>civilization is good
Civilization is good
Is the frog supposed to be your reaction or your evidence yo the contrary? Because it should be the latter.
>t. technocuck
Everone disagreeing has been stabbed or shot dead ever since it was invented.
>the industrial revolution was a good thing
You are free to live in the jungle if you don't like civilization, bro
Civilization is much worse than technology. Most of the problems posed by the technological progress are inherent in civilization.
More noble than being a civilicuck for sure.
>calls civilization bad
>still participates in it
live your ideals or shut up fag
I'm the first of my family to live in civilization too. Nothing to write home about.
Take your fucking (You)
I dunno, was p good when I played it
IV is GOAT, V was decent, but VI really is shit
>the West is civilized
Is anarcho-primativism the most reactionary ideology?
It absolutely is, which explains why it's so shitty.
>anyone who opposes civilization is an anarcho-primitivist
there are a lot of kinds of civilization
>Hindu civilization
>chinese civilization
>islamic civilization etc
the west has no civilization worth speaking of
what else could they be?
All of those are shit.
Start at what the word "anarchy" means and you'll eventually get to it.
>implying civilization and the state are the same thing
That's what you implied. You can be against civilization without being anarcho-anything.
>civilization is good
Civilization is a great idea in theory, but terrible in practice.
I wonder if we will have civilizations in the distant future as eventually humans will be able to reach post scarcity and then that begs the question whats the point of society if you no longer need trade?
>OP is not a faggot