Hortons is far superior to any shit you'll find in America.
Current Liberal administration is much shadier than the Previous Conservatives. Cash for access and their opaqueness in Parliament.
Tim Horton is garbage.
t. neither American nor Canadian but been to both countries
I see it as just a continuation of the same thing. I absolutely despise Trudeau for a variety of reasons but Harper was rather shady as well, and I say this as someone who voted for him 4 times.
I disagree about the lack of left vs right in Canada. I think, especially since the 2016 election, we’ve had our politics “Americanized” and now people here have adopted the same irrational dichotomy even though we have at least three large parties.
Is Pajit gonna' get any votes or are there too many old people/classical racists and we'll end up with a minority Liberal gov't?
In Ontario we’ll definitely see a rise in NDP support. After the College fiasco and how both the Liberal party handled it and how the Conservative party was partial to it, the NDP seems to be the only major player who didn’t upset the voters. I doubt it’ll be national-wide though, but an increase in NDP support could be likely I think.
Tim horton's is unironically a forced meme. Can we stop pretending its a national symbol when it is unironically owned by an American fast food chain.
>Can we stop pretending its a national symbol when it is unironically owned by an American fast food chain.
Is there anything more Canadian than that?
You referring to the free speech BS? There was a Conservative MPP present at some of the rallies.
it's boring as fuck but canada is unironically better than america.
Outside of hockey and natural resources, Canada stopped being interesting/relevant around midway through the 20th century.
Up until the 2010s it was a really cool, quiet place to live a first world lifestyle with a unique style, but the current political landscape has more or less ruined that. It's basically America Lite now.
I would say everything went wrong when we became less influenced by the UK, and more by the US.
t. a fucking leaf
No sorry I mean the College faculty strikes that happened late last year
The country isnt outstanding, but it produces some really cool people like Francis Pegahmagabow, Terry Fox, every english speaking person who has ever skated, and a lot of incredible actors.
>a lot of incredible actors.
yeah but they all went to America in order to actually have a career.
pls stop
my heart can only take so much abuse
Oh, right, dégueulasse. That would definitely be a place the NDP would gain votes. I'm assuming you're from Southern ON, I just moved here from BC, are the provincial parties similar to their federal counterparts?
My great-aunt lives in Mississauga. She comes around like once every year and I've always wanted to visit her. Would be my first time across the pond. I don't think that's gonna happen though, because she's 80 and her husband is 96 and they got some health problems.
It has postcard-tier natural parks and outdoors. It's honestly a fucking gorgeous country. Canadian politeness isn't a meme either. Aside from Quebec and Toronto, everyone is pretty agreeable. I've travelled to both Canada and America and I've received far, far better treatment in Canada. Most people on the street are agreeable and friendly, and strangers have actually struck up polite conversation with me in queues.
In drive-throughs in Canada, sometimes people will pay for a coffee for the next person in line, or leave their change for the next person to put towards their bill. It's a shockingly nice surprise.
Much like Canadian hockey players.
>Canadian national sport most Americans don't give a solitary fuck about
>most Canadian superstars still play for American teams
When the LA Kings won the Cup a few years, local news in Los Angeles thought they're a basketball team.
Brampton, ON, that everyone calls BRAPton and it kills me every fucking time
>the 2010's
so what exactly happened 8 years ago ?
not /pol/ but SJW/modern leftists/dude weed/gender politics finally became popular. Canadian politics have become Americanized which enabled the NDP to rise and Trudeau to become elected. Prior to this Canadian politics were almost strictly economic or focused on real issues like the native problem. As another user said, they were very much Euro vs. American influence, rather than Left vs. Right. A lot of the older canadian towns and cities are far more european style than american.
Even our conservative party is considered centrist when compared to the American spectrum, which is why the left/right arguments never really took root until gender politics and mass immigration became an issue.
Stephen Harper was the Prime Minister for nearly 10 years. I wouldn't peg the change on exactly 2010, but lately canadian politics, both federal and provinicial have taken a hard left turn on a nationwide scale. Harper losing was just a representation of this on a national level.
I'm Canadian, and I barely know anything about Canada. It's boring to study, but nice to live in.
Canada is 150 years old. For a developed first world country, that's pretty fuckin young
I knew something about didnt seem legit.
You take that back. Second Cup is good.
Tims is shit though.
Basically this. Canada is pretty much America-Lite, but with a Westministerial style parliament.
T. Leaf (coincidently from Edmonton)
>Poli sci
Truly, you are a scourge upon our planet.
>second cup
I’d rather have gas station coffee
The exact moment canada went to shit was when pierre trudeau was elected. His wifes son is now finishing the job.
Until recently they were a part of Britain. That is sort of a fun fact.
Pierre killed Canada's culture
Justin killed Canada's economy
I cant wait for Justin's wife's son to instate cis male gulags
Most provincial flags have the Union Jack on them still. That's pretty cool
Also an edmontonian, while you're not wrong that Canada is mostly America-lite it's not nearly as much so elsewhere as it is here in Alberta. Easterners, for their part, are uniquely "canadian". We ain't.
