Conspiracy theories aside, why have jews historically been so overrepresented in left wing movments?
Conspiracy theories aside, why have jews historically been so overrepresented in left wing movments?
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Read Otto Weininger, who was a Jew himself.
Jews have historically been overrepresented in almost all political movements
Meni reasons...
I think part of it is that they always see themselves as "outsiders".
Unironically this.
A meeting of the NSDAP leadership was the closest you could get to a synagogue congregation in 1945
This. Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives, Liberals, Communists, Libertarians, all political parties and movements are chock full of Jews. The only movement that historically wasn't jewified was probably reactionary Catholic/Orthodox monarchism.
You're probably memeing but Emil Maurice, a co-author of the Mein Kampf and SS member #2 was a Jew, and declared "honorary Aryan" by Hitler himself.
Jews are a people without a nation, and thus they're always viewed as second class citizens compared to the primary citizens of a country. For many, this manifests a desire to overthrow the boundaries of race, religion, and nationality and establish a state where none of this applies. Up until the reformation of Israel, there was no where for Jews to go where they could be the primary members of society, making up the majority of the population, the leaders in government, etc.
Even then, Israel still has its own culture and sect, so it's not really welcoming to all jews throughout the world, causing many to still feel excluded. This is essentially the same effect that minorities in first world nations are subjected to, particularly 2nd generation on further -- the child is born and raised in their new state, passively excluded from the majority in sometimes subtle and sometimes unsubtle ways, but at the same time cannot go to the old country because they do not understand the culture, customs, and language of their parents' previous home. They are men without a country, in a way, and just like the Jews, it results in them wanting to tear down borders, cultures, races, traditions, and religions just so they can belong somewhere.
If jews are poor and don't have power they're leftists, as soon as they gain wealth and power they become open border lolbertarians.
I’m being 100% serious
Take a look at the sheer number of Nazi leaders who have dark hair, dark eyes, and abnormally large noses.
Don't forget that without a fortuitous name change, their leader would be Adolf (((Shicklgruber)))
Also just take a look at how they pulled financial tricks with (((Mefo Bills))) to fool the Untetmensch into thinking there was some great economic miracle.
Schicklgruber is not a Jewish name, in fact it sounds Austrian as fuck.
There was a rumor that his real paternal grandfather was a Jewish rabbi named Frankenberger though, Hans Frank mentioned it during Nuremberg trials.
Value for money?
Nice try moshe
Schickel means trader or (((merchant))), that's the only Jew connection you could make. Gruber is the most common name in Austria/
Germs tend to be extremely overpresented in all organizations hostile toward their host nation, especialy in Masonic lodges in White countries
Silly user, Germans ARE Jews. Do you think it's a coincidence that European Jews are called "AshkeNAZI"?
over 53% of Jews declared their first language as German or Jiddish (German) in Czechoslovakia in 1930, in Poland this number reached over 83%.
Realy makes you think about (((Who))) Jews realy are
western/mostly secular Jewish cultural norms put a big emphasis on being intelligent and educated, similar to asians in the west. But instead of STEM, they flock to Humanities and through secular moralizing, come up with shit like marxism from their own miopic world view
This picture manipulates reality.
>Marxism in the 19th century
There were other, more important figures than Moses Hess.
>Ferdinand Lassalle (founder)
This is only partially true. Lassalle founded ADAV, August Bebel and WIlhelm Liebknecht (non-Jews) founded SDAP. Both organizations merged into SPD. Their program was criticized by Marx, and as you can see they joined the reactionaries to crush the communist uprising in 1919.
It was an escape route from Jewish identity.
Read 'The Culture of Critique' by Kevin MacDonald. It was a real eye for me on the subject.
You honestly can't convince me the Liebknecht family was not Jewish.
Acceptable. There are people who prefer to live inside their heads and ignore reality.
they werent. Either provide proof that they were or shutup
>why arent jews equally represented in movements that want to gas them
most of the NSDAP leadership looks like straight from the antisemitic caricatures
What a casually and heavily sage thread.
Read what exactly of him?
forget about the left vs right meme, jews have been over represented in antiwhite movements because they hate whites and want to kill them, this isn't some crazy conspiracy and up until (((they))) took over media and education it was commonly known, understanding this is like emerging from the cave and seeing the sun for the first time, those still trapped in the cave will be hard to persuade but it is the ultimate truth and everything will make sense after
Because those are exclusivelying Jewish traits right?
>posting Anne Frank in any thread on Veeky Forums
Playing with fire user
There is literally nothing wrong with the SPD
>Emil Maurice, a co-author of the Mein Kampf and SS member #2 was a Jew, and declared "honorary Aryan" by Hitler himself.
wrong and wrong
a) he didn't co-author mein kampf
b) not he but his great grandfather was a jew who converted to protestantism
Most of the NSDAP were Jews, right down to Adolf Shicklgruber
>religion = race
the jewish gene gets passed down from the mother but most people would call someone who has just a jewish dad would be a jew but if only your great grandfather was a jew who converted to Christianity no jew or goy would consider you jewish
Is this what the aryan race looks like?
Where did Himmler lose his chin anyway? He didn't serve in the war
>the jewish gene gets passed down from the mother
>heebs in charge of human biology
Kikes believe you are only a jew if your mother was a jew. Obliviously this isn't how genetics work but it's what kikes believe.
t. jew
>Jews on all the world’s businesses! They control the world!
>Jews invented communism and leftism! They want to change the world!
Pick one.
We have a history of being simultaneously marginalized/oppressed and intellectual.
t. Jew
Yiddish isn't exactly German. It's 80% the same (Germans can understand a lot of it), but it has a bunch of Hebrew and Slavic loanwords.
Right-wing movements tend to be suspicious of outsders, and because the Jews generally don’t integrate with larger populations and maintain their own looks and traditions, make for easy targets for conservatives. Thus, they are oushed to the left.
>what is materialism
Notice how utopian socialists tended to be frogs. Notice how both the purer Marxist strands (in the violent revolutions of the 20th century) and the reformist ones (in the social democratic movements of the later 20th century) have suspiciously managed to enrich their elite while more often than not selling out their indigenous worker.
Notice how open the left is today in their unholy marriage to big capital.
I don't believe in the Jewish conspiracy, by the way, because in each and every step there have been "goyim" at the top as well. Jewish culture promotes cleverness, thus it is no wonder that they be overrepresented among the clever.
The first point, if it was unclear, is that the early utopian socialists weren't particularly Jewish but rather very French, as opposed to their marxist counterparts.
Wow, it's like France was in revolutionary turnoil, while Jews were not yet emancipated.