I did uni exchange to Waterloo and I did a Canadian history course there. It was meant to be confederation to modern day (1867 on?) But we only got to the 1950s
>Quebec plus a bunch of colonies
>Probably should join up for economic reasons
>Atlantic provinces only join after a rail line is promised to be built
>Bunch of Metis, half euro half indians, arc up for some reason and rebel. Rebellion put down. Metis move west to Manitoba area and do it all again 20 years later
>Nothing happens
>West is settled
>Nothing happens
>WW1 comes about. Peeps don't want to be conscripted, especially the French. Canadians fight well, probably because they're big strong farmers rather than factory worker Manlets
>Nothing happens
>WW2 comes about
Thats all I got up to
>Pierre killed Canada's culture
true in that he was the figure head for multiculturalism and stamping out Quebec seperatism
>Justin killed Canada's economy
/pol/ meme and u can't really judge someones rule until years later
It's because the maritimes are still heavily old canadian origens while everything else has been hit by migration of slavs, asians, poos etc
They had Canadian Fuhrer
He sure as fuck killed canadas power infrastructure by shutting down half the coal power plants. Ontario has the highest power bills in the continent.
Thats because no one in their right mind would go over there.
Damn dude you're right. My interest abd field of study truly has a profound impact on your life. xD
Did the geese fuck you up?
Id say its more likely to impact my life than any of field of study that you could have taken.
All insults and jokes aside;
Would you rather have friendly maple syrup drinking, igloo living, leaf, moose riding, hockey playing Canadians who will stand side by side with the U.S. against enemies of America as your neighbors..... or would you prefer your neighbors be Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan????
I have no intention of going into politics.
Then why take it?
Adrien Arcand
He’s a Montreal journalist who led fascist movements in Canada until his death in 1967
the avro arrow was a shit plane, thats why it was killed
Pursuing higher education for the sake of passion and discovery, or pursing a higher education because someone might hand you a job out of it.
>slower than an F-106
NDP will probably go up in Ontario and BC, but go down in Quebec unless Singh gets a "Tout le Monde en Parle" moment similar to Jack Layton's.
If nothing big changes, Liberals are pretty much guaranteed to keep their majority.
So a job.
>tfw in pretty much that exact course at this very moment and bored because the prof and lesson plan are uninspiring as hell
And I love history...
Por que no los dos?
Actually, when you realize most of the nations of Europe are actually younger than Canada, we're not that young compared to other first world countries.
Canada wasn't really independent until 1982. I'm literally older than Canada.
Vive le Quebec libre!!
African-American here. I have a software engineering degree and weeb sensibilities. If I moved to Canada would you lads accept me?
how accurate is this
The British Canadians tried to fuck over the French Canadians. Now they're stuck with each other. I'll be surprised if Canada doesn't balkanize within one hundred years.
>i don't know jack about Canadian history: the post
No. We have more than enough niggers, thank you.
>i don't know jack about Canadian history: the post
Ignore , you'll be fine but with your degree, I'd stick to the big or tech cities like Toronto or Waterloo.
If you go by the 1867 date, we're technically older than the German Empire.
Though nowadays I think it's best to determine Canada as a nation independent from England only as early as 1982.
Daily reminder that an Anglican colony bordering a Protestant superpower is somehow Roman Catholic.
Too many frogs and potatoes
I'll take one black weeb over another 100 rich kiddies moving their parents wealth from the PRC.
Avoid Toronto though, supremely depressing shithole like everything else east of Alberta, but also extremely expensive.
>namecuck calling anything cringe
I'm not a leaf but I've always enjoyed Rush.
No Canada has always been kind of an uneventful country. On the other hand, it's been a very stable country as a result.
This. If it weren't for the accent, you'd never be able to tell the difference between an American and a Canadian.
>I've travelled to both Canada and America and I've received far, far better treatment in Canada. Most people on the street are agreeable and friendly, and strangers have actually struck up polite conversation with me in queues.
As a bonglander, while I admit that Canadians are very nice, I think people understate how nice most Americans are in person. All the times I've went there, I've found they're much nicer than their persona abroad lets on.
Wasn't it red when they did that?
Why does everyone I know from Montreal hate people from Toronto so much?
They've been told their whole lives that the Maple Leafs are literally Satan.
As a Canadian I've always found Americans to be more outgoing and extroverted compared to us, which can be both nice and sort of annoying too.
>Canadian politeness isn't a meme either
It is a meme. Many canadians are low key snakes and it's harder to make friends here.
>Most people on the street are agreeable and friendly, and strangers have actually struck up polite conversation with me in queues.
In drive-throughs in Canada, sometimes people will pay for a coffee for the next person in line, or leave their change for the next person to put towards their bill.
Where the hell does this happen? I'm in Markham and never seen any of that shit in my life
Forgot to reply to this
>It is a meme. Many canadians are low key snakes and it's harder to make friends here.
It's more of misunderstanding than a meme. Canadians are polite to a fault, but extremely passive aggressive. They're not mutually exclusive.
Except in Quebec, in Quebec people are simply the rudest. No manners whatsoever.
La creadura...
Fuck off
If you don't smell then come o n